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#27 Feb 17 2007 at 11:01 PM Rating: Decent
I would like to add, that you really need to be at least in the upper 30s, ideally 40 (when you can get conflagrate) to really be effective as a firemancer lock. Before that I found affliction (hunter-locks) or DOT-FEAR were so much more effective.
#28 Feb 21 2007 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
This is a very nice thread, coodos to you. Im very new at the lock business, i curently have a 32 lock and im actually loving every second of it =). i am using the Drain Hunter strategy which i love but i have beem checking the talent build and i came up with my own build, i just want to know if the build is good or should i change it alittle.

I want to go this way because i think it works well in both pve and pvp reason being is because i have all the dots (i love to see my enemies suffer ;P), 2 instance fears, if i ever get in trouble while fighting in pvp or in pve i can scrifice my voidwalker and get another one in 1.5 sec for 90% less mana which imo is sweet!!!, and if i crit with my SB all my shadow dots jst became much stronger. Please gie me some advice on what should i do, if i should stay the way i am or change everything completel thank you. Can't wait to hear the comments.
#29 Feb 21 2007 at 10:27 PM Rating: Decent
102 posts
hm... only one correction, your DoTs doesn't get stronger if your shadowbolt crits. it only applies to non-periodic damage.
otherwise it's about right, by the looks of it, it might work in PVP, althoug, I'd dump the points in imp.Shadowbolt and put 2 of them in imp.HS
I'll make it easy for me...

that might be a better way to do it.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2007 1:27am by aByakugan
#30 Feb 22 2007 at 12:25 AM Rating: Decent
I read the ability for for Imp. SB and it says that on crit it increases Shadow damage by X% until 4 non-periodic sources are applied. it last 12 sec.

now im not a lock profesional but i think that means that as long as the damage is periodic dmg it will last the entire 12 secs and if i apply 4 non-periodic it goes away but im not sure if that is correct
#31 Feb 26 2007 at 2:20 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
That's correct. The DoTs benefit from the effect but don't consume it.
#32 Feb 26 2007 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,515 posts
Regarding DoT Grinder spec - you don't want to have the imp out usually. You want a pet that can do mana free damage so you're able to dark pact for non stop killing. Succubus (higher damage) or Felpup (sturdier, more utility).
#33 Mar 05 2007 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
I'm a sm/ruin lock with 4 more points in affliction after lvling to 64, but I was thinking the other about a different build at 70 for farming. It would consist of going down to nightfall and/or siphon life in affliction and backlash in Destruction tree, just working off of procs lol I dont know i was just messing around and saw it was possible lol.
#34 Mar 08 2007 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
Couple of things to keep in mind if your talking about raid/instance specs(with raid being the priority) A few talents may be almost mandatory depending on how many Locks you have raiding.

Impoved Imp - Bloodpact stamina buff raised from 70->91 for entire raid(group).

Improved Healthstone - this is an interesting one since you can actually have more than 1 healthstone if another lock has a different amount of points than you. So coordinate with other warlocks in your raiding group. You can have one 2/2 skill stone, one 1/2 skill stone and one 0/2 stone. The timer on use is still 2 minutes, but some boss fights can last long enough for all 3 to be used by people. Soulwell is a godsend btw :)

Malediction - this is a skill deep in the affliction tree that has enormous payoffs for a raid. Depending on which one you use your either boosting arcane/shadow or fire/frost dmg by 13% with 88 decrease to resists. The 3% boost doesn't sound alot, and isn't if there is only one person, but imagine that effect put into use by all the range dps of your raid...quickly adds up.

