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The Shadow Compendium - Warlock PlaystylesFollow

#52 Jun 24 2007 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
Name: Dark Draining
Minimum Level: 40
Mandatory Talents: Dark Pact 1/1, Fel Concentration 5/5
Boosting Talents: Improved Corruption 5/5, Shadow Embrace 5/5, Unstable Affliction 1/1, Demonic Embrace 5/5
Description: Similar to Regular Drain Tanking, this technique varies in what pet is used (Imp) and for what purpose (Mana Generation.) For preparations the Imp is called out and put on Passive, he is sent into Phased mode so he can not be forced into combat -- allowing his high SPI to continue mana generation while the fight proceeds. Load up the enemy with your available DoTs (usually safe to avoid using SL although it is a viable option with the exceedingly high amount of mana available to a Dark Drainer.) As the enemy reaches you and your DoTs are layed out switch to wanding (which produces enough DPS to effectively work as an additional DoT - is still a bit lower than Drain Life, however.) As your health lowers by taking hits, switch from wanding to Draining Life. The goal here is to end up with 90-100%hp at the end of the fight - you will find your personal balance with a few practice rounds. As the fight comes to a close (if the monster is running while dotted or has died) Dark Pact the Imp until either he is out of mana or you are full mana. Can be cast on the go towards the next mob. Yellow mobs this tactic produces litterally 0 stopping time and a relateively fast paced kill (usually 5 seconds longer than a good Mage kill).

Edited, Jun 24th 2007 6:41am by tzsjynx
#53 Jun 25 2007 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
Alastaironsiren wrote:

Chain Reaction (Tentative)
EDIT: Apparently not possible since SoCor AoE doesn't count towards other running SoCor damage.
Minimum Level: 70
Mandatory Talents:
Boosting Talents: empowered corruption, improved voidwalker, fel stamina, TBD
Send your voidwalker into a cluster of monsters, and cast seed of corruption on all of them. Then toss a shadowbolt at the first one and watch Damage Domino. Probably going to turn out to be a situational or gimmick tactic, but we have all had a bit of theorycraft fun with SoC since it got announced, didn't we?

You can still pull this off. Cast Seed of Corruption on all of the mobs, follow up with a Shadowfury and either use a grenade/bomb to finish the required damage to blow it up or use Rain of Fire/Hellfire. Either way, it does work, and it hurts if you can pull it off. It's too hard to use in PvP though. People don't stay packed-in enough, and there's plenty of Dispels being dispersed.
#54 Jun 29 2007 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
This is probably only available to lowbs, as mobs get harder to kill as time goes on (and your imp gets easier), and I've never really levelled a lock...but I found some mechanicals seemed to be immune to my VW taunt, and I decided to break out the imp. The goal was to kill them without either of us taking a hit. I present...

Minimum Level: 2
Mandatory Talents: N/A
Boosting Talents: (Anything that will help yours or your imps damage and/or survivability)
Description: The objective of this technique is to take out mobs without you or your imp ever taking a hit. This is what I used to level from 2-10, and to take out any mobs that are immune to my VW taunt and fear for one reason or another (some mechanicals are), or if I somehow ran out of soul shards and was left with only an imp (and no fel concentration). The task is to get the mob to run back and forth between you and your imp without ever getting into melee range. I usually would start at 60-80 yards away, and tell the imp to attack, as I run/strafe (making a 45 degree angle) to the target and start casting once I'm close enough. Once you time it just right, you can get the mob to come to you when it's ~6-8 yards away from your imp, and then stop casting at just the time for it to get within 6-8 yards of you before turning back to the imp. It's hard to do, but if done right can lead to 0 damage taken.
#55 Aug 20 2007 at 1:34 AM Rating: Default
Mazra wrote:
Just a quick note to the Chain Reaction build:

This is no longer possible as Seed of Corruption cannot proc from another Seed of Corruption proc. You would thus have to

a.) wait for all the Seed of Corruptions to run their course


b.) cast a Shadowbolt on each target.

ofc it's possible to deploy all SoC at the same time,

Voidwalker run around and collect 6+ mobs, SoC,

Shadowfury,. kaboom loot.
#56 Oct 04 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,574 posts
Alastaironsiren wrote:
Another possibility for world pve (as you'll want a lot of space to run across) is getting boots with minor speed increase enchanted with another minor speed increase to stack with it.

This sticky needs fixing to get rid of this piece of misinformation. The minor run speed enchantment does not stack with any other run speed enhancement.
#57 Oct 07 2007 at 2:54 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts

If you see any more inconsitencies, feel free to list them, as is obvious to the board vets I haven't touched my lock since TBC and have to rely, more than ever, upon people like you for updates.

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 12:55am by Alastaironsiren
#58 Oct 31 2007 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Honestly, I know I'm not the best lock around here at all, but I would like to submit the Destructo Lock.

