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Hunters VS Death KnightsFollow

#1 Nov 24 2008 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Hi Ppl, just wondering how everyone is holding up when facing this new Death Knight class? Personally i find they are kicking my ****** Talk about the hunters bain with these guys Death grip move that pulls you into melee range, with a 35 second CD its hard to get away from them even with disengage and traps. They draw u in, u disengage and u are still within running distance for them to catch u again, rinse repeat and owned. Snake trap doesn't work to well on them either as they have an AOE that can kill your snakes fairly quickly. Mix in horde/alliance trinket and they are unstoppable. I hope in the future Blizzard gives us a new drain to sap some of their "rune energy?". Anybody have any tips for fighting the DK class? Have any 1 vs 1 experience with them that they would like to share?. I might not go as far as to say they are OP but they seem to be created for pvp domination!? as we just seem like an annoyance lol.
#2 Nov 24 2008 at 12:27 PM Rating: Good
1,519 posts
I've only gone up against a Death Knight once. Maybe the dude was just an idiot, but I killed him... Twice. And he ganked me both times. I did have to pot once, but Intimidation worked well against his minion thing, and big red Gorilla took him down while I was kitting him.
#3 Nov 24 2008 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
53 posts
Nice, you also reminded me that these guys get pets, and after you kill a death knight they turn into zombies. The dudes ive been facing off against though don't even run with pets mind you its not 1 on 1 situations but these guys get even worse when running in a group. I guess im going to come out of the BG and waste a little time dueling these guys, I need to see how they fight to come up with a strategy to deal with them , they really seem to have alot of tools at there disposal. Hmmm has anyone tried to break Death Grip with The beast Within maybe there is something there to look into. Death grip> TBW> 35 secs Death grip again disengage set trap , and TBW should have finshed its cool down, cast TBW, then stun DK all well keeping them serpent stinged and possibly dizzy...may work.
#4 Nov 24 2008 at 2:12 PM Rating: Default
902 posts
No serpent sting please.
#5 Nov 24 2008 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Yuppley wrote:
No serpent sting please.

Serpent Sting when all other instant shots are on CD, then Chimaera Shot. Or Serpent Sting to proc Lock and Load if the trap failed.

Well, he's BM.. so no. No serpent sting for BM.
#6 Nov 28 2008 at 9:59 PM Rating: Decent
Hunters will have a very hard time against Death Knights. I think Death Knights will really separate the hunters who are good at PVP and those that are not good.

I have both a hunter and dk. Twice I have faced off against a hunter on my dk. The first time, he got me by surprise and i was not really paying attention and he got me. He was being a smart hunter and I was being a dumb dk. he was laying down frost trap and had serpent sting on me the whole time. that was him being smart. me being dumb was not using icy touch with death grip, not using strangulate, not using mind freeze, not using the stun ability of my ghoul.

The strengths of a dk are as follows:
-is that it is a plate wearer.
-it can heal if it hits you ( i have seen heals go off for 2k. this is done via death strike.)
-can have an obscene amount of health and armor (i am lvl 74 right now, and have 12,219 health with 47% dam reduction, if i go frost presence, it goes up to 13,495 health with 58% dam reduction. this is only quest reward greens and blues.)
-they can go unholy presence, that increases their speed by 15%, thereby making it easier to close the gap between them and you.
-they can have a pet, all the specs can get one.
-if they go unholy, they can get bone shield, that reduces all damage by 40% for 4 hits. (so, you can image how little damage you will be doing with auto attack if he goes frost presence and has bone shield up.)
-anti magic zone, nice little bubble of NO magic (arcane shot anyone?)
-my favorite 'oh crap' when tanking: ice bound fortitude. The Death Knight freezes her blood to become immune to Stun effects and reduce all damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds. Does not remove existing Stun effects.

when you look at what they have, they are going to be a very challenging opponent. do NOT, I repeat, do NOT take death knights lightly. they have a lot going for them. since they look for the same gear that warriors look for, you can expect to see death knights with health in the ranges of 15,000 - 20,000 easily.

the best thing for a hunter to do is to use frost traps slow them down, keep that serpent sting up. it will slowly take away life. remember, they can stop any magic in its tracks with anti magic shell, strangulate, and mind freeze, so auto shoot will be your only option. as a plate wearer, that damage will get reduced. keep your distance. i would really have to say, beast master hunters would have the best shot against them.

