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Mage accomplishments thread!!!Follow

#177 Nov 20 2009 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
I think Anobix has said before that the haste cap for mages is 100%, which is effectively impossible. That said, I think that once Arcane Blast gets to 1.5 second cast time there's really no point to stacking more haste as you can't beat the global cool down. I could be wrong though.

804 Haste? Damn girl. I thought I was doing good at 650 lol.

Edited, Nov 20th 2009 2:27am by PigtailsOfDoom

Actually it is a 1sec GCD with haste. The standard GCD is 1.5sec (correct) but I believe that haste also decreases that number all the way down to 1second, below 1second and it is a wash, but it takes some pretty specific situations to do this (haste pot, bloodlust, icy veins, and good haste gear).
#178 Nov 20 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
Yeh Pigtails, I also rly try to avoid the Hit-Trincket... losing to much DPS as u said...

Go for the T9,5 chest yeh to get hit capped.

But I must see I looove Merlin's Robe :)
ps. the bracers a Tailor can make are also veeerryy good.

Got them both + full T9,5 set

I only want the 245 Trincket Spellpower + 150 and a new neck and I am officially done gearing hehe. (except for Heroic-gear ofc, got 1 Ring but not even wearing it cuz then I got to much hit)

Edited, Nov 20th 2009 8:52am by noalala
#179 Nov 20 2009 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I've got the bracers (wrote a post about it a month or so ago in the WoW General forum, found them on the AH for 5g), they're pretty nice. ^^ The t9.5 robes, you say? Well, that's providing I get a trophy lol. My guild actually does 25 man runs (and we're doing our first attempt at ToGC on Sat!) so I do have a chance at them, but no such luck yet. Also, if the Merlin's Robe is so much better than the T9 and 9.5 chest, it seems more logical to spend the 75 Triumph emblems on the Crusader Orbs and get the Merlin's Robe instead of using the 75 Emblems + trophy to get the T 9.5 robe. Ah well, I only have 5 triumph emblems right now anyways, after buying the head and legs. I guess I'll figure it all out when I get there.
#180 Nov 20 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
If your guild is clearing 25 mans pigtails, maybe go for the skyweaver vestments from twin valkyr.
#181 Nov 20 2009 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for that heads up Toxicity, those robes are very nice! And they're robes too! I hate being a mage wearing a stupid shirt and pants.
#182 Nov 23 2009 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe T-10 is same as T-8, with shirt and pants.

I don't mind, cuz the Guild-Tabbart is comming out nicely on that kind of chest. And as long as I do more DPS I don't care how it looks ^^
#183 Nov 23 2009 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
noalala wrote:
Hehe T-10 is same as T-8, with shirt and pants.

I don't mind, cuz the Guild-Tabbart is comming out nicely on that kind of chest. And as long as I do more DPS I don't care how it looks ^^

I don't think that is true:

looks like a robe to me.
#184 Nov 24 2009 at 12:50 AM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Busy couple of weeks.
Finally finished the Ulduar Ironbound drake.
Got Algalon 25 with supermassive achievement.
Anub is being a pain, last week was lots of dcs without being people being able to log back in right away, and this week the npc to start the event was missing and didnt show back up until after 5 soft resets and 1/2 left in our raid week. We had 50 attempts left too and only got 3 pulls this week.

Edited, Nov 24th 2009 2:17am by Toxicityoh
#185 Nov 24 2009 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
Downed Anub'arak on ToC-10 HC finally yesterday. Rogue and hunter were alive, the rest was dead ^^

Anub is a ****** to fight, 3th phase is nasty, even with heroism. Can't imagine how this bugger will be on 25-HC...

12,5k dmg on Twins on 10-man, Arcane is Booming, I used to hate it, but soooo love it now.

Edited, Nov 24th 2009 5:45am by noalala
#186 Nov 25 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
Pulled just under 12k dps last night on twins, squeaking out the #1 spot and winning 100g. And that is without getting empowered the entire time and no bloodlust!

It's pretty fun, for my guild anyone who feels they can hit #1 damage done on the fight puts in 25g into a pot, whoever hits #1 walks away with it. Also pulled #1 on beasts. I did #1 on Jar last week, but hit #5 this time. Apparently other people besides the mages were dispelling the spellpower buff which killed my dps (I only got 1-2 stacks each time this week, last week I was getting 4-5).
#187 Nov 26 2009 at 2:08 AM Rating: Decent
Nice Anobix :)

Would be some nice moneymaking, cuz us mages should be able to top all bosses except the Champions Fractions cuz of us CC-ing all the time.

#188 Nov 26 2009 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
I do have some trouble with dps on Anub because of the target switching and aoeing/kiting in phase 2. Our ret pally has been winning lately followed by other melée I believe. I think once we switch/get to heroic where there is a lot more aoeing then I should start rising from 6-8 towards the top
#189 Nov 26 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
I hardly AoE these days cuz the Arcane spec has ****** AoE... Nuking just one mob makes way more dmg, except for all them little whelps at Onyxia. ^^

I leave the AoE to Locks, Shadowpriest and Boomkins.
#190 Nov 30 2009 at 5:52 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Loving arcane at the moment :)

I beat our one remaining fire mage who is mostly in ilvl 232/245 (w/4pcT9) gear with my mish mash of ilvl 200-245 gear.

Between myself (my main is my druid but I do love my little mage) and the regular mages we have been trying to get him to make the switch. He has it as his offspec but doesn't like it so I don't think it will happen :(
#191 Nov 30 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Decent
I had exactly the same Kev, I hated Arcane and loved Fire.... But after some convincing arguements from these Guru's on this forum I decided to give it a try. A IMBA change that was, cuz except for making cookies and tea us mages belong in the top of damage :)

My dps went up about 2,5 k dmg per second!