At this time, I have all points in Destruction Spec, minus Aftermath. Any melee damage causes SB to insta-cast and will usually crit. Additionally, there's a good chance that the SB will also return health. Damage bonuses become insane after TBC gear comes into play, not to mention crit ratings. Curse of Shadows or Elements boosts damage more. The first time I saw Soul Fire crit was during a Hellfire run, at level 64, which hit for 4k of damage. I haven't had much time to play that old char anymore, but leveling a new lock now. While it's not mana efficient in any way, the bonuses from Imp gives more stam for Mana Tap, and in PvP/Arenas, with a good healer at your back, you're damn near invincible. To top it off, Undead race benefits from Will of Forsaken, making it that much harder for another lock to land Fear. Just my 2 cents.
#59 Nov 05 2007 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
How does that differ from Shadow Mage / Firemancer playstyle, exactly? And if it does enough to warrant a new entry, would you mind giving input following the template? Thanks.
#60 Mar 11 2008 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Shadow Mage / Firemancer
Minimum Level: 26
Mandatory Talents: 2/2 Intensity
Boosting Talents: Ruin, Shadow Mastery, Demonic Sacrifice, Master Demonologist, Destruction tree in general
This playstyle is leading back to the origin of Warlocks, that of mages who delved too deeply into the shadow arts. You are a nuking warlock, and depending on your optional talents, you will work with shadow or with fire. If you have Demonic Sacrifice, a sacrified Succubus or a sacrified imp will boost either magic, while a sacrified felhunter will let you nuke longer. Your focus on direct and burst damage is great for raiding and PvP.

what do you recommend you spent your talent tree points on the way to the boosts? It interests me to be some kind of destruction spec. I've had a warlock that was demonology but over time it got very mundane.

Edited, Mar 11th 2008 6:51pm by parlafunkadelic
#61 Mar 30 2008 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
I am a level 61 destrolock with 14.50% crit chance on spells so far, I've just got to hellfire peninsula and the quests here give you really good armour with plenty of +int and +stamina.

Not had the chance to explore much of outlands yet, so I'd imagine theres even better kit out there to boost my crit chance.

Doing 1500 to 2000 crits with shadow bolt quite regularly now. Reading back, looks like 25% crit chance is something to aim for.

I think the trick is to get kit that gives you +crit chance, +intelligence and +stamina, so all of my kit has these attributes.

Doing fine so far with it.

I also maxed my imp in destro and demonology, spent 3 points in demonology to increase its uses. AT lev 70 I should have 3-4 points to put in affliction. So I guess I will put that on corruption.

Destrolock, but I can also do the mini gatling gun tricks with my imp.

Only downside is Mana, You use a lot very quickly. Reading the bit previously about getting first aid and training it to max so that you can use the spell to swap health for mana seems like a very good idea. I'll try it and let you know how it goes.

Not sure if I will do much PVP, but fear and imp is working great so far with PVP. shadow bolt from a distance, set imp to fire away, fear, curse of elements, soulfire usually does the job.
#62 May 08 2008 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
Noob lock here, first character in WoW, and still learning (actually just starting to research and put more thought into my role).

After trying Affliction and Demo 60+, I finally am getting familiar with the Destro-role. I just hit 69.

After being steeped in Affliction, I began associating locks with shadow damage, and it took a while in Destro to realize how fun a firemancer role can be, especially when dealing damage to other locks, undeads, etc.

With crit between 20-25% (depending on what I'm wearing), I can get some impressive chains with:

Immolate > Incinerate (x2) > Conflagrate

That could translate into something like:

700~1200 > 900~2000 (x2) > 500~1000 = 4k or so damage in about 6 seconds (barring instant cast cases). There's a good chance they'll be either dead or dazed after that, in which case I can finish them off with quick Shadowfury, or a Death Coil/nuke.

Basically a burst-fire-crit combination that works fine in PVP or grinding, but not sure how it will play out in Raids/Dungeons.

Open to advice or suggestions.
#63 May 11 2008 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
No no, what that means is that only one type of corruption spell can be placed on a single target. So if you cast SoC on one target, a corruption will consume the SoC, but if you switch targets, then you can cast another SoC and it won't consume the other one on the different target. SoC has no cooldown so its not like CoD.
#64 Jun 05 2008 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
Name: 2v2 Duelist
Minimum Level 70
Mandatory Talents:
Description: A build my friend uses, it's generally Imp, Nuke, Dead. I threw in the instant Corruption to quickly stick on your enemies for a quicker down fall. The Fel Intellect is really nice, getting you mana and increasing the times your Imp can bolt. The Fel Domination is nice if your Imp gets owned.

