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Hunter 3.08 talent buildsFollow

#1 Dec 24 2008 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
My hunter is now 78 and I've been heading towards a standard BM readyness build (50/21/0) but I've read in 3.08 that Readyness will no longer effect BW.

I guess this makes this build useless, if it doesn't effect BW then is there any point in taking it?
I guess it can be used to double the length of Rapid Fire but that seems like the damage wouldn't be as great.

What will be a better build after this change?

I'd guess a 52/12/7 or something similar.
#2 Dec 24 2008 at 3:47 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
This is probably what I'm going to be going with, until a single build surfaces as the one best build, and I've had a chance to try out a devilsaur.
#3 Dec 24 2008 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
At thsi time on the PTR it is seeming that BM is now below MM and close to SV. If this remains trus a solid MM build may become the raid build of choice.

Also, Scorpids and cats are remaining the top dps pets. It seems the "nerf" to them really only lowered their dps by a VERy small measure. |While the T-Rex and SPirit Beast are still below cat and scorpid.

Check out EJ, they have a forum dedicated to people who are testing on the PTR as we speak.

*edit* however this is looking rather promising for a dps build

Edited, Dec 24th 2008 11:32am by rinkkel
#4 Dec 25 2008 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
no imp steady? I'm under the impression that is still a pretty important talent.
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#5 Dec 27 2008 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
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With the massive buffs to Explosive Shot I might just go 7/12/52
Although I'm not sure whether I'll actually enjoy trapdancing...
#6 Dec 29 2008 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
881 posts
the world is going crazy, people are actually starting to talk about DPS specs as MM or SV????? The next thing you are going to tell me is that the Patriots aren't in the playoffs.....

It would have to be a huge nerf to BM or a huge buff to MM/SV wouldn't it? I just helped out a group with the Amphitheater of Anguish quests as a 74 BM (too low to do the quests though). A 78 MM was there who beat me on the DPS by about 150 (1250---1400). Give me another 4 levels of skills and gear and I'm sure I blow him out of the water.
#7 Jan 03 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Yes, there is a big nerf coming towards BM
And the Explosive Shot buff is gonna be pretty big too.

Currently on PTR, most players are going for SV spec
#8 Jan 04 2009 at 1:41 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
zebug wrote:
the world is going crazy, people are actually starting to talk about DPS specs as MM or SV????? The next thing you are going to tell me is that the Patriots aren't in the playoffs.....

It would have to be a huge nerf to BM or a huge buff to MM/SV wouldn't it? I just helped out a group with the Amphitheater of Anguish quests as a 74 BM (too low to do the quests though). A 78 MM was there who beat me on the DPS by about 150 (1250---1400). Give me another 4 levels of skills and gear and I'm sure I blow him out of the water.
Explosive shot more than doubles in damage.
Steady shot takes a big hit.

Tadadadum! Sv is the new dps king.
#9 Jan 04 2009 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Listen to His Excelency ;)
He knows stuff
#10 Jan 04 2009 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
oh I always do listen to him, guess it will be fun trying out a new spec for the first time since level 15. Is survival still all about stacking the agility (after hit of course)?
#11 Jan 04 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I´m not entirely sure
But I think Surv still needs a lot of Agi.
That would be cuz of the Lightning Reflexes (15% more agi), and EW (still a nice self-buff)

The Spec now needs high Crit though (if it needed before, idk). This would be for your Replinishment and EW procs.
#12 Jan 05 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Excellent
666 posts
Having been Survival well before the expansion and since the expansion, I can say I'm glad for the changes being made to that spec. I have my doubts as to all the changes of the BM specs, as well as the Steady Shot nerf, but that's another story.

As far as SV goes I rate the attributes in this order:
1) Hit (until capped)
2) Haste (until Steady Shot capped so to speak)
3) Agility
4) Attack Power

Stamina, Int, and Armor Pen mean very little to me, but given the choice I would probably pick Int > Stamina > Armor Pen. The reason I choose int over stamina is due to Careful Aim pinned up against Hunter VS Wild. While both attributes are excellent int would prove to give you more AP in the long run. Not to mention with current gear choices, neither Stamina nor Int are in short supply. Armor Pen comes dead last, because I wouldn't give up any other stat for it. I would gladly take a piece with Crit/AP over a piece with ArP/AP due to the horrible stacking of ArP and how little it does unless you have an excessive amount.

