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The Shadow Compendium - Warlock PlaystylesFollow

#1 Jan 11 2007 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
1,441 posts
Following all the recent discussions on drain tanking / drain hunting and warlock versatility, why don't we make a compilation of major playstyles available to the class?

I propose to follow this template:

Name: How the playstyle is named
Minimum Level: The earliest possible level this playstyle can be used successfully
Mandatory Talents: name says it all
Boosting Talents: talents boosting your efficiency
Description: How it works, variants etc.

Here's the consolidated list as per January 16th, 2007:

Minimum Level: (2) 10
Mandatory Talents: none
Boosting Talents: 5/5 Master Demonologist, 1/1 Soul Link, 1/1 Felguard
The most basic of all tactics, you play as a hunter would, behind your pet tanking for you. This playstyle of course really starts to work out once you get your voidwalker. Not only one of the best techniques to take on several monsters or survive multiple adds, it is also the earliest and best school in controlling your personal aggro generation. If you spec for felguard, the playstyle will get a second youth, as instead of working with a defensive (voidwalker) or anticaster (felhunter) pet, you are now able to up your pace thanks to your new offensive tank.

Fear / DoT
Minimum Level: 8
Mandatory Talents: none
Boosting Talents: imp. corruption, imp. CoA, Soul Siphon, Unstable Affliction, Shadow Mastery, Demonic Sacrifice (sacced succubus), Master Demonologist and more
A staple of any warlock's bag o'tricks, Fear / DoT is one of the earliest tactics available to get down tough (but isolated) monsters. As the name implies: Cast fear, load with DoTs, recast fear when it breaks, collect loot. This is simple but efficient. There are several points in your career when you will resort to this playstyle - it is ideally suited for beating tough elites which would normally eat through your pet and then make a cloth sandwich out of you. Particuliarly notable fight where this technique works wonders: Kroshius (part of the Infernal Quest).

Drain Hunting
Minimum Level: 14
Mandatory Talents: Improved Corruption, Soul Siphon, Improved Life Tap, Fel Concentration, Empowered Corruption
Boosting Talents: Siphon Life, end-game build of SM/ruin or full Affliction, improved VoidWalker and fel stamina for demonologists
The idea of this techinque is to destroy mobs while losing as little life and mana as possible. A good Drainhunter has little or no downtime. The main thrust of drainhunting is to let your Voidwalker engage the mobs while you dot them, lifetap, and drain them. In general, the cast sequence is (send in the VW), DoT, DoT, DoT, Lifetap, Drain Life - wand if necessary. If you are farming shards, finishing with Drain Soul is a good idea. Since you want to keep aggro on your Voidwalker, give the VW enough time with the mobs to taunt them twice before your first cast. This technique allows you to have your demon engage several monsters at once. DoTs + Drain bring down mobs very fast. Throw the dots with the LEAST damage first (Curse of Agony, Corruption) before tossing an immolate, so you don't draw aggro from your VW. If you encounter a runner, Curse of Recklessness thrown after Drain life will keep them on the Voidwalker. After a battle against multiple mobs, let your Voidy Consume Shadows to regain health. Also, if you are at full life but not on mana, Life Tap after a battle (this is probably good advise for all techniques, not just Drainhunting).
Enhanced and rewritten by Ohmikegod

Drain Tanking
Minimum level: 23-24
Mandatory Talents: 5/5 Fel Concentration
Boosting Talents: 2/2 Soul Siphon, 1/5 Shadow Embrace, 2/2 Nightfall, 1/1 Siphon Life
This is the reverse to Hunterlocking: aside from the opening moves, the warlock is tanking instead of the pet. The technique is again deceptively simple: send your pet, cast your dots, life tap, drain life. If you have Nightfall, cast your instant shadowbolts at the end of a drain life. The point though, is that instead of using the voidwalker and casting with finesse, you will strive to get the monster turn on you once you're done casting your DoTs and life tap. To speed up damage output you will use a succubus or, situationally, a felhunter as your primary pet. In general, to maximize exp / hour, you will mainyl concentrate on monsters 2-3 levels below yours (whereas drain hunting would allow you to fight higher stuff) and avoid getting more than 1 add. In the later levels, though, this is enough to take on yellow elites without breaking too much of a sweat.