As for what spec you should go with for raiding there are several schools of thought. Alot of people say Ruin specs(there are a few diff ones but all include ruin as a main source of dmg)are great, but I find that you either draw alot of extra aggro(especially if you go over 25% crit rate)and either die or are forced to stop damaging, or run out of mana and must spend time drain tapping(very dangerous on some raid bosses) to get enough to start dmging again. People then say you have soulshatter, but with a 5 minute timer, and in ruin spec, I can easily gain the lost aggro back with a ill timed crit. Personally I find an Affliction build to be very useful in raids. The spec I use currently is 41/10/10. The ten in demon being imp imp 3/3, imp HS 2/2 and 5/5 in Demonic Embrace, and the 10 in Destruct being 5/5 imp SB, and 5/5 Bane. Dark pact is my best friend as I always have imp out for bloodpact and he regens mana at a very nice rate. I DoT the boss, dark pact(to allow imp to start regen) start spamming SB til I need to re-dot, dark pact and repeat. I am almost always at the top of the DPS charts(or close). Alot of the bosses either AE stun or have other effects that require your attentions diverted elsewhere(like bandaging to save healers mana, running from an AE blast etc... which if your full aff, one of your main dmg sources(your DoT's) are still ticking away happily.

In no way am I saying this is the only way to go, just in my experience at lvl 70 raids/instances this is the route I find most effective for myself.

#35REDACTED, Posted: Mar 14 2007 at 5:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) PEOPLE - I am a lvl 65 Warloc and i have re-specked several times. In a nut Shell if u want to be invincible in one on one get outland gear with high stam and intellect buffs. i might look **** but I have near 12k HP and with demon spec to boot I absorb 40% dmg and my felguard has 6000 armour and 6000 health. In this formation your unstoppperble. Whilst questing, players will think twice before ganking u and if they do trust me u WILL finish the fight to their disbelief as the aggressor. If they start the fight u can grab a tea come back and then kill em before ur health runs out. Some horde end up repeatingly attacking me as there baffled as to why i relentless destroy them time after time. I have taken on full health groups of 2 horde, no mater what class combination they have i.e hunter mage, druid, warrior. At 12k HP demon spec with the right tatics, health potions, ss and hs at ur disposal u can take down 2 fully fueled horde by urself providing there around ur lvl. I have done it several times. I even beat lvl 70's in one on one 9/10. The only issue is u have low mana but life tap sorts that and it takes ages and 3 lots of bandages to heal 12k HP but at full health with ur pet out ur pretty much indestructable. In PVP u rule at the end of the day i just bang out multiple COA and dont worry too much about finishing people off ur buddies will do that and u still get the HP and ur around far longer than most. Instances and raids u last alot longer but the only downfall to this spec is u do V LOW DMG however, technically if ur around longer ur overall DMG should be higher cause u dont die as quick. If ur like me and u wanna walk around anywhere and not have to worry about being ganked or feeling u need to look out all the time. Be confident and walk around with no fear with this spec. I love it. Another bonus is outland high stam gear is dirt cheap and dont cost a fortune and has better stam buffs than epic and the highest tier set armour. I will even go as far as using a druid staff that gives me 73 stam buff. Thats near 1k hp. If nothing else its alot of fun having horde repeating attack u whilst u chuckle at their feable repeated attempts to kill u before u just get bored n squash them. No doubt at 70 i will add a few pvp sets in for resillience and dmg bonus but by then ur 70 the only people to fear r same lvl as u. Lethorien is my name.
#36 Mar 21 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
I use imp to get mana from with dark pact and i NEVER use him. I can take out a 4-grp of lvl 71 non-elites quite easily just buy 1st casting UA, CoA, Corruption, then siphon life on each mob the last one just amp curse, Corruption, siphon life then Howl of terror all of the with my spelldmg (+757) i can rely on my dots to completely finish them off alnoe, i lifetap, howl of terror, drain tank last mob, they all die by the time they get back, then i have about 75% hp and 75% mana, dark pact back to 100% mana, and i usually stay within the 60-75% mana and HP range FOREVER unless i sit and it but i never do its just down time.
#37 Mar 22 2007 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
montario wrote:
I'm a sm/ruin lock with 4 more points in affliction after lvling to 64, but I was thinking the other about a different build at 70 for farming. It would consist of going down to nightfall and/or siphon life in affliction and backlash in Destruction tree, just working off of procs lol I dont know i was just messing around and saw it was possible lol.

