You conveniently forgot to include the second half of that quote on Static Shock:
However the use of Static Shock is difficult outside of groups or raids with a class that can offer the Replenishment buff and/or Judgment of Wisdom.
So basically, it's back to what tbblizzard said. Static Shock is great
as long as the rest of your party can support it. If your guild consistently raids with the same group of people in the same set-up as such that you can gaurantee stacked mana regen buffs on yourself, then yeah, Static Shock. If not (and we're not even getting into five-mans or soloing here), it's three wasted points. Points spent in Elemental for additional DPS may not have as high of a yield as Static Shock, but they will
always present their benefit.
Based on the criteria above, I wouldn't consider Static Shock a good talent for baseline implementation into a cookiecutter Enhancement build. It's definitely a highly specialized talent that I think every Enhancement Shaman would have to make a personal judgement call on.