(by the way, the second encounter i had with a hunter was when i was a bit more aware. I was at a quest giver mounted when they both attacked. I was 72, they were 71 and had a 70 warrior. I ended up killing the warrior in ghoul form. When I made it back to my body, I popped a health pot, killed the hunter in a matter of seconds. Managed to bandage, the warrior rezzed back, killed him. summoned my ghoul and ate to full health, warrior rezzed, another alliance and him attacked me. I sent them both to the grave yard. i was in single digits for health.)
#7 Nov 28 2008 at 11:16 PM Rating: Excellent
120 posts
Jebadia wrote:
remember, they can stop any magic in its tracks with anti magic shell, strangulate, and mind freeze, so auto shoot will be your only option.

hunter's cast magic spells? last time i checked hunters were a ranged physical dps class..
#8 Nov 29 2008 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I've really only run into them in Alterac Valley, but they are dangerous. Even one 4 or 5 levels below me is a threat if they catch me one on one.

#9 Nov 29 2008 at 7:36 AM Rating: Default
do hunters have a mana bar?

yes, auto attack is considered physical, but the specials are a different story.

this is right from this site:

arcane shot: An instant shot that causes [$RAP*0.15+23] Arcane damage
serpent sting: Stings the target, causing [$RAP*0.2+40] Nature damage over 15 seconds. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target.
wyvern sting: A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 12 seconds. Any damage will cancel the effect. When the target wakes up, the Sting causes 300 Nature damage over 6 seconds. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on the target at a time.
volley: Continuously fires a volley of ammo at the target area, causing 75 Arcane damage to enemy targets within 8 yards every second for 6 seconds.

Edited, Nov 29th 2008 10:45am by Jebadia
#10 Nov 29 2008 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Fighting deathknights is easy.

Roll over and die.
#11 Nov 29 2008 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
I'm a BM hunter level 74 and i have no problem at all when fighting DKs. Here are my tips i use that work every time whenever i face off against a DK.

As soon as fight begins use BW and KITE KITE KITE. IF they pull you in with death grip you can easily counter it with Disengage which shoots you back 15yds, but beware do not use disengage when your back is facing a upward slope, use disengage on flat or downhill terrain. The best pet to have when fighting melee users would have to be the Chimaera because of their lighting attack. Their attack reduces the enemy's movement speed down by 50% and iv seen it crit for 1k. Its not common for 1k but it averages 400-500 damage per lightning bolt (all of my pets abilities have a reduced CD because of my spec in BM so the CD on my lightning bolt is 7sec, try to use lightning bolt and concussive shot in a strategic order, ill use lightning bolt and after the freeze expires ill use concussive shot and repeat). After BW has expired the DK shouldnt have much health left so use intimidation, steady shot, arcane, kill shot. Remember, if the DK is blood you have to constantly be kiting because if it hits you it regains health. The aspect i use to beat them is aspect of the dragon hawk but if your under 74 use aspect of the hawk. Also save disengage only when it death grips, your disengage is a 25sec CD, death grip is 35sec. If the DK still has a lot of health left after the intimidation part then plant a freezing trap and guide it on the trap. Quick Tip for Unholy DKs: As soon as their undead charges you, plant a freezing trap and feign death, that should hold zombie off for a bit, i find unholy DKs to be the easiest because they dont have the extreme health regain like blood. HOpe this helps all you nooby hunters out there. and remember hunters are the most OP class in the game, you just have to know how to play them, they are also the most hardest class to be good at, and most of the losers that suck at pvp play a hunter which gives good hunters a bad rep. So if your a good pvp hunter give yourself a pat on the back and if your a bad hunter then follow the strategy and you'll soon be owning noobs like me. =D

almost forgot, use tranquilizing shot on Blood DKs as soon as they use vamparic blood. you wont regret it.
#12 Dec 01 2008 at 9:19 AM Rating: Good
830 posts
throttler wrote:
hunter's cast magic spells? last time i checked hunters were a ranged physical dps class..

The only spell I am aware of is Volley. I believe this is still 'magic' damage. I haven't heard from anyone decking out in Shaman gear to get spell bonus to AOE grind with it though.

It doesn't really apply to a PvP scenario, no single target is going to stay in volley radius unless you've stunned them, and then it's still a waste against single target. I have used it in PvP when we were up against a melee centric 5v5 group, it worked well, 2 kills. Does major damage all the way down the line. Volley is not to be scoffed at anymore against multiple targets. I've held my own against our much better geared mage in doing the AOE groups in Kara with the new Volley.
#13 Dec 06 2008 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Ok so I finally got to fight a DK same level as me tonight. Well about 3 hours ago before watching "Wanted" good movie btw. Anyways. Before the fight I noticed he was specced blood. I thought to myself "Oh great". Lol then the old Mortal Combat song started playing in my head...."Test your might" >< rofl and like that the fight started. I was hoping he'd use DG right off the bat and he did. Dropped frost trap, hit him with my melee macro. Raptor Strike + Wing Clip.