Shadow Mage / Firemancer
Minimum Level: 26
Mandatory Talents: 2/2 Intensity
Boosting Talents: Ruin, Shadow Mastery, Demonic Sacrifice, Master Demonologist, Destruction tree in general
This playstyle is leading back to the origin of Warlocks, that of mages who delved too deeply into the shadow arts. You are a nuking warlock, and depending on your optional talents, you will work with shadow or with fire. If you have Demonic Sacrifice, a sacrified Succubus or a sacrified imp will boost either magic, while a sacrified felhunter will let you nuke longer. Your focus on direct and burst damage is great for raiding and PvP.

Gatling Imp
Minimum Level: 24
Mandatory Talents: 2/2 Improved Firebolt, 3/3 Improved Imp
Boosting Talents: Fel Intellect, Demonic Tactics, Demonic Resilience
This technique transforms your imp into a fast shooting fire monster. While Firebolts in themselves don't do an enormous damage, 1 bolt per second adds up to another DoT, which at later levels you can further boost with Curse of Elements. Another DoT, that is, until your wandering gatling gun is mana dry. Best used from a long distance, you'll also want to distance yourself from your imp so that a couple of searing pains can turn the mob to you (and avoid having your gatling gun transformed into a sandwich).

Seduce nuker:
Minimum Level: 40-48
Mandatory Talents: 1/1 Conflagarate
Boosting Talents: 1/1 Soul Fire, 1/1 Shadowburn
Rare but interesting in PvE, and absolutely a deadly play style in PvP. In PvP, Seduce your opponent, Curse of Elements, Soul Fire, Death Coil, Immolate, Conflagarate, and finish off with Shadowburn.
Note: slightly less effective in PvP if you're alliance due to undead opponents
Contributed by CanadianPimp

DoT grinder
Mininum Level: 50
Mandatory Talents: 2/2 Improved Howl of Terror, 5/5 Improved Corruption, 1/1 Unstable Affliction
Boosting Talents: 5/5 Contagion, 2/2 Nightfall, 2/2 Improved Curse of Agony, 3/3 Empowered Corruption
Haven't tried this personally but I would assume you could grind efficiently like this and take on many mobs at the same time. Having your imp out is probably best because you will need the DPS and the stamina boost.
Start by DoTing one mob with Unstable Affliction. Run away from that mob while casting CoA and Corruption. Also have your imp start attacking that mob. When you are running from the first mob, use CoA and Corruption on more mobs that you see. Eventually you should be surrounded and that is when you use your instant howl of terror. Keep reapplying DoTs (you can put UA now on the feared mobs since you aren't being attacked. Have your imp focus on the mob with the least health left. Nightfall should proc because of all the mobs you have Corruption on, which you use to help on the mob with the lowest health. Its a dangerous, but fast way of grinding. I haven't tested it out yet (it sounds fun!), but I imagine if you have some nice +dmg gear you can easily take out 4-6 mobs at a time around your level.
Contributed by CanadianPimp
Addition by Azatodeth:
Another possibility for world pve (as you'll want a lot of space to run across) is getting boots enchanted with minor speed increase.
With this prequisite simply pull and kite a mob with CoA, instant Corruption and Siphon life, Dark pact to get some mana back and then cast all 3 DoT's on another mob you pass by, and another, and another, and another... then just watch a trail of dead bodies slowly form behind you.
Should be noted it is not a good idea to do this against mobs who run fast or with instant cast CC's, have to be careful with stuns and dazes too.

Crit Spec
Minimum Level: 60-raiding gear / pvp mix
Mandatory Talents: devestation; ruin; backlash; imp. searing pain; intensity; Shadowburn; imp.Shadow Bolt; Bane; Conflagarate
Boosting Talents: nether protection; shadowfury; shadow and flame
Ok, this is really an endgame spec because it's just about impossible to get enough crit gear pre-BWL raiding. Basically you're aiming for 25% crit rate (anything ontop is a bonus, but this is the minimum to keep imp. SB proc on fully and get a crit to benefit from it in theory). This means 11% crit from gear, the rest being +damage/shadow/hit.

Now this might sound like a purely pvping spec, but it works in raids. Since I respec'd to it I've been top in all raids by about 100k damage everytime compared to being around 3rd-4th in general with all previous specs. The spec may also sound a bit dodgy due to the increased threat from crits but due to being mana inefficient it seems to work. From what I've found the near constant 20% damage bonus + bonus from criting loads means that I get to push ahead in the dps meter while the extra time spent tapping stops me from pushing ahead of the tanks in the threat meter. Obviously though you do have to be careful as it's more than possible to suddenly land 3-4 crits in a row / instant and gain threat.
To finish off i'll have to say that this spec is incredibly fun and requires more skill than you'd think in pvp as it's all about timing and spell order. A good example is:
Seduce >> SB >> Immolate >> SFury >> Conflag
Due to the travel time of the SB you can get all 4 damage spells to land in ONE second, so if even one crits the end result is a massive burst that'll kill most players and most mobs. ^^
Contributed by Jenovaomega
Note: If your raiding guild is using a threat meter, keep your eyes glued to it. At level 66, we'll get SoulShatter, on a 5-minute cooldown, which should help dishing out MASSIVE amounts of damage without getting eaten.

