DarkHybridX wrote:
However, other people WILL misinterpret what you were trying to say.
I don't think that's really fair. If we're counting on people not to understand a word we say then I'd say it's just as likely that they'll misinterpret your posts and think they have to be in the best-of-the-best before they start Naxx, wouldn't you?
People shouldn't be looking for the bare minimum that they need to go into a raid.
You have the start somewhere. Again, what I'm saying is not that you shouldn't aim for the best possible gear, but that you can be completely Naxx ready by the time you're done with some quests and some regular 80 instances and you don't
need to spend several weeks grinding heroics before you set foot in Naxx.
But people will come here looking for magic numbers they need to strive fore, and TBH there just isn't one. That's all I was trying to say.
There were very specifically set benchmarks for raiding Kara back at 70 and there will be marks set for 80 as well. I just haven't seen anyone lay them out yet beyond the fact that tanks must have 540 defense rating. I think I had about 1200 SP, 225 MP5, and 15k mana completely unbuffed the first time I pugged Naxx, and I had no problems whatsoever even on fights that required heavy, chain-casted heals like Anub or Patches.
Raqiel wrote:
Shamans are also decent tank healers now arrent they?
They're better than they used to be, so they
can do it if necessary, but all things being equal a Shaman should still be on raid-healing duty. Holy Pallies and Disc Priests are the best tank healers by far, and Holy Priests and Resto Druids are about equal if not a little better since Priest/Druid regeneration is still just ridiculous so they can go heavier for longer.