I'm working on a new guide for Survival Hunters but have yet to post anything due to the changes coming up. I've gone through at least 10 different SV specs raiding through Naxx, including a Trap-Dancing type spec, but the numbers themselves are inconsistent for particular boss fights. The test dummies to me aren't nearly as accurate due to changing variables of every boss fight (aside from patchwerk where he just stands there). I tend to look at Damage Overall rather then max DPS being delt at that opportune moment when the cosmos align themselves. Although my current spec is a little odd I will admit, I was mostly just testing out Immolation Traps for Trap-Dancing (and I needed to respec for a holiday achievement since SV was bugged once again for a holiday achievement).

However, back to the topic at hand, Agility still plays a vital role for SV. Although I do find it funny that our agility tends to add more armor then dodge % lately. Crit % is also very important, but you also have to remember out talents as SV as well.

The Spec now needs high Crit though (if it needed before, idk). This would be for your Replinishment and EW procs.

Regarding Explosive Shot:
1) Survival Instincts - 4% (Max) increased crit chance for Explosive Shot
3) T.N.T. - 9% (Max) increased crit chance for Explosive Shot

Between those two talents, you already have a 13% added crit chance for your Explosive Shots on top of what your current Crit % is. Even with the worst of gear, and a 20% chance to crit, your Explosive Shots will have a 33% chance to crit on targets per tick of the shot, and it only gets better as you acquire more gear. Personally speaking I wouldn't grab a piece of gear that has more crit over agility with roughly the same stats due to our high % to crit anyway. Even with 3/5 into Hunting Party you'll have no problems keeping that buff up at all times while fighting, same goes for Expose Weakness. However if you feel you are missing some crit, invest into Master Tactician for the meantime. Granted it's more of a band-aid to fix the problem, but it does help a bit.

The real question now will be if Trap-Dancing will work VS Sniper Training. For me, it's been hit or miss. There are some fights where Trap-Dancing is not only easier, it proves to do a bit more damage then Sniper Training. However there are also fights where getting up close and personal to a boss to lay a trap down, isn't exactly warranted or helpful. Although I have already noticed a Disengage/Explosive Shot macro is very helpful in PVP right after laying down a trap, as well as for PVE bosses to help you get back to ranged combat quicker. Kill Shot is also getting a bit of a buff, seeing as it will be on a 15 sec cooldown instead of a 35. This for me means 2 Kill Shots instead of 1, or possibly 3 instead of 2 (depends on the fight but most bosses we only have time for 1 kill shot). Having crit upwards of 15k+ with a Kill Shot, it's a significant amount of damage, and Sniper Training would almost gaurantee a crit with our high crit rating as SV.

I've also used Aimed Shot in some of my builds as well due to Sniper Training adding 6% more damage to that ability, proving it's worth over Multi-Shot for boss fights. 6% Damage Added to Explosive, Steady, and Aimed Shot is hard to pass up since they will be the top 3 abilities you'll be using for a shot rotation, Serpent Sting is just a given. Enough so to not Trap-Dance? Not sure just yet, 2 Free/Instant Cast Explosive Shots every 26-30 seconds will also prove to be very powerful along with the damage added from the trap, my guess would be Immolation Trap at the moment. However, again it depends on the fight.

Kel'Thuzad I wouldn't expect to be Trap-Dancing with the melee only to add another body to be hit by the Ice Tombs as well as avoiding and constantly moving out of the red circles as well. Same goes for Sarth before him, as running up to him to lay a trap that will actually go off can prove devestating. Although the Thaddius fight where you can be constantly switching sides, you can always place a trap down as you cross over. DDR I doubt any hunter would be running into the fray to lay down a trap for LNL to proc.