I actually run this build and it's awesome...have 17 points in Affliction giving me 2 points in nightfall and 44 points in destro, giving me Backlash and Shadow Fury. Then I basically Drain Tank with this build.
#38 Mar 24 2007 at 2:36 AM Rating: Default
I've been Drain Tanking since my mid-twenties when I started pulling aggro off of my Voidwalker. At first I went with a variation of Drain Hunting, but then I found my Voidwalker to be obsolete once I hit 40. Reason being....

Dark Pact FTW!

Affliction build Warlocks, make sure to pick up Dark Pact as soon as possible. Once you hit 40 you should have Dark Pact, and with that, you will most likely never have downtime. The trick is to drop your Voidwalker and switch back to you Imp. Keep your Imp out of combat (keep him Phase Shifted so he doesn't pull aggro), and use him as a mana battery by using Dark Pact. When your Imp is out of mana, simply Life Tap then Drain Life, and/or bandage up (or Cannibalize if your Undead) if necessary and within a few minutes your Imp should be fully recharged on mana. At first it may seem like you might be dropping in damage, but the amount of damage that your pet does is nothing in comparison to your nearly complete lack of downtime.

Click here for a sample of what this build looks like at 40, or here for a sample of a similar build at 70. Keep in mind that there are many other variations of this build, I'm definitely not the first one to come up with this build or the strategy that works well with such a build. There are plenty of other great builds out there, but I've found it that Affliction builds tend to have significantly less downtime (if any downtime whatsoever) in comparison to the other builds -- the lack of downtime completely offsets any loss in damage that such a build might suffer.

Mana Battery Imp
Minimum Level: 40
Mandatory Talents: Dark Pact, Fel Concentration, Soul Siphon, and whatever other Affliction points that are necessary to pick up in order to get Dark Pact.
Boosting Talents: Improved Corruption, Improved Drain Soul, Improved Life Tap, Improved Curse of Agony, Amplify Curse, Grim Reach, Nightfall, Empowered Corruption, Siphon Life, Curse of Exhaustion, Shadow Mastery, Contagion, Dark Pact, Improved Howl of Terror, Unstable Affliction, Demonic Embrace, Fel Intellect, Improved Imp, Improved Shadow Bolt, Bane, Shadowburn, Devastation, Ruin, and/or any other talents that complement an Affliction build.
Description: This is a relatively simple variation of the Drain Tanking build, but instead of using a Voidwalker as an off-tank, one switches to an Imp and keeps it out of combat (with Phase Shift up) in order to use him as a mana battery (via Dark Pact). With this Drain Tank variation, a Warlock uses their pet's mana as an extention to their own mana pool and will most likely never have any downtime. Alternatively, one could use other demon pets -- even though Imps seem to regenerate mana the fastest, sometimes its helpful to have a Succubus out (for the use of Seduction), especially on a PvP server where one sometimes has to contend with player aggro.
#39 Mar 24 2007 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Three other things that will really boost a Dark Pact build are 1/5 Shadow Embrace, 5/5 Fel Intelect and 3/3 Demonic Aegis.

1/5 Shadow Embrace - One point here to boost your damage done with Drain Life (via Siphon Soul)

5/5 Fel Intelect - More mana for you, and your imp. It's a much bigger boost for your imp, which means more mana do dark-pact away from it.

3/3 Demonic Aegis - Seems underpowered, but try it with Fel Armor up. It will increase ALL healing effects on you by 26% (after the talent points) as well as +shadow damage by 130. That makes Siphon Life and Drain Life that much juicier.

You have to give up Shadowburn and Bane to get it, but imo it's worth it. Don't think Improved Curse of Agony is worth it, as it does negligable damage anyways. Use Curse of Shadows, It'll boost ALL of your dots by 10%. The difference more than makes up for the damage, and you'll be boosting all other shadow damage in your raid. Not too shabby.

