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Death Knight DPS FAQ [Updated 3/14/09]Follow

#1 Nov 30 2008 at 2:09 AM Rating: Excellent
13,048 posts
Last updated on 3/14/09.
Updated with more build info, and added "DPS Basics"

Hello boys and girls, and welcome to another Theo FAQ. Here is where you'll find out what doing the big numbers in a raid environment is all about, and here is where I'll go in-depth about rotations, builds, consumables, professions, and generally everything as it pertains to min/maxing so you don't look like a fool in Naxx.

This FAQ is going to assume you know basic game mechanics, stuff like hit caps, expertise caps, etc. Just a warning for later on when I start talking about melee hit caps and spell hit caps so your monitor doesn't get gooey from your brain exploding. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read here.

Here's a rundown of what we'll be going through.

  1. Runes, Runic Power, and General DK mechanics
  2. DK Abbreviations
  3. DPS Basics
  4. Builds
  5. Itemization

Alright, let's get to it.

Runes, Runic Power, and General DK mechanics

Runes are essential to a Death Knight. They're what we're constantly watching as we DPS (or tank), and they're what provide us with the ability to use such a wide variety of skills. We have 6 rune slots, and we start with two of each type of rune. These runes are correlated to each of our three talent trees: Blood, Frost, and Unholy. Runes have a 10 second cooldown after they're used.

Runic Power is generated by using our rune abilities. It fills up a bar that's much like a Warrior's rage bar, which we can then spend on abilities to do damage, interrupt spell casting, or other useful abilities.

Using a 1 rune ability will generate 10 runic power (RP). Using a 2 rune ability will generate 15 RP. Using a 3 rune ability will generate 15 RP.

Abilities generally fall into 4 categories for DKs.

  • Blood Abilities
    These cost 1 blood rune. They're generally the bread-and-butter DK attacks, modified by how many diseases you have on your target. When we get to the Frost and Unholy build sections, we'll talk more about how these are useful.
  • "FU" Abilities
    They're called that because they use both a Frost and an Unholy rune. Obliterate and Death Strike are the two most commonly used, though there are others.
  • Disease Abilities
    These two abilities are unique because they're used in every single DK build, bar none. Icy Touch (Frost) and Plague Strike (Unholy) each apply a disease to your target, though they don't do much damage.
  • RP Dump Abilities
    Goofy name, I know. But that's what you mainly use these abilities for; getting rid of your RP to make room for more RP and do damage at the same time.

  • So as a new DK, you may be wondering why the "Disease Abilities" get their own category. That's pretty easy to explain, so let me elucidate.

    Abilities like Blood Strike do additional damage (most often quite a bit more) the more diseases that are on your target. You can hopefully now see why they're so important. You do substantially more damage with Icy Touch and Plague Strike up on your target.

    DK Abbreviations

    I'm mainly going to use the abbreviations I've gotten used to seeing on ElitistJerks, so if this seems like copypasta, it kinda is. I'm not going to reinvent the wheel when it already works well.

    IT	Icy Touch 
    SD	Sudden Doom 
    BS	Blood Strike 
    MoM	Might of Mograine 
    PS	Plague Strike 
    BG	Blood Gorged 
    HS	Heart Strike 
    HB	Howling Blast 
    FS	Frost Strike 
    BotN	Blood of the North 
    SS	Scourge Strike 
    GoG	Guile of Gorefiend 
    DS	Death Strike 
    TS	Tundra Stalker 
    OB	Obliterate 
    HC	Hungering Cold 
    DRW	Dancing Rune Weapon 
    CE	Corpse Explosion 
    MoB	Mark of Blood 
    SG	Summon Gargoyle 
    OaPH	On a Pale Horse 
    IBF	Icebound Fortitude 
    CF	Crypt Fever 
    BT	Blood Tap 
    EP	Ebon Plaguebringer 
    AMS	Anti-Magic Shell 
    RoR	Rage of Rivendare 
    AMZ	Anti-Magic Zone 
    UB	Unholy Blight 
    ERW	Empower Rune Weapon 
    DC	Death Coil 
    BB	Blood Boil 
    FF	Frost Fever 
    BCB	Blood-Caked Blade 
    BP	Blood Plague 
    AoD	Army of the Dead 
    DG	Death Grip 
    DnD/D&D	Death and Decay 
    MoG	Master of Ghouls

    The builds/itemization section will take me most of an entire post, so I'll be reserving the next two posts (just in case) and editing them as I get the builds up and then fleshing them out with info.