Long post, but more testing will need to be done before anything conclusive shows up. Not to mention we have no idea what the new boss encounters will be like, so we'll just wait and see.
#13 Jan 05 2009 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Why improved revive pet and why not take survival instinct, and not improved arcane shot? I am Not flaming, I just want the logic behind it so I can learn. thanks :)
#14 Jan 06 2009 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
Regarding trap dancing, any boss that moves, or that has adds will be fairly easy to trap dance with. The problem with running into the boss to lay a trap is that the spot on a boss that will trigger a trap is actually fairly small, and hard to hit.
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#15 Jan 07 2009 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
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Joobishwun the Wise wrote:
As far as SV goes I rate the attributes in this order:
1) Hit (until capped)
2) Haste (until Steady Shot capped so to speak)
3) Agility
4) Attack Power
Bad idea.
As survival you'll be shooting as many Explosive and possible Aimed shots as possible.
Those shots aren't affected by haste, so I would rate haste a LOT lower.

More something that is good to get, but not worth gemming/enchanting for or dumping things like pure agi/crit/ap for.

In fact, I'll still get the 40 crit scope because of how much stuff works with crit for survival (hunting party, GftT, TotH, EW)
#16 Jan 07 2009 at 3:05 AM Rating: Good
666 posts
Bad idea.
As survival you'll be shooting as many Explosive and possible Aimed shots as possible.
Those shots aren't affected by haste, so I would rate haste a LOT lower.

I should have worded this differently, as coming into Naxx gear you already receive enough haste through normal itemazation that you don't really have to worry about the haste cap for Steady Shot. I just prioritize upgrades based on my current rotation of cooldowns and what I need more of, rather then how much more haste I can get to reach the cap of the Steady Shots. Terrible wording on my part I apologize.

Regarding trap dancing, any boss that moves, or that has adds will be fairly easy to trap dance with. The problem with running into the boss to lay a trap is that the spot on a boss that will trigger a trap is actually fairly small, and hard to hit.

Not to mention positioning as well as any AE type moves the boss has either in front or behind them that you really don't want to be caught in if the tank just so happens to move him. The idea behind Trap-Dancing is easy, actually doing it requires you to be on the ball the whole duration of the fight. On most boss fights where I'm able to Trap-Dance successfully, Explosive Shot comes out as my #1 damaging component, closely followed by Auto-Shots.

With current talents and raid buffs, I've had Explosive Shot go as high as having a 65% crit rating. Granted the highest I've ever had it was 95% on Loatheb but he doesn't really count. Also why I prioritize the talent "Mortal Shots" in any SV build I've made due to the high amount of crits from Explosive Shots.
#17 Jan 07 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
830 posts
Since I'm just in easy-mode leveling, I'm going to stay BM, but also for another reason...

I think this is just round #2 of adjustments. There is already so much whining over the BM nerfs that Blizz will likely have a round #3 and I have no idea how that will adjust things. I don't want to bounce into SV (never played that spec yet) only to have them yank a rug out from under it. I could go back to MM but it seems like the wrong spec for just grinding away. Maybe BM will become the vanity spec, who knows.

I know all of us anticipated some futzing around with LK for a few months after release but I'd hoped they'd be done by now. Anyone on the PTR with bets on what might be next? LOL! I hope not much.
#19 Jan 12 2009 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
As MM im currently still doing mass damage in naxx. Its always good to know that should your pet die you still punch out wicked dps. BM on the other hand... I keep seeing everyone put so much emphasis on hit though? Please correct me if im wrong but does it only increase you chance to hit by a minute amount? my hit is 161 which is only +4.91% chance to hit... i find it hard to justify that when hunters quiet simply very rarely miss... and when you do its no real biggy... I simply cant justify it.

I put
1. AP
2. Crit
3. agility
4. Hit
5. Armor pen

as a result self buffed im at 4250AP ish and i still have ALOT of gear to get. ie im still using lvl 78 blue item for my shoulders... once i get either the t7.5 or the shoulders from instructor i would assume my AP to skyrocket... Way i figure is since we already hit 99% of the time i might as well as increase my damage fractionally per shot because lets face it an extra 10 dmg per shot more than compensates for the increase from 99% to 99.045%... rogues on the other hand...

But please do correct me if im wrong.

