Recently I haven't heard anything good about shamans. In fact they are the least played class. So I started one. At the moment I am at 42 using elemental spec. Of course I haven't ran many instances because who the hell wants to group for a low level instance when they can get a run and gain no real experience right? So heres my issue.
I rolled a shaman because there aren't enough of them and I love having one in my group whether I'm healing or tanking. But then along comes death knights. I played my death knight for a few days, reached 65, and was blown away by the DPS. And its incredibly simple and easy to play. My original plan was to have a shaman for raids/instance DPS and the death knight for pvp. I'm assuming because of the huge amount of death knights, shamans will be more desirable for groups.
And then there's all this talk about how weak shamans are and how they are one of the lowest in DPS. So I don't want to level this shaman to 80 and not get into any raids or heroics. As far as leveling goes, I leveled a prot warrior (pre-patch) and a holy priest (pre-patch also), and there's no issues at all because I'm not retarded. My personal experience with shamans is awesome. I have never lost a fight, and I level fast.
I'm assuming overpowered classes are meant for players with under powered minds to balance things out. Shamans are by no means easy to play (right that is). I have 2 action bars full of totems, 1 with weapon enhancements, and the rest with offensive spells and heals etc. Knowing the right totem for the job, and which weapon enhancement is best for the occasion can be confusing. So is the lack of popularity because of poor DPS or not being tard friendly?