    Edited, Mar 15th 2009 12:24am by Theophany
    #2 Nov 30 2008 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    DPS Basics

    Alright, now that we know what abilities do, it's time to talk about skills that you'll need to work on with said abilities. These are skills that will boost your DPS in a raid environment which will also make switching targets easier.

  • Presence
    Blood, always. Unholy is for PvP. Frost is for tanking. Keep your damn Blood Presence on when you're DPSing.

  • Pestilence
    Using Pestilence to your advantage on trash packs is a very good use of a Blood Rune, even if you don't have Epidemic. You're essentially multiplying your disease damage by however many mobs there are, and also setting up your next target so you can immediately move into your main rune attacks (HS, OB, SS).

  • Trash "rotations"
    There are no real rotations on trash mobs; when people talk about rotations, they mean on bosses, where you're generally sticking on one target and need to maximize every single bit of DPS you can get. This applies to what I was just talking about with Pestilence; you're not always just going to be blasting away with PS/IT/SS/OB/HS/BS. You're going to need to use other abilities.

  • Blood Tap
    Lots of Blood DKs don't think this ability is useful for them; au contrare, mon frère. This ability takes a Blood Rune and turns it into an active Death Rune, regardless of whether that Blood Rune is on cooldown. You can see already that this is worth it slight bit of HP that it'll cost you to use it, I hope.

  • Death and Decay
    I know it makes a really cool noise, it's an AoE, and it looks really trippy, but it's terrible rune use and terrible for DPS, on top of causing a metric crapton of threat. Don't ever, ever use it when you're DPSing.

  • Raise Dead
    Yes, there will be times when you should be using this. Most bosses will allow you to use ghouls. The thing to make sure of (which I'm not) is if there are player-activated things like Flame Wreath on Aran, will the ghoul activate them? If so, I'd only use your ghoul briefly and Death Pact him as your first "pot" to gain 20% of your HP. Keep in mind as Blood and Frost, you cannot make your ghoul follow you; as Unholy, you can, but you lose a lot of DPS if you DP it.

  • Hysteria
    Goes on your highest DPSer. End of story. I don't care if you want it for yourself, it goes on the highest DPSer in your group for that boss. We're min/maxing here, folks.

  • DRW/Garg
    DRW/Garg are only used at 100 RP. Once you use DRW, you can then go back to your normal rotation. With Garg, you cannot dump RP until the effect is over. Dumping RP on DCs will not allow the Garg to stay for the full minute possible duration.

  • Icebound Fortitude/Anti-Magic Shell/Lichborne
    These aren't just PvP abilities (admittedly, Lichborne is more PvP-oriented). IBF reduces all damage by 20% (and gains additional damage reduction based on defense value) in the duration and has a 1 min cooldown. On bosses with an AoE, use this to soak some of the damage if you can't avoid it. AMS reduces all spell damage taken by 75%, and can possibly generate RP for you (though if you're generating RP from this ability, odds are you're doing something wrong). For Lichborne, other DKs can heal you, and for bosses that have fear mechanics, they often have a cast time. Pop Lichborne before you get feared, and voilà.

  • Builds

    Keeping in mind that this is a PvE and end-game oriented FAQ, let's leave leveling and PvP discussion to other threads. This should be about min/maxing DPS. That said, there are a few DPS builds that I'm aware of (and PMs to send me links to EJ threads about other builds are appreciated).

  • Diseaseless Blood (51/0/20)

    The basics of this build are simple: use HS, OB, and DC. No diseases. FU runes are used in pairs; when they're actually FU, use OB. When they're death runes, use 2x HS. Nothing very complicated with this build, yet yields high DPS at high levels of gear (i.e. T7.5).

  • Frost (21/50/0)

    Pretty simple build, again.

    DRM is a questionable choice and has been debated a lot by a lot of different people, but it's there to be there. If you don't like how the build plays with DRM, change the points to Imp Rune Tap (1/1 Rune Tap, 2/3 Imp Rune Tap). Basically there for movement fights where you may have to 6x IT before you get to move back in.

    Using HB as Rime procs,
    PS/IT/BS/BS/OB/RP dump
    PS/IT/OB/OB/RP dump

  • Unholy (17/0/54)

    I'm a bit shaky on this build (don't know whether people still use Desecration or not), but this is the build that's the most forgiving on gear, and should be used for a while until you get better gear/weapons and can switch to Frost (moderate gear) or Blood (good gear).

