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Elementalist Mage cast rotation (0/58/13) (and your FFB Qs)Follow

#1 Dec 02 2008 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
I will be adding this to TGMPE but until then I decided to make a separate thread for the time being.

Ask all your Frostfire bolt questions here.

The rotation one should be doing (assuming in raid of course) [excuse the copy paste that I am doing from my guild forums that I posted there]

Highest Single Target DPS Spec: 0/58/13
From this spec you can make modifications.
1pt ice floes -> frostbite - Ice floes is fairly bad for the build anyway, so might as well max out frostbite for better farming. Keep in mind frostbite will not proc on blizzard without putting at least 1 pt in it.
1pt ice floes -> frostbite, 1pt world in flames -> imp. blizzard - More controlled blizzard dps. Keep in mind World in Flames affects blizzard dps.
1pt world in flames or 1pt frost channeling -> dragon's breath - Dragon's Breath
1pt ice floes -> frostbite, 1pt world in flames -> imp. blizzard, 3pt frost channeling -> shatter - Shatter/blizzard. This change alone isn't too awesome, however, if 2+ mages spec with 3/3 frostbite 1/3 blizzard the results can turn out excellent. Keep in mind you will do 10% more blizzard threat.

"Living Bomb > Hot Streak Pyroblast > scorch refresh > ffb

However, this is only the main outline. Many improvements can be done. Amongst other things, Living Bomb explosion consumes a combustion charge, so you want to make sure to avoid it. You can always play around the timing of hot streak. There is no good reason to cast it right away. As such, if the hot streak mechanics allow you to safely cast living bomb / scorch -> hot streak, I would advocate it so as to avoid ignite munching. Of course, this assumes either living bomb or scorch was due for a refresh, otherwise I would just take the risk and hope ignite munching isn't too bad."

Do your best to keep living bomb up (after explosion of course) and to use it on the move if there is a lot of movement (same with fireblast) -- good for Heigan etc.

Use Mirror Image at the beginning of the fight (assuming there aren't Auras that will kill them immediately) so that you can use your cooldowns right off the bat (they work like Priest Fade [or at least the old one] where they split your aggro with you, but when they die (always after the 30 seconds) you gain back the aggro gained).

Hit Mechanics (From EJ forums FFB Thread Here) -- WTB Being able to add a Table...

% Rating Required
17% 446 Capped
14% 368 Spriest/Boomkin
11% 289 Spriest/Boomkin+EP*
01% 27

If you have a Draenei you can subtract 1% (27) from those numbers.

Crit Multiplier Info:

Spell              Talents                        Multiplier-without-4xT7 Multiplier-with-4xT7
Fireball/Frostfire ignite                         210%                    213.5%
Fireball/Frostfire ignite+CSD                     216.3%                  220.115%
Fireball/Frostfire ignite+burnout                 245%                    248.5%
Fireball/Frostfire ignite+burnout+CSD             254.45%                 258.265%
Fireball/Frostfire ignite+burnout+ice-shards+CSD  330.75%                 334.565%

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 3:18pm by Anobix

Edited, Dec 8th 2008 3:20pm by Anobix

Edited, Dec 12th 2008 11:02am by Anobix

Edited, Dec 16th 2008 8:02pm by Anobix

Edited, Mar 5th 2009 2:20pm by Anobix

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 9:55am by Anobix

Edited, Apr 7th 2009 10:17am by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 2:08pm by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 2:10pm by Anobix

Edited, Oct 5th 2009 2:12pm by Anobix
#2 Dec 03 2008 at 1:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,180 posts
Questions incoming:

1. It might be good to have a suggested build of the basic things you should spend your '58/13' on, similar to the one on the elitist jerks FFB thread.

2. Regarding scorch debuff vs winter's chill, I noticed when grouped with a fire mage that the scorch debuff overwrote my WC debuff and once it wore off my WV would start stacking from 1 (despite me having been casting FB all the time).

I'm not sure if this has been answered elsewhere (and I'm too lazy to look :P), but was scorch overwriting because it applied more stacks at once (glyphed) or because it has a longer duration? If it's the former then there isn't any issue as long as you let the frost mage build up 5 stacks before you scorch. If the latter, then scorching to avoid an ignite munch would lead to problems (as you've now only got 3 debuff stacks up and would need to refresh them).

