Last night I was with my warrior friend in a 2's match. There was a resto druid and a rogue. The druid wasn't
that geared but the rogue had 4/5 S3 and 1/5 S2 and his weapons were S3 also. So it starts out and my friend is
attacking the druid, I come and Cheap shot get him down to 5% and he blows NS on himself. By this time the rogue
was beating on my friend getting him pretty low. We finally downed the druid but then my warrior friend dies. So
now it's a S2/3 full vindicators and S3 weapons rogue vs me, which I only have full S1 2/4 vindicators and
and S1 weapons. To top it off, he's almost full health to my 3/4's health. So we both run and stealth he gets off
a sap first and starts beating me down. i vanish cheap shot him get a 5 CP KS off, and now were both at about half health. At this time, his KS is off CD and im in another stun. So I trinket out blind and go stealth again. This time I got the sap off and started it off. He trinkets out of my KS and starts beating me down. Now I have about 5% health and hes at about 20%. Now I'm getting worried about this. I got him into another stun and gained a fast 5 CP's up on him, and I run into the center of the arena and try to get in another stealth, he deadly throws right before I went to stealth and cheat death procs. I turn around, SS and finish him off for the victory.
I'd have to say thats my most amazing accomplishment as a rogue, beating a S2/S3 in a 1v1 starting off with less health and undergeared compared to him.