    UB indicates using Unholy Blight before moving into a DC RP dump.
    IT/PS/BS/BS/SS/UB/RP dump
    SS/SS/SS/RP dump

  • DW build (0/32/39)

    This build is dying in patch 3.1. I'm not sure on all the salient points of this build, but were I to try and max DPS DWing, this is what I'd go for first.

    Note with the 5s cooldown on HB, it's usually best if you dump RP as you get it (i.e. 40 RP for DC), otherwise there's a pretty tremendous DPS loss.

    PS/IT/BS/BS/HB/RP dump
    HB/HB/HB/RP dump

  • Death Runes

    They need their own section. Each tree will have their own Death Runes, which are runes that switch from their normal form to a "Death Rune" which can be used as any type of rune. Death Rune Mastery (DRM) in the Blood tree converts an Unholy and a Frost rune to a Death rune each time an FU ability (DS/OB) is used, allowing for more HS in the second section of the rotation. The other trees have much the same in the talents "Reaping" (Unholy) and "Blood of the North" (Frost).

  • More to come.

    Edited, Mar 15th 2009 12:23am by Theophany
    #3 Nov 30 2008 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Reserved just in case.
    #4 Nov 30 2008 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Looks good. Nice job.

    Perhaps for the sake of being thorough, you might add a note about Rime procs in the Frost section. Similar to the note on Sudden Doom procs. I know its obvious, but its still a core part of min/maxing Frost DPS.
    #5 Nov 30 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    StJust wrote:
    Looks good. Nice job.

    Perhaps for the sake of being thorough, you might add a note about Rime procs in the Frost section. Similar to the note on Sudden Doom procs. I know its obvious, but its still a core part of min/maxing Frost DPS.

    Like I said, I'll be going through as I have time and thoroughly expanding these posts so that I leave pretty much nothing out.

    But I'll add that, thanks.
    #6 Nov 30 2008 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
    92 posts
    Nicely done so far, can't wait to see what it will grow into as you add to it.

    One question I do have about the 51/13/07 Blood build though. I had originally planned to get Black Ice (+30% Frost damage) to fill out the required 10 points in the Frost tree in order to be able to grab Annihilation, but was told that it wasn't as good of a skill to grab since as Blood, we don't have as many abilities that do Frost damage (I'm only 63 atm so the only ability I have that does Frost damage is Icy Touch... Obliterate just does physical damage right?). Because of that, I was under the assumption that Toughness would be the better talent to take as the bonus armor would translate to more AP from Bladed Armor. It's just something I noticed and thought I would ask as I had planned to take Black Ice originally but was told it wasn't that good a talent for Blood.
    #7 Nov 30 2008 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    Wchigo wrote:
    Nicely done so far, can't wait to see what it will grow into as you add to it.

    One question I do have about the 51/13/07 Blood build though. I had originally planned to get Black Ice (+30% Frost damage) to fill out the required 10 points in the Frost tree in order to be able to grab Annihilation, but was told that it wasn't as good of a skill to grab since as Blood, we don't have as many abilities that do Frost damage (I'm only 63 atm so the only ability I have that does Frost damage is Icy Touch... Obliterate just does physical damage right?). Because of that, I was under the assumption that Toughness would be the better talent to take as the bonus armor would translate to more AP from Bladed Armor. It's just something I noticed and thought I would ask as I had planned to take Black Ice originally but was told it wasn't that good a talent for Blood.

    The bonuses given to IT are better than the slight damage you'll gain from Toughness. IT will scale with raid buffs (i.e. AP buffs, Str buffs, etc), where armor doesn't increase that much. You might get ~100 more AP from Toughness, which really doesn't add up to more in the end than 30% more damage on IT.

    Of course, nothing is set in stone at this point, but ~60% damage increase to IT on crits is pretty huge.
    #8 Dec 02 2008 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,680 posts
    Theo wrote:
    This FAQ is going to assume you know basic game mechanics, stuff like hit caps, expertise caps, etc.

    LOLZ!!! And this buddy is why you fail at expectations!

    I kid, great start daddio. ;)
    #9 Dec 02 2008 at 4:09 PM Rating: Decent
    I would add Anti-Magic Shell in the section about using Icebound Fortitude/Lichbone, I think it is fairly similar issue for DPS. Another skill that might be easily forgetten that can in fact enhance their dps, since Anti-Magic generates RP for them in the right situation.

