My 1st real accomplishment as shaman was yesterday. I have 1800 bonusheal unbuffed and I have been healing some kara, normal 5mans and few heroics. Haven't felt too secure before and have been asking some feedback from my tanks and from people I trust in game. This is partly cos most of my gear has been merciless (to get kara starting gear @ 70) and also cos this is my 1st healing class.
So about two days ago we went to Heroic Mgt and I thought it'll be fine since we had really nice group with rogue, Spriest, mage, warrior and me. It was easy run and we didn't have many problems. Yesterday we decided to run again with my rogue friend and tried to get similar group. We got us palatank, mage (health + gear was way behind others, really hard to keep alive), same rogue, Spriest and me. We had some issues all along and some aggro issues on tank.
On 2nd boss we wiped propably 3-4 times before downing him. I really thought that we wont make a complete run.
Arena fight was quite easy and we had no problems there (while almost every pull I was really busy healing everyone and had to use too much LHW). Finally we worked to last boss and wiped ofc since mage get killed on birds easily and tank died in blastwave.
We run back in and rebuff. I give tank Woa to get more threat (also mage, priest and me get benefit),str so more AP for rogue and tank, flametongue for tank, and manaspring. Spriest and mage on birds and quite soon priest dies with mage. I go and drop fire elemental near boss to make some dmg on her. Once again our tank get's killed because did not bubble on blastwave. This was around 40% so now there is only me and rogue left and I almost lost my hope. When I saw tank going down I started giving flameshocks to boss when ever I could. Also put earth ele near boss for some extra dmg and kept firestream down all times. Somehow managed to keep myself and rogue alive all times. At 5-6% during airphase rogue got stuck with all 3 balloons on him and he died. I cast flameshock and chainlightning on boss and gave all I had while healing my tauren butt.
After few seconds I was spamming my button and was shocked when nothing happened... Moment later I realise that boss was giving her death speak and my party was cheering in chat. My hands were shaking and I couldn't believe it. It was heroic after all. Got some really good feedback from my rogue partner and was quite satisfied also myself.
Was hoping for 1H weapon for enha specc but got shoulders so all good. All in all really good run since now I have no doubt about am I capable to heal that place and several others... Thanks for reading fellow shamanistics.