Edited, Mar 25th 2007 3:52pm by Banatu
#40 Mar 26 2007 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
I dropped Improved Curse of Agony for Malediction and I definitely have to say that it was quite a worthwhile trade-off. I still use Curse of Agony when I'm running solo, but in groups (especially when grouped with shadow priests or other warlocks) Curse of Shadows just rocks. At level 55, with Curse of Shadows and the damage bonus from my DoTs (because of the Soul Siphon talent), as well as other damage boosting talents, my Drain Life is hitting for around 115 a tick or even more if I'm killing stuff with my warlock friend (her DoTs add to my bonus damage from my Soul Siphon talent), and thats without +spell damage gear. I can barely even imagine how much damage Drain Life does at 70 with the various damage boosting Affliction talents, Demonic Aegis, Fel Armor, Curse of Shadows (improved with Curse of Shadows), and with the partial bonus from the Felheart set.

Felheart Partial Set Bonus: Health or Mana gained from Drain Life and Drain Mana increased by 15%.

Fel Armor (Rank 2): Increases the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20% and increases spell damage by up to 100. (adjusted to +26% health generated through spells and effects and +130 spell damage with the Demonic Aegis talent)

Demonic Aegis (Rank 3): Increases the effectiveness of your Demon Armor and Fel Armor spells by 30%.

Soul Siphon (Rank 2): Increases the amount drained by your Drain Life and Drain Mana spells by an additional 5% for each Affliction effect on the target, up to a maximum of 60% additional effect.

Shadow Mastery (Rank 5): Increases the damage dealt or life drained by your Shadow spells by 10%.

Adding all of the percentages up, we get a base damage bonus of +51% health drained +5% for every affliction effect on the target. Rank 8 Drain Life drains 108 health each second to the caster, which amounts to a base of 163 health per second, not including the bonuses for every affliction spell and +spell damage bonuses that a player might have. Some high end warlocks must be draining close to (if not well over) 300 health per second....

What I'm wondering is when do the +spell damage bonuses get added in?....before or after the + % bonus?
#41 Mar 27 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
Hey just thought about this um think about going all the way to ruin in destruction and then goto demonic knowlage in demonlogy not only do you get + spell damage but you get an amasing crit rate and damage out put. tell me what you think.
#42 Mar 27 2007 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
+spell damage gets added before all of the multipliers, much like AP. It's just not divided by fourteen like AP is.

There's spell damage coefficients based on casting time/duration of the spells, and a few of them have pre-assigned ones because blizz hates casters. Here's the link to a fairly accurate list. Hats off to the guys with enough time on their hands to figure this out, lol.
#43 Mar 28 2007 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
+spell damage gets added before all of the multipliers, much like AP. It's just not divided by fourteen like AP is.

Cool. So basically, a build like this really would have some amazing damage output with Drain Life alone?

If thats true, then the lvl 70 warlock on Destromath that I was chatting with really wasn't exaggerating that his Drain Life was hitting at around 400 a tick.

Thanks for the spell damage coefficients link. Now I just need to look for a damage calculator that would accurately factor in talent point bonuses as well as set and other random bonuses.
#44 Mar 28 2007 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Add a point to shadow embrace, and also consider imp shadow bolt effect may do more for your drain life than fel stamina or imp healthstones for instace. But yes, 400 / tick drain life wasn't unheard of after patch 2.0 at level 60. I expect higher ticks to be the norm with properly geared level 70ies.
#45 Mar 30 2007 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
This is a very helpful post, although after reading I had to respec my whole warlock.
#46 Apr 03 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
firelock FTW ! 0/14/47
#47 Apr 09 2007 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Just a quick note to the Chain Reaction build:

This is no longer possible as Seed of Corruption cannot proc from another Seed of Corruption proc. You would thus have to

a.) wait for all the Seed of Corruptions to run their course


b.) cast a Shadowbolt on each target.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#48 Apr 11 2007 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Thanks for the heads up, I never realized that the damage of a SoC explosion wouldn't count towards another SoC - I don't think pre 2.0 this limitations has been made known and if it has been patched in since then, I must have missed that particuliar note.
#49 Apr 29 2007 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts

Mana Battery Imp: This is my build pretty much.