    #10 Dec 02 2008 at 9:35 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,680 posts
    Note about rotations: It will often mean slightly more damage to start with IT-PS rather than PS-IT when you need to move to the target. The missed damage waiting to get into position to land PS first can be easily outweighed by the small loss starting "out of rotation."

    Not sure if that's more a "notable tactics" thing or belongs in the more general FAQ. Just thought it should be noted.

    #11 Dec 02 2008 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    TherionSaysWhat wrote:
    Note about rotations: It will often mean slightly more damage to start with IT-PS rather than PS-IT when you need to move to the target. The missed damage waiting to get into position to land PS first can be easily outweighed by the small loss starting "out of rotation."

    Not sure if that's more a "notable tactics" thing or belongs in the more general FAQ. Just thought it should be noted.


    It also depends on the build and your glyphs. I'll probably be adding a glyph section tomorrow as I get started on the itemization section, so I can discuss it there.

    Thanks for reminding me, though. Smiley: wink
    #12 Dec 03 2008 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
    1,039 posts
    Is DnD really that bad? at least as unholy?

    I use it for threat at the opening of fights while tanking as it does cause a crapton of threat, but as unholy i'm seeing DnD, used just once a fight, doing ~15% of my dps. (pulling ~1400-1500 dps at 76)
    Anyways, does anyone know how many mobs it takes to make the 3 rune cost of DnD to win out over using those runes?

    second small question, in that frost build, is the dps increase from getting improved icy talons and dark conviction enough to weigh out not having epidemic?

    Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 10:23am by EnthalpyTheBurninator
    #13 Dec 03 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
    608 posts
    EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
    Is DnD really that bad? at least as unholy?

    I use it for threat at the opening of fights while tanking as it does cause a crapton of threat, but as unholy i'm seeing DnD, used just once a fight, doing ~15% of my dps. (pulling ~1400-1500 dps at 76)
    Anyways, does anyone know how many mobs it takes to make the 3 rune cost of DnD to win out over using those runes?

    second small question, in that frost build, is the dps increase from getting improved icy talons and dark conviction enough to weigh out not having epidemic?

    Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 10:23am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

    Well, this is a DPS FAQ, the use you're describing there is for tanking purposes, in which case it'll work very well.

    For DPS purposes, the amount of threat it generates, and the damage it does (or doesn't do) compared to the alternatives, make it sub-par for DPS.
    #14 Dec 03 2008 at 9:27 AM Rating: Good
    513 posts
    thanks Theo for the work on the FAQ so far. I much prefer reading your stuff to the ones over at EJ. Less wading through to do. Rate ups and keep up the great work.

    Edit: Sticky please

    Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 10:28am by Xenexia
    #15 Dec 03 2008 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    EnthalpyTheBurninator wrote:
    Is DnD really that bad? at least as unholy?

    I use it for threat at the opening of fights while tanking as it does cause a crapton of threat, but as unholy i'm seeing DnD, used just once a fight, doing ~15% of my dps. (pulling ~1400-1500 dps at 76)
    Anyways, does anyone know how many mobs it takes to make the 3 rune cost of DnD to win out over using those runes?

    second small question, in that frost build, is the dps increase from getting improved icy talons and dark conviction enough to weigh out not having epidemic?

    Edited, Dec 3rd 2008 10:23am by EnthalpyTheBurninator

    There's no trash packs that make DnD worth it for a DPS DK. For tanking, of course, that's a completely different story. But this is a DPS FAQ.

    For frost, generally yes. I haven't really done any theorycraft personally (other than checking facts to make sure it all at least made sense), but I will endeavor to do so.

    One way you can check is on the training dummies in Ebon Hold. Try out the specs, test the rotations. The spec with Epidemic will have a rotation more like the 51/13/7 build, and the one without will have the normal Frost rotation.
    #16 Dec 04 2008 at 2:45 AM Rating: Decent
    How about Runeforging vs. enchanting ?
    #17 Dec 04 2008 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
    8,779 posts
    minor thing here theo, but a frost dps build is going to want to open with IT instead of PS, due to tundra stalker giving the bonus damage from frost fever.

    otherwise, nicely done.
    #18 Dec 05 2008 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
    608 posts
    Quor wrote:
    minor thing here theo, but a frost dps build is going to want to open with IT instead of PS, due to tundra stalker giving the bonus damage from frost fever.

    otherwise, nicely done.