Chain Reaction (Tentative)
EDIT: Apparently not possible since SoCor AoE doesn't count towards other running SoCor damage.
Minimum Level: 70
Mandatory Talents:
Boosting Talents: empowered corruption, improved voidwalker, fel stamina, TBD
Send your voidwalker into a cluster of monsters, and cast seed of corruption on all of them. Then toss a shadowbolt at the first one and watch Damage Domino. Probably going to turn out to be a situational or gimmick tactic, but we have all had a bit of theorycraft fun with SoC since it got announced, didn't we?

Notes for raiding builds
While raiding in itself is a subject vast enough to be beyond the scope of this post, Katastrophik's post further down provides a good first entry point. The rest of the forum is your mushroom for debating and deepening this topic :-)

--- Feedback, corrections and additions are needed to make this into an useful thread. Post away.

Edited, Jan 16th 2007 7:20pm by Alastaironsiren

Edited, Jan 22nd 2007 4:53pm by Kaolian

Edited, Mar 9th 2007 12:39am by Alastaironsiren

Edited, Apr 11th 2007 6:27pm by Alastaironsiren

Edited, Oct 8th 2007 12:53am by Alastaironsiren
#2 Jan 11 2007 at 2:03 PM Rating: Excellent
All of the information below is the opinion of the poster, and not necessarily that of This site, the Allakhazam network, or the Eternal Brotherhood of the Moose.

Minimum Level: 2
Mandatory Talents: none
Nice to have Talents: 5/5 Master Demonologist, 1/1 Soul Link, 1/1 Felguard
The most basic of all tactics, you play as a hunter would, behind your pet tanking for you. This playstyle of course really starts to work out once you get your voidwalker. Not only one of the best techniques to take on several monsters or survive multiple adds, it is also the earliest and best school in controlling your personal aggro generation. If you spec for felguard, the playstyle will get a second youth, as instead of working with a defensive (voidwalker) or anticaster (felhunter) pet, you are now able to up your pace thanks to your new offensive tank.

I’d raise the minimum level on this to 10. Even baby ‘Locks have their Imp get squished just about every time it pulls aggro. A minor point, is all.

Drain Hunting
Minimum Level: 14
Mandatory Talents: none
Nice to have Talents: similar to Drain Tanking for affliction builds, improved VoidWalker and fel stamina for demonologists
At the core, this isn't too different from playing Hunterlock style. The only significant change is adding Drain Life to your casting routine as part of a more or less constant mana recovery cycle: Cast -> Life Tap -> Drain Life, and repeat. Since you want to keep aggro on your VoidWalker, a light touch is needed with applying damage. However, this technique allows you to have your demon engage several monsters at once. Your mana recovery cycle will from time to time expand to health funnel in order to keep your voidwalker alive.

This one is my personal specialty. Nice to Have talents also include Imp Life Tap and Unstable Affliction. Now, I’m very partial to heavy affliction, but it’s well possible to Drain-hunt (with some Drain-Tanking mixed in) multiple enemies if you have enough DoT power. More DoTs means more baddies die faster. Imp Life Tap with multiple Siphon Life targets and Drain Life, combined with the mana return from Drain Soul at the right time, means virtually zero downtime. Using this method, and Dark pact to supplement, means that the only time I’ve taken a drink since level 40 has been after summoning and rebuffing.

Chain Reaction (Tentative)
Minimum Level: 70
Mandatory Talents:
Nice to have Talents: empowered corruption, improved voidwalker, fel stamina, TBD
Send your voidwalker into a cluster of monsters, and cast seed of corruption on all of them. Then toss a shadowbolt at the first one and watch Damage Domino. Probably going to turn out to be a situational or gimmick tactic, but we have all had a bit of theorycraft fun with SoC since it got announced, didn't we?

The idea of this excites me to a maniacal glee, which as Murphy’s Law states quite clearly means it won’t work like we hope. There are some extremely amusing (and very situational) Battleground scenarios that could play out, too. Makes me giggle, it does.
#3 Jan 11 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
59 posts
Good start. Drain tanking (effectively anyway) doesn't really start until level 30 though, when the drain life spell really gets powerful.