I'm a 43 lock, I can easily drain tank 2 to 4 mobs a couple of levels higher than me (depending on their type... Mage types tend to be a PITA as are hunter types). And on top of that it’s a damn fun build for pvp. I play on a PVE server.. but enough people have pvp on that its still a lot of fun raiding their towns...

Steps to fun *town* raiding:
Step 1: eye of kilrogg from semi safe place checkout who's "gettable" in town and where they are.. Try to be a bit stealthy (stay near buildings etc..)
Step 2: Charge in load up DoT's on whatever you can, SL on everything you can click on that’s agro'd you, keep running around, try not to be hit too many times..

If you can get SL on 8 or 9 targets you'll be being healed for a hell of a lot of HP every three seconds... it wont keep you alive if they all catch you.. But it'll help keep you alive for a bit longer.

Step 3a: H.o.T and run away laughing at the sudden chaos and confusion everywhere, and hopefully at least one or two dead players who have no idea what just hit them while they were getting their weapons and armour repaired or speaking to a quest giving npc, or chatting to an inn keeper. -Move to step 5.

Step 3b: Die (this is fine, I’m usually naked anyways :) )

Step 4a: Use an SS if you have one, but wait for an opportune moment when someone with pvp walks near enough so that you can get em. It's worth the instacast to put demon armour back on most of the time as the first thing you do.

Step 4b: Run back to your corpse, try and res somewhere out of sight and agro of anything.. Depending on how good your res spot is, possibly even summon your imp back, sort yourself out and regroup, then launch yourself out again at an opportune moment.

Step 5: Repeat from step 1 until you don't find it fun any more :)

Here's another way of fear grinding before you can get darkpact:

Get a mate who can heal and is willing to spend time helping you. Do not be grouped (although this might work very well indeed for group grinding if you are both the same level).

Simply DoT everything you come across one at a time, up to a couple of levels above you. You probably need to use every DoT you have, having +Spell Dam gear is a great help as well.

Have your Succy out doing DPS, she will be attacking the last mob while you’re DoTing up the next one, I usually click for her to attack once I've finished DoTing the mob up, just before I fear them and move to the next one.

As soon as a mob is DoT'ed up, click the attack button for the succy, and then fear them. The only time you should stop moving is when you are casting immolate (you should have instacast corruption asap for most builds really.. IMO)

Lifetap constantly for mana, your healbot mate heals you constantly, and if necessary helps if something goes pear shaped, or a mob comes back and the DoT hasn’t quite finished them off, and the succy's got a new target.

The main point is that you don’t even stop to loot... Yes crazy I know..

This method works best with beasts, but can be made to work with anything.. It's just a case of how close the mobs are together. Be prepared to get plenty of adds, which is great... More adds means more targets, if things really go wrong then your heal bot and you should be able to make it out alive... if not.. the healbot can use the SS you gave them :)

For the brief time I tried this method, I was hitting over 32K exp an hour... That’s not quite as great as it sounds... It's taking up two player’s time, and you're not earning so much as a copper for it.

If a higher level mate wants to help you and they can heal though.... Why not? :D

Edited, Apr 29th 2007 5:30pm by Dagormatix
#50 May 27 2007 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
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please post as my lock was my first toon....2 years ago
This is a good post.

I've been thinking about writing a guide for newbie locks to answer the ever-asked and repeated question: "how do I play and what talents do I choose?"

Just letting young locks know that once they get the vw they can hunterlock and then drain hunt for decent, reasonably fast exp should settled them -- especially because neither of these are build-dependent.

A young lock can pick any build and get decent exp this way.

Or they can aim to go Drain Tanker, and if they don't want to pay to respec, they can just start going Affliction from lvl 10 up.

Just letting them know certain warlock basics like this would help them a lot.

Posting from Iponema
#51 Jun 09 2007 at 4:18 AM Rating: Decent
never thought imp firebolt would be useful, but now that you said that, it makes sense. being lvl 70, i've gone affliction for leveling till 60, then respec demonology for 60-70. now i'm trying to find best suit for post 70. thinking about back to affliction/destruction. but afflitction/demon looks interesting.
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