    On that note, with the Glyph of Plague Strike giving 20% more damage to your PS on infected targets, it's probably worth opening with IT if you have the glyph. This would be the case even if you are unholy, as desecration only gives 5% damage. So for PS > IT, your IT will hit 5% harder, and for IT > PS, your PS will be 20% harder.

    Unless there's another reason to open with PS that I'm unaware of .. my DK is still 58 (280 Inscription and 300 Herbing though ;->), so I'm still a total noob.
    #19 Dec 05 2008 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
    robertlofthouse wrote:
    Quor wrote:
    minor thing here theo, but a frost dps build is going to want to open with IT instead of PS, due to tundra stalker giving the bonus damage from frost fever.

    otherwise, nicely done.

    Glacier Rot ensures that PS will boost IT, so I dont think this matters so much. In fact, latest theorycrafting on EJ has it that Frost might be able to skip PS altogether and actually improve DPS.

    [quote] On that note, with the Glyph of Plague Strike giving 20% more damage to your PS on infected targets, it's probably worth opening with IT if you have the glyph. This would be the case even if you are unholy, as desecration only gives 5% damage. So for PS > IT, your IT will hit 5% harder, and for IT > PS, your PS will be 20% harder.

    Unless there's another reason to open with PS that I'm unaware of .. my DK is still 58 (280 Inscription and 300 Herbing though ;->), so I'm still a total noob.

    No Frost DK should use the Glyph of Plague Strike when so many better glyphs are available for them. PS exists to apply Blood Plague so other attacks are boosted, DKs should not be spending too much time trying to figure out how to boost its lacklustre damage.

    Personally, I would use PS to boost IT as a Frost, and not the other way around, but there are instances when it makes sense to IT first as well; the difference is small from what I see.
    #20 Dec 05 2008 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
    608 posts
    StJust wrote:
    Quor wrote:
    minor thing here theo, but a frost dps build is going to want to open with IT instead of PS, due to tundra stalker giving the bonus damage from frost fever.

    otherwise, nicely done.

    Glacier Rot ensures that PS will boost IT, so I dont think this matters so much. In fact, latest theorycrafting on EJ has it that Frost might be able to skip PS altogether and actually improve DPS.

    robertlofthouse wrote:
    On that note, with the Glyph of Plague Strike giving 20% more damage to your PS on infected targets, it's probably worth opening with IT if you have the glyph. This would be the case even if you are unholy, as desecration only gives 5% damage. So for PS > IT, your IT will hit 5% harder, and for IT > PS, your PS will be 20% harder.

    Unless there's another reason to open with PS that I'm unaware of .. my DK is still 58 (280 Inscription and 300 Herbing though ;->), so I'm still a total noob.

    No Frost DK should use the Glyph of Plague Strike when so many better glyphs are available for them. PS exists to apply Blood Plague so other attacks are boosted, DKs should not be spending too much time trying to figure out how to boost its lacklustre damage.

    Personally, I would use PS to boost IT as a Frost, and not the other way around, but there are instances when it makes sense to IT first as well; the difference is small from what I see.

    You're talking specifically about frost though ... True, I wouldn't glyph for Plague Strike as frost, but as Unholy, it seems like a good idea ... you're going to be using both IT and PS to get as many diseases up as possible, why not maximise their (albeit) lackluster damage. Even Blood is based around having both diseases up, so again, why not boost the damage of the abilities you will use.

    Unless, of course you're telling me that there are at least 3 other glyphs available for boosting DPS which will outperform the PS glyph. Not arguing, just inquiring .. as I said, I'm still investigating the intracacies at this stage, so every bit of insight helps.
    #21 Dec 05 2008 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
    13,048 posts
    Quor wrote:
    minor thing here theo, but a frost dps build is going to want to open with IT instead of PS, due to tundra stalker giving the bonus damage from frost fever.

    otherwise, nicely done.

    The damage difference is so slight as to be not noticeable.

    TommyKinda wrote:
    How about Runeforging vs. enchanting ?

    Runes are ALWAYS better than enchants.

    #22 Dec 05 2008 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
    robertlofthouse wrote:

    You're talking specifically about frost though ... True, I wouldn't glyph for Plague Strike as frost, but as Unholy, it seems like a good idea ... you're going to be using both IT and PS to get as many diseases up as possible, why not maximise their (albeit) lackluster damage. Even Blood is based around having both diseases up, so again, why not boost the damage of the abilities you will use.