3. Wut statz is bset 4 FFB maeg?

Lastly, just a thanks to you and Pold for working on TGMPE :)

Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 4:28am by Tynuv
#3 Dec 03 2008 at 2:34 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
Tynuv wrote:
I'm not sure if this has been answered elsewhere (and I'm too lazy to look :P), but was scorch overwriting because it applied more stacks at once (glyphed) or because it has a longer duration? If it's the former then there isn't any issue as long as you let the frost mage build up 5 stacks before you scorch. If the latter, then scorching to avoid an ignite munch would lead to problems (as you've now only got 3 debuff stacks up and would need to refresh them).

I've found that my Imp scorch debuff wouldn't go up on a mob that already had 4+ WC on him. So I'm gonna say it's the number of stacks.
#4 Dec 03 2008 at 5:40 AM Rating: Excellent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Tynuv wrote:
I'm not sure if this has been answered elsewhere (and I'm too lazy to look :P), but was scorch overwriting because it applied more stacks at once (glyphed) or because it has a longer duration? If it's the former then there isn't any issue as long as you let the frost mage build up 5 stacks before you scorch. If the latter, then scorching to avoid an ignite munch would lead to problems (as you've now only got 3 debuff stacks up and would need to refresh them).

I've found that my Imp scorch debuff wouldn't go up on a mob that already had 4+ WC on him. So I'm gonna say it's the number of stacks.

I believe that is correct.

The basic build for where you can make modifications is:

I personally am running a 0/51/20 build so that I can get a bit more AoE power with Blizzard (1pt gives possibilities for frostbite procs)
My build:

3) The stats that you should be looking for are generally damage and crit with a side of haste. From what I have read, you should be stacking damage.

With my current gear it goes: Hit (to at least be capped at 8% for FFB) > Damage > Crit > Haste > Int > Spirit

#5 Dec 04 2008 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
Always cast Scorch before an instant pyroblast to avoid ignite munching from the FFB

Very informative post as usual. Thanks. Do you mind elaborating on this "ignite munching?" I hadn't heard about that in the past.
#6 Dec 04 2008 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
NCspaz, Defender of Justice wrote:
Always cast Scorch before an instant pyroblast to avoid ignite munching from the FFB

Very informative post as usual. Thanks. Do you mind elaborating on this "ignite munching?" I hadn't heard about that in the past.

Ignite munching is when you have two crits at the same time (for instance a fireball + fireblast etc, or in this case frostfire + pyroblast). When the second one overwrites the first critical ignite which can generally be of more damage.


(mid-cast of next FFB) HOT STREAK

= If the mid-casted FFB crits and then the pyroblast crits, the pyroblast ignite will be used instead of the frostfire bolt one, where in most cases (and specced properly) the frostfire bolt should hit for more than the pyroblast and thus have higher ignite totals.

The reason for a scorch is the use of the 1.5 seconds to allow the ignite tick to wear off off of the previous crit, with the added benefit of re-applying your scorch debuff.
#7 Dec 04 2008 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
Very informative post as usual. Thanks. Do you mind elaborating on this "ignite munching?" I hadn't heard about that in the past

Ignite overwrites Ignite even if it's a weaker version so consider:

I have my two crits in a row to trigger Hot Streak and I want to throw a firey meteor at something because that's how I get my jollies, so I do that and it crits and I smile a little inside because now not only did I get to see my big number but I get 40% of that number to happen again over the next few seconds.. But wait, imp. scorch is wearing off, no problem we'll just cast it again and......... oh crap it crit, so now instead of getting 40% of my 8k pyro I'm getting 40% of my 2k scorch

You see the problem here :P
#8 Dec 04 2008 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
Great answers! Thanks and rate ups all around!
#9 Dec 05 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
So during cast sequence when do you use combustion? Assuming you have it.
#10 Dec 05 2008 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Drunian wrote:
So during cast sequence when do you use combustion? Assuming you have it.

I use it whenever it is up, with mirror image etc I actually blow all of my cooldowns at the beginning and then depending on fight length I will save them again for 35% when I normally get a bloodlust etc for molten fury range.
#11 Dec 08 2008 at 10:49 AM Rating: Excellent
updated with a bit more info and a prettier hit table.
#12 Dec 08 2008 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Anobix, what are you using the 2 points in flame throwing for? It seems like burning sould would be a better choice for threat reduction.
#13 Dec 08 2008 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
mgjr wrote:
Anobix, what are you using the 2 points in flame throwing for? It seems like burning sould would be a better choice for threat reduction.