Now swapped some gear around and got 890 haste, and I am so damn quick with damage these days I can't belive it myself haha

Pro's Arcane:
Imba (quick) damage, doing 7k in Heroic 5-mans atm
Need only little hitrate wich leaves more room for haste/crit
12,6k dps on Twins, who wouldn't love that! Best fire nuke I had was 9k.
Scorching still possible as Arcane, so no need for a firemage to be in raid for a scorch-*****.
More spellpower cuz of talents (about 250)
More Int cuz of talents
Usually lead the damagemeter

Manaflow, demands some timing with Mana-gems, using Evocation will stop dps for a while, but still compared to fire the diffrence in damage is insane.
U'll need a lot of haste, and a fire-mage prolly got gear focussed on crit.
No damage-over-time spell available (how I loved LivingBomb)

Just convince him to give it a try, and hopefully he will get excited when he sees his damage.
Dual-Spec ftw!

#192 Nov 30 2009 at 8:16 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Noalala wrote:
Manaflow, demands some timing with Mana-gems, using Evocation will stop dps for a while, but still compared to fire the diffrence in damage is insane.
U'll need a lot of haste, and a fire-mage prolly got gear focussed on crit.
No damage-over-time spell available (how I loved LivingBomb)

I think this is what he is focusing on more than anything.

His haste is actually 692 so the gear he has will be good for arcane. The last time I checked Rawr it was showing an increase of 500 DPS or more.

edit: corrected what I wanted to say

Edited, Nov 30th 2009 9:21am by KevMc
#193 Nov 30 2009 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, it get a bit more messy with Arcane, due to mana-regen options available. Also if I check my details after a raid on World-Of-Logs I notice my "Activity" is lower on Arcane (around 86%, but with fire it was 97%)

Although I am nuking-nuking-nuking I still loose activity on Arcane, prolly due to Evocation and I think (not sure) that Arcane Missiles take away some activity stats.

What you can say is what they told me: A good mage does Arcane, no questions asked, it's waaaay better then fire atm!

As said before: I hated Arcane as well, now I don't wanna go back to crap dps. If he get's the hang of it, I bet he'll start lovin it (I hope for you and ur guild!) ^^

Ps. His haste is good enuf for Arcane!

Edited, Nov 30th 2009 10:04am by noalala
#194 Nov 30 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, he has more haste than I do (around 500 I think).

The reason fire activity is higher is because that while moving you still have ignite/living bomb ticks still going, which can hurt your dps but will increase your damage done, which is what I found is the difference between fire and arcane. I can stay afloat for longer with my full rotation as fire longer than I can with arcane just because of how my timers work out and such, that and even if my dps will be lower than arcane (except for on Ony, which is when I switch back to fire to load up the whelps and destroy the meters) but my damage done ends up being about the same. The difference isn't great enough to look at fire as the new frost spec where it is wrong to spec fire. It really comes down to fight mechanics, player skill, RNG, and personal preference/gear.
#195 Nov 30 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Noalala wrote:
As said before: I hated Arcane as well, now I don't wanna go back to crap dps. If he get's the hang of it, I bet he'll start lovin it (I hope for you and ur guild!) ^^

Ps. His haste is good enuf for Arcane!

For the good of the guild (and himself) we want him to change or at least give it more of a chance. He is quite stubborn at times :)

Anobix wrote:
It really comes down to fight mechanics, player skill, RNG, and personal preference/gear.

This is me with my 197 haste and this is him. Maybe skill is his problem as I am sure he should be beating me by a country mile regardless of whether he is fire and I am arcane.
#196 Nov 30 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, the gear disparity between both of you is huge. There shouldn't be any contest between you two.

You do realize that your trinkets are both pretty awful right? Spirit on your boots is okay, but really I would lean towards either icewalker (if you need hit) or tuskarr's vitality for the movement speed.
#197 Nov 30 2009 at 12:19 PM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Anobix wrote:
You do realize that your trinkets are both pretty awful right? Spirit on your boots is okay, but really I would lean towards either icewalker (if you need hit) or tuskarr's vitality for the movement speed.

Yeah I do realise that my trinkets are utter garbage :( They are just the ones that I have had since dinging 80 and the guild I am in very rarely let alts (considering making my mage my main but my current main is the only feral) into the raids. I need to go do some normal ToC 5 man to get the abyssal rune.

Regarding the enchant, no I don't need hit as I am swimming in it and I don't think (must check now that you mention it) I can do tuskarr's vitality at the moment. I need to stop being lazy and get to 450 on my profs.
#198 Nov 30 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Well I'm sure some other enchanter in your guild will be able to put Tuskar's on your boots if you want to get it done.
#199 Dec 04 2009 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
Thanks to my awesome guild got Reign of the Dead (245), then used my extra badges to just buy the 232 pants to get my 4pc (so 3x245+1x232). Here's hoping to show up some leet deeps next week.
#200 Dec 04 2009 at 8:07 AM Rating: Decent
Gratz m8! We are running this ToC-25 since beginning and I've only seen it drop once!! And I want it so badly....

But I am on top DKP-list, so when it drops, it is mine! :D

And the neck I love to have, then there is nothing (except Heroic-gear) to gain anymore, pretty goot timing that releasedate of the next patch ^^
#201 Dec 04 2009 at 4:53 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
It wasn't on my mage (which is my main so I wish it was) but I had to tank so I got it on my druid.

Earth wind and fire 10, U.S. 76th I believe.
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