A good thing to do to this build is change the Imp theme to Succy and go half affl half Destro.
#65 Jun 24 2008 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
I farm rep at the heap in Netherstorm all the time. I am already exalted so I take some friends with me, let them get all the insignias and we roll on keys. I usually use my imp for the mana battery. I try to pull between 6-8 mobs at once, dot every one of them up with COA followed by Siphon life. Then I pop each with seed of corruption....I have the full frozen shadowweave set so I am getting back almost the same health im losing due to damage. When my second seed of corruption hits, I start running looking for the next group. Of course the players with me will do damage as well, one is a priest which helps with my heals. Alot of times they sit in one place I run around like a crazy person dotting everything I can find and bringing it back to them. Then I start the seed of corruption routine. Then we just watch the bodies hit the floor and all the sparklies :). When I am solo and just farming in general, I still pull 6-8 if it gets too much I just ping pong fear on them, I can get about 6 going at one time. It gets hectic but can be done. I pretty much never worry about fighting anything solo, simple motto if I can fear it, its dead. If I cant fear it, I still attempt it just have to be more inventive lol.

Lvl 70 gnome lock
zangarmarsh server
#66 Jul 09 2008 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
SoC can be on multiple mobs. In the tooltip, it means that you can't have SoC and Corruption up at the same time. From what I've read, this post is flawless.
#67 Jul 10 2008 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
Name: DoT tanking
Minimum Level: 51 (for Unstable Affliction, will work to varying degree of success at lower levels
Mandatory Talents: Imp Corruption, Siphon life, Fel Concentration, Unstable Affliction
Boosting Talents: Imp Voidwalker, Imp Life tap
Description: Works well with many mobs and capable of dealing with numerous adds. Send VW in, cast Unstable Affliction, Siphon LIfe, Corruption, life tap, Immolate, fear and immediatly send VW on to next Mob. By the time fear expires Mob is dead. If it breaks early it'll only hiy you a few times. Repeat casting sequence. When VW is low on health, Consume Shadows and life tap and bandage. After a few cycles pause to gather loot.

I've been using this in Nagrand to a great success in farming crystal fragments to get rep with consortium
#68 Jul 23 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
This is a significant variation to the Drain Hunter.

I am currently a level 54 straight Demon speced lock. I have always gone Aff/Dem build for PvE soloing, but tried the straight Demon build and the Drain Hunting works to perfection.

Name: Demon Drainer
Level Req: 40ish
Mandatory Talents: Skill:HERBALISM, Fel Synergy, Demonic Brutality, Mana Feed, 5/5 Master Demonologist, Demonic Empowerment, etc (anything that improves the tanking qualities of the VW)
Boosting Talents: All extra points to improve your DPS. Demonic Aegis a given as critical

Description: The herbalism skill gives you a free healing spell that makes your downtime nearly zero. The mana feed guarantees the VW never runs out of agro spell mana. At level 48 I was taking 6 pulls of level 45-46 mobs. Last night (level 53) I did a 9 pull of lvl 45-47 pirates in Tanaris.

Play Style:
1) target mob, send VW, slap three dots, activate Dem. Empowerment as available
2) repeat step 1 for everything you can find.
If you gain agro,
3) activate the VW's Sacrifice ability, send VW on mobs that are on you.
If shield drops and you still have mobs on you
4) AoE fear. Drain Life for the kill on weak opponents
5) AS NEEDED: Tap for mana
5a) when life is low use herbalism healing first.
5b) second round of tapping, use Demonic Coil for about 3/4 lifebar
5c) third round of tapping use health potion
5d) fourth round of tapping use bandage
5e) fifth round of tapping use health stone
5f) go back to 5a, the cooldowns are done by now
6) syphon soul here and there to keep your shard count healthy

Top priorities in heat of battle - you do not take damage! Your health is your mana, not damage soak. In my 9 pull I took no more than 3 hits on myself. (many hits against the sacrifice shield, which I cast twice during the battle) If you gain agro, sic the pet on that mob ASAP! With the spec mentioned, the pet WILL gain agro very soon, and with Mana Feed he will never run out of mana.

I finished the 9 pull with full life and 3/4 mana. It took all of 6 minutes and I went straight into another 4 pull right after the battle. (after recasting health stone and looting, I was full mana)

I have been favoring INT, STA, and spell power gear, in that order. Spirit is a distant fourth. It's not about the speed of the kill, its about the staying power. INT gives me a big enough mana bar that I can do what I need to do. STA gives me enough health that I can tap 4 times on a full health bar.

I always keep my soulstone active with a backup waiting in my backpack. since level 20 I have had to use it only twice and I have never died after soulstone recovery. This is another key "No Downtime" feature to the build.

As the toon grows, I plan to add metamorphosis to the build as yet another "I Win" button, then start putting my remainding points into affliction, mainly to get the imp lifetap.

I love my lock. I hope y'all can find some useful info in what I have come to learn about it.

Morguent 54 Lock

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 1:28pm by Mourgan

Edited, Jul 23rd 2009 1:59pm by Mourgan
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