2pts are for farther distance for my living bombs, pyroblasts, and scorches.

the threat reduction does not stack with frost channeling (which I already have) + the additional mana savings from it (frost channeling that is)
#14 Dec 09 2008 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
266 posts
I learn something knew almost every day. I didn't know burning sould doesn't stack wit frost chanelling. I'll have to respec today. Thanks.
#15 Dec 09 2008 at 8:00 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
the threat reduction does not stack with frost channeling (which I already have) + the additional mana savings from it (frost channeling that is)

Clarify. Are you saying you don't get the mana savings from frost channeling when you have Burning Soul? Or am I just that tired?
#16 Dec 09 2008 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
the threat reduction does not stack with frost channeling (which I already have) + the additional mana savings from it (frost channeling that is)

Clarify. Are you saying you don't get the mana savings from frost channeling when you have Burning Soul? Or am I just that tired?

Just that tired. Frost channelling > burning soul (unless you have a hell of a lot of knockback) because the two threat reductions do not stack, and to me less mana cost > decreased knockback time.
#17 Dec 09 2008 at 9:26 AM Rating: Excellent
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29,527 posts
Anobix the Wise wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
the threat reduction does not stack with frost channeling (which I already have) + the additional mana savings from it (frost channeling that is)

Clarify. Are you saying you don't get the mana savings from frost channeling when you have Burning Soul? Or am I just that tired?

Just that tired. Frost channelling > burning soul (unless you have a hell of a lot of knockback) because the two threat reductions do not stack, and to me less mana cost > decreased knockback time.

True enough. I just really like my knockback protection. They like to make me do things. Bad things. Like tank a horseman. Smiley: cry
#18 Dec 09 2008 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Anobix the Wise wrote:
the threat reduction does not stack with frost channeling (which I already have) + the additional mana savings from it (frost channeling that is)

Clarify. Are you saying you don't get the mana savings from frost channeling when you have Burning Soul? Or am I just that tired?

Just that tired. Frost channelling > burning soul (unless you have a hell of a lot of knockback) because the two threat reductions do not stack, and to me less mana cost > decreased knockback time.

True enough. I just really like my knockback protection. They like to make me do things. Bad things. Like tank a horseman. Smiley: cry

FYI, 4H is a lot easier to tank in 10man than 25man. I tried twice on 25man then we just gave up with me doing it. We are doing the burn the hell out of the first horseman, then move onto Riverdare. At this point we had two warlocks in the back right on Bleumeux (back left) and the other one. And they would switch etc, once one of the tanks was free (After burning down the first guy before 5 marks) they move back to help out.
#19 Dec 10 2008 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
917 posts
This "does not stack" business sucks big time. So I have to choose between either lower fire threat or lower frost threat. :( How does this work if I have talents in both? Which one is taken into consideration? I will try searching on EJ harder, did not have much luck yet finding more details about this.
#20 Dec 10 2008 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Amaiya wrote:
This "does not stack" business sucks big time. So I have to choose between either lower fire threat or lower frost threat. :( How does this work if I have talents in both? Which one is taken into consideration? I will try searching on EJ harder, did not have much luck yet finding more details about this.

You can actually get both. The "Does not stack" only applies to spells that do both fire and frost damage as I understand it(helps that I'm fully awake now). In other words, Forstfire Bolt. So if you had both, all you fire spells would have 10% reduction, all your frost spells would have 10% reduction and Frostfire Bolt would have 10% reduction(instead of the 20% you'd have if they stacked).
#21 Dec 10 2008 at 7:12 AM Rating: Excellent
The One and Only Poldaran wrote:
Amaiya wrote:
This "does not stack" business sucks big time. So I have to choose between either lower fire threat or lower frost threat. :( How does this work if I have talents in both? Which one is taken into consideration? I will try searching on EJ harder, did not have much luck yet finding more details about this.

You can actually get both. The "Does not stack" only applies to spells that do both fire and frost damage as I understand it(helps that I'm fully awake now). In other words, Forstfire Bolt. So if you had both, all you fire spells would have 10% reduction, all your frost spells would have 10% reduction and Frostfire Bolt would have 10% reduction(instead of the 20% you'd have if they stacked).

