scsacheron wrote:
This seems puzzling to me as well. I recently (3 weeks ago) switched my spec from Prot to fury and have been building my gear since. Ive only hit a handful of instances since Im really not high enough on dps but yesterday I went to heroic Nerob and we easily hitting 1600 dps through the whole instance. Now my gear is still in its infancy although I did upgrade to the Titanium helm and the Destroyer but otherwise its quest and 1 or two epics. I still sport 3 greens and the rest blue and socket everything with +str. To be honest, my rotation is whatever comes off CD. Ill usually intercept then WW, BT and use slam whenever its up because my warrior is so rage starved that I get impatient, but I dont seem to have issues keeping my dps up past 1500 so far. It can only get better with gear.
A little NUB example of my Fury inexperience.... I farmed mats for 1 titanium destoyer and had plenty of cash for another weapon, so what do you think I spent in on... wrong, I bought another Destroyer! NUUUBBBBB!!!!!! I didnt know! No laughing please.
Hehe, level a DK alt and send it to him ... he'll love you.
To address your statement of "whatever comes off CD", it's pretty accurate. You'll find, starting with and glyphing for WW, that whatever comes of CD is the next in your rotation - the cooldowns work nicely that way.
What's important to note though, is what happens if (for some reason) BT, WW and SLAM are all available at the same time. That's when you hear people say things like "There is not rotation, only a priority list". In this instance, you priority should be WW first, then do your BT, then only Slam. Now, it's very seldom that WW and BT will be off CD at the same time, so I'll make the explanation a touch easier.
If WW OR BT is available, but Bloodsurge has proc'd, making SLAM available as well, always WW/BT over Slam. The brains trust has done all the investigation and Maths, and determined that doing a slam over a BT/WW is a DPS loss. So WW, then Slam (it should still be available), and you're good.