I ran for all it was worth. Started using jump shots popping off serpent sting, kept it up followed my tranq shot. Amazing how hard dk's can hit lol. Finally when he used DG again I used freeze trap followed by disengage + Bestial Wrath. Concussion shot followed by a run by wing clip lol. I was at 56% health. He was at 31%. Watching serpent sting tick away at his health he popped rune tap. I followed it with arcane shot. BAM crit. Popped rapid fire health was at 19% Kill Shot and the fight was over.

Have to admit it. Was one of the most intense fights I ever had. That was against blood DK. Thanks to your posts I beat my first DK into oblivion...well can't say oblivion cause I was at 47% health after the fight. He said thats the first time he's been beaten by a hunter that bad. I said go look at the forums. They'll teach you all you need to know.

Now that I've got DK out of the to figure out how to beat....druids......and locks.
Thanks for listening. Edit: Fixed some typing errors

Edited, Dec 6th 2008 4:45am by Souliken
#14 Dec 11 2008 at 7:20 AM Rating: Decent

DK's have Death Coil or Death Grip, whatever. Get out of that, trinket, disengage, and they are easy to kite.

That's what I have seen so far. May be user error on there part, however.

One good thing. A lot of the immature tards that used to play Hunters have now gone over to the DK side.
#15 Dec 15 2008 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
I've had just a few fights with them, being I have been leveling my Hunter in Outland. That's all that is out there these days.

I've had my butt handed to me all the time if they get the jump on me I would say. I wait for the DG, either lay the frost trap or wing clip, or both... disengage, and kite. Repeat simular if DG'ed in again. I perfer frost trap, to keep them in a area as I run around, but their thought is to escape that area naturally. Wing clip is just as effective. But there is no going melee with these guys, none.

I had a bout with one for an hour in Zangarmarsh once. We just kept fighting, rezzing, allowing eachother to heal up, then go again. Was alot of fun! But I lost the majority of the time.
#16 Dec 16 2008 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
As a 77 Blood DK and a 74 BM Hunter, I'd advise hunters to avoid DK contact unless they are going for the "I've seen all the graveyards" achievement. I have killed hostile DKs, but the odds are against it.
#17 Dec 16 2008 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
the first dk i came up against i pretty much put on ignore

he gripped while i was chasing a tank in the strand, i dropped a freezing trap and proceeded to take out the tank
he kept at it on my way past to the second tank, i put him to sleep with the pet and continued on my anti tank task
third time same dk (i assume he was getting narky by now)big red pet frost trap concussive / sting /arc / a few auto shots between
then kill shot..over..repeat for zomb mode

i felt i kind of overkilled him for a 1 v's 1
Dk's seem to only be a threat if they pull you into a zerg
#18 Dec 17 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Good
numnumnum wrote:
i felt i kind of overkilled him for a 1 v's 1
Dk's seem to only be a threat if they pull you into a zerg

This only ever holds true if you face the kind of DK that earlier played Hunter because it was "zomg zo OP ololol". You have to realize that most DKs around fails at playing their class. This is compounded by the fact that DKs don't get the first 58 levels of learning their class' capability. Thus, most DKs become horrible at PvP.

But when you face a DK that knows what it's doing? Well, you really need every last advantage you can get both gearwise and skillwise. They've quite simply got way too many skills that will negate your own survival skills. Hell, my Rogue eats most Death Knights (literally, it's Forsaken) alive. But when I come up against a skilled DK, it's the hardest fight I can have except for a skilled Retardin.

Go up against Theo for instance. He seems to have a good grasp of the Death Knight class, and I doubt you could "put him on ignore".
#19 Jan 14 2009 at 9:49 AM Rating: Default
omg, the death knights are making WoW a game where money buys power, i mean come on whos to say someone cant afford the lich king. then again the 15 dollars a month for WoW probably garuntees you enough cash for the lich king. i guess the dk has to be good otherwise it wouldnt be so special. but yea death knights really are going to seperate the good from the bad. not just hunters, everyone , mainly ranged attackers
#20 Jan 14 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
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