#22 Dec 10 2008 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for this thread. Due to numbers in Naxx, I've respec'd (and need to again today cuz of error lol), so I have spells bound to keys and am like "what do I push now??" Anyway, nothing constructive to add, just wanted to say thanks. :)
#23 Dec 10 2008 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
No problem, whle it isn't super helpful my setup is:

1 wand
2 fireball
3 scorch
4 fireblast (after that is not too important)
5 AE
6 Nova
s= shift
s+1 Mirror Image
s+2 Pyro
s+3 Cone of Cold (for kiting
s+4 Herbalism Buff
s+5 Living Bomb
s+6 Icy Veins (if I ever want to cast it by itself)

Other than that I have things bound to my mouse for macros etc like trinket/cooldowns etc.
#25 Dec 16 2008 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
I think I know the answers to these questions but I wanted to make sure if you don’t mind giving some clarification, please. My brain wants to over think things if I can’t find a direct answer.

If there is a frost mage in the group then the fire / FFB mage would not waste time and mana by applying scortch because WC is automatic with each frostbolt and applies a debuff that is equivalent to scorch that the fire / FFB mage benefits from also. Is this correct or am I missing something?

Burning soul has a threat reduction for fire spells only and frost channeling has a threat reduction for frost spells only. If I am using a FFB build and using the spell rotation listed above then I would want burning soul if I am having threat issues (topping the threat meter = dead mage) and/or lots of pushback. Otherwise, I would want frost channeling for the mana reduction on all spells. Granted, threat issues are more common in normal and heroic than it is in raids (from everything I’ve read and experienced so far) but is this correct?

If I have EP and a Boomkin in the group but no SPriest then I would need 14% (368) spell hit? There is usually at least one Boomkin and/or SPriest in a 10 person raid but not always both.

Thanks for the great post with lots of good info.
#26 Dec 16 2008 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
tinag wrote:
I think I know the answers to these questions but I wanted to make sure if you don’t mind giving some clarification, please. My brain wants to over think things if I can’t find a direct answer.

If there is a frost mage in the group then the fire / FFB mage would not waste time and mana by applying scortch because WC is automatic with each frostbolt and applies a debuff that is equivalent to scorch that the fire / FFB mage benefits from also. Is this correct or am I missing something?

Burning soul has a threat reduction for fire spells only and frost channeling has a threat reduction for frost spells only. If I am using a FFB build and using the spell rotation listed above then I would want burning soul if I am having threat issues (topping the threat meter = dead mage) and/or lots of pushback. Otherwise, I would want frost channeling for the mana reduction on all spells. Granted, threat issues are more common in normal and heroic than it is in raids (from everything I’ve read and experienced so far) but is this correct?

If I have EP and a Boomkin in the group but no SPriest then I would need 14% (368) spell hit? There is usually at least one Boomkin and/or SPriest in a 10 person raid but not always both.

Thanks for the great post with lots of good info.

1) A frost mage does assist in this and also brings mana regen with the water elemental. Both are good. The negeative is that the overall raid dps will be lower as the frost mage will be doing about 5-10% less dps than you will, basically showing why a mage should be FFB given the opportunity to do so and not being forced into the WE role. That and re-applying the scorch debuff, as mentioned earlier in the thread can be a positive part for when your Hotstreak procs to allow the ignite ticks to roll and not be munched. (basically crit - crit [ooh hot streak proc] - [finish casting] - cast scorch/livingbomb - launch instant pyro - continue rotation. <--- is applicable unless scorch (and living bomb) were recently re-applies (less than 8 seconds ago for scorch I would say or so).

2) Only a couple of your spells will not work with frost channelling (living bomb + scorch and of course pyro and fireblast). FFB (your main nuke) benefits from the talent and should be enough to let you go all out. Assuming your tanks are not horrible you should not have to worry about pulling off of them unless you are in super-buffed (read: thaddius or maybe malygos), other than that you should almost never be close to them on threat. Especially with mirror image and 3 second invis (down from 5 by default). If you are worried about pushback then get burning soul, I haven't encountered a need for it hardly at all in my raids (seen all current content) so I wouldn't deem it a requirement (+ the mana reduction of frost channelling is better in my opinion)

3) An spriest/boomkin are interchangable, their debuffs (misery + imp fairy fire) do not stack and they soley count for 3% hit. So assuming you have EP + A spriest/boomkin there you will need 11% (289/290) hit rating. Anything over that and you are giving up other potential stats for it.

I need to edit the chart and get rid of the 8% bug.
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