#20 Jan 13 2009 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Hunters use a 2 roll system.
That means that your first roll will be hit or miss.
Then after that: crit, block or hit.

With 4.91% hit you have a 3.09% chance to miss a boss.
If your crit is say 30%, because you have a 3.09% chance to miss you have an effective crit of 29.073%
(30 x 0.9691 = 29.073)
So you're losing or wasting 0.927% crit right there.

Not to mention that Hitrating increases your dps by more than 1 crit rating, 1 agi or 2 AP does until you are hitcapped.

Edit to add info:
There is also the natural crit devaluation vs bosses of 4.8%
So for bosses your tooltip crit - 4.8% is your actual critrate.

Edited, Jan 13th 2009 12:39pm by Aethien
#21 Jan 13 2009 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
According to the Sv thread at EJ, this is the prioritization:

You should allways check Shandara's spreadsheet to judge the relative importance of a given stat for a Hunter with your gear and specc. The following pointers are in general.

3.1 Haste

Like MM Hunters and unlike BM Hunters, SV Hunters should prioritise Hasterating untill Steady shot casttime is down to the GCD. This requires 522,7 hasterating as said. When you're specced into ImpAotH, you can do with less. How much less is up to you and how you judge your uptime of Quick Shots. You can check Shandara's Spreadsheet for the calculations regarding your Quick Shots uptime.
Also, since Explosive Shot is on a 6 sec CD, getting Steady down to 1,5 secs (instead of 1,7 secs counting the Quiver), will wield more Explosive shots in your rotation, which will in turn lead to more dps.

3.2 Agility

Relative to the other Hunter speccs, SV Hunter should value Agility higher. This is offcourse because of the scaling through LR, but also because of EW procs and the fact that - unlike Attackpower - Agi lends to your critpercent. It is however not the be all end all stat it was in TBC, because your EW no longer affects the entire Raid.

3.3 Crit

Because of proc on crit talents, this should be relative highly valued as a SV Hunter. It increases the uptime of EW and Hunting Party and increases your Pets focusregen.

3.4 Attack Power

New and improved, now with scaling through Raidbuffs. Still counts towards your Pets Attack Power at 22%.

3.5 Intellect

Intellect has become a very relevant stat for Hunters including SV Hunters to the point that we should no longer value Rogue gear as highly as we did in TBC. The reason is twofold. 1. Carefull Aim gives 1 AP for each Int with three talentpoints invested. 2. More Int means a higher manapool, thus a higher return from the ReplenishmentBuff that Hunting Party lends and a higher return when in AotViper, thus less time spent in AotViper.

3.6 Weaponspeed

With the unlocking of Autoshots and Specialshots weaponspeed no longer dictates the weapon of choice. DPS is the most relevant, followed by the stats on said weapon. After that, a slow weapon may be better because some shots do not use normalised speed in the damagecalculations, leading slow weapons to do more damage. On the other hand, all sorts of on hit/crit effects/procs benefit from a fast weapon.
#22 Jan 14 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Good
255 posts
Hunters use a 2 roll system.
That means that your first roll will be hit or miss.
Then after that: crit, block or hit.

Yes and no... from

For any special attack that appears in yellow damage (including spells and physical special attacks) the chance to crit is rolled once the attack has been confirmed to land, turning the attack table into a two-roll system. For any damage that shows up in white (melee and hunter autoattacks/autoshot), the chance to crit is included in the original table and there is only a single roll performed.
#23 Jan 14 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
10,601 posts
browningguns wrote:
Hunters use a 2 roll system.
That means that your first roll will be hit or miss.
Then after that: crit, block or hit.

Yes and no... from

For any special attack that appears in yellow damage (including spells and physical special attacks) the chance to crit is rolled once the attack has been confirmed to land, turning the attack table into a two-roll system. For any damage that shows up in white (melee and hunter autoattacks/autoshot), the chance to crit is included in the original table and there is only a single roll performed.
As I understand it EJ found out that hunters use a two roll for all their shots, so that wiki would not apply.
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#24 Jan 14 2009 at 1:26 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
Thank you for that update, I did not know that. I have always thought in those terms.
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