    Unless, of course you're telling me that there are at least 3 other glyphs available for boosting DPS which will outperform the PS glyph. Not arguing, just inquiring .. as I said, I'm still investigating the intracacies at this stage, so every bit of insight helps.

    Oh sorry, yes I was talking about Frost. The Glyph of Plague Strike is definitely one of the better options for Unholy.
    #23 Dec 05 2008 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
    A nifty little trick with Pestilence - it spread the disease with a brand new duration.

    So you're fighting mob A, B, C.

    Mob A is almost dead, and your disease have like 2 seconds left... Pestilence. Mob B & C now have full duration disease.

    It's pretty obvious how powerful this can be.

    On Grobbulus last night, I'd make sure to use Pestilence on the fallout slime, thus re-applying my full disease on Grob after the disengage and re-opening on him with 3 Scourge Strike...

    Blood is the current highest DPS spec. It's much more stable than Frost or Unholy, and provides one of the best melee raid buffs in the game (Abomination's Might, 10% increased AP). The rotations are more stable, and the single-target damage is very, very high.

    Any source?

    EJ seems to think Unholy is better... and from my experience, with the same gear, my DPS jump about 200 when I go unholy.

    Then again, this might be because I have 2/5 T7... +5% crit to Scourge Strike/Obliterate is pretty weak for Blood, but it's huge for Unholy (and Frost I'd assume).

    Abomination's Might is great and all, but since it doesn't stack with a shaman's unleashed rage... it's kinda wasted.

    On the other end, Unholy Aura is a superb raid buff, increasing survability and dps on any mobility intensive fight (And that's like all of them now...).

    Death and Decay, I know it makes a really cool noise, it's an AoE, and it looks really trippy, but it's terrible rune use and terrible for DPS, on top of causing a metric crapton of threat. Don't ever, ever use it when you're DPSing.

    Never say never? :P

    I found it pretty good to use on Thaddius when you're of a different polarity from the tank. It adds up to a lot more damage then just spamming IT (you do keep spamming IT between cooldown) and if your tank is worth a damn, aggro won't be an issue.

    But yes, it's useless 99.9% of the time.

    Edited, Dec 5th 2008 4:51pm by Tyrandor
    #24 Dec 05 2008 at 1:50 PM Rating: Good
    1,441 posts
    Warchief Tyrandor wrote:

    EJ seems to think Unholy is better...

    With, I believe, the caveat that only one benefits from Ebon Plague, leaving any additional Unholy with quite a chunk less DPS, or has that changed since I last checked?
    #25 Dec 05 2008 at 1:51 PM Rating: Excellent
    Yeah, the second DK should be Frost or Blood.

    I wonder how good Frost would be with Ebon Plague...
    #26 Dec 05 2008 at 2:46 PM Rating: Good
    13,048 posts
    Warchief Tyrandor wrote:
    Blood is the current highest DPS spec. It's much more stable than Frost or Unholy, and provides one of the best melee raid buffs in the game (Abomination's Might, 10% increased AP). The rotations are more stable, and the single-target damage is very, very high.

    Any source?

    EJ seems to think Unholy is better... and from my experience, with the same gear, my DPS jump about 200 when I go unholy.

    Then again, this might be because I have 2/5 T7... +5% crit to Scourge Strike/Obliterate is pretty weak for Blood, but it's huge for Unholy (and Frost I'd assume).

    Abomination's Might is great and all, but since it doesn't stack with a shaman's unleashed rage... it's kinda wasted.

    On the other end, Unholy Aura is a superb raid buff, increasing survability and dps on any mobility intensive fight (And that's like all of them now...).

    Yes, really Unholy and Blood are about equal. I'll be changing the FAQ in the next few days to reflect this.

    Really what you should be doing is playing whichever of the two specs you like, unless your raid needs one of the buffs. Abom Might doesn't stack with TSA/UR, but then again, Unholy Aura/EPB don't stack with more Unholy DKs.

    The main reason you may be seeing higher DPS as well is lack of real ArP on armor, since itemization points aren't giving us the hit cap easily like it was in T6/T6.5 gear. With more ArP and better weapons, I'd expect 51/13/7 to pull ahead. Keep in mind that SS ignores armor because it's all shadow damage.
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