Seduce nuker:
Minimum level: 40-48
Mandatory talents: 1/1 Conflagarate
Nice talents to have: 1/1 Soul Fire, 1/1 Shadowburn
Description: Rare but interesting in PvE, and absolutely a deadly play style in PvP. In PvP, Seduce your opponent, Curse of Elements, Soul Fire, Death Coil, Immolate, Conflagarate, and finish off with Shadowburn.

DoT grinder
Mininum level: 50
Mandatory talents: 2/2 Improved Howl of Terror, 5/5 Improved Corruption, 1/1 Unstable Affliction
Nice talents to have: 5/5 Contagion, 2/2 Nightfall, 2/2 Improved Curse of Agony, 3/3 Empowered Corruption
Description: Haven't tried this personally but I would assume you could grind efficiently like this and take on many mobs at the same time. Having your imp out is probably best because you will need the DPS and the stamina boost.
Start by DoTing one mob with Unstable Affliction. Run away from that mob while casting CoA and Corruption. Also have your imp start attacking that mob. When you are running from the first mob, use CoA and Corruption on more mobs that you see. Eventually you should be surrounded and that is when you use your instant howl of terror. Keep reapplying DoTs (you can put UA now on the feared mobs since you aren't being attacked. Have your imp focus on the mob with the least health left. Nightfall should proc because of all the mobs you have Corruption on, which you use to help on the mob with the lowest health. Its a dangerous, but fast way of grinding. I haven't tested it out yet (it sounds fun!), but I imagine if you have some nice +dmg gear you can easily take out 4-6 mobs at a time around your level.
#4 Jan 11 2007 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
2,754 posts
Crit Spec
Level: 60-raiding gear / pvp mix
talents: devestation; ruin; backlash; imp. searing pain; intensity; Shadowburn; imp.Shadow Bolt; Bane; Conflagarate
other talents: nether protection; shadowfury; shadow and flame

k, this is really an endgame spec because it's just about impossible to get enough crit gear pre-BWL raiding. basically you're aiming for 25% crit rate (anything ontop is a bonus, but this is the minimum to keep imp. SB proc on fully and get a crit to benefit from it in theory)
this means 11% crit from gear, the rest being +damage/shadow/hit.

now this might sound like a purely pvping spec, but it works in raids. since i respec'd to it i've been top in all raids by about 100k damage everytime compared to being around 3rd-4th in general with all previous specs. the spec may also sound a bit dodgy due to the increased threat from crits but due to being mana inefficient it seems to work. from what i've found the near constant 20% damage bonus + bonus from criting loads means that i get to push ahead in the dps meter while the extra time spent tapping stops me from pushing ahead of the tanks in the threat meter. obviously though you do have to be careful as it's more than possible to suddenly land 3-4 crits in a row / instant and gain threat.
to finish off i'll have to say that this spec is incredibly fun and requires more skill than you'd think in pvp as it's all about timing and spell order. a good example is:
seduce >> SB >> Immolate >> SFury >> Conflag
due to the travel time of the SB you can get all 4 damage spells to land in ONE second, so if even one crits the end result is a massive burst that'll kill most players and most mobs. ^^
#5 Jan 13 2007 at 4:20 AM Rating: Good
Alastaironsiren wrote:
Drain Hunting
Minimum Level: 14
Mandatory Talents: none
Nice to have Talents: similar to Drain Tanking for affliction builds, improved VoidWalker and fel stamina for demonologists
At the core, this isn't too different from playing Hunterlock style. The only significant change is adding Drain Life to your casting routine as part of a more or less constant mana recovery cycle: Cast -> Life Tap -> Drain Life, and repeat. Since you want to keep aggro on your VoidWalker, a light touch is needed with applying damage. However, this technique allows you to have your demon engage several monsters at once. Your mana recovery cycle will from time to time expand to health funnel in order to keep your voidwalker alive.

That's my preferred play style. I submit the following changes (I also played around with formatting a bit):

Drain Hunting
Minimum Level: 14
Mandatory Talents: Improved Corruption, Soul Siphon, Improved Life Tap, Fel Concentration, Empowered Corruption
Nice to have Talents: Siphon Life, end-game build of SM/ruin or full Affliction
    The idea of this techinque is to destroy mobs while losing as little life and mana as possible. A good Drainhunter has little or no downtime. The main thrust of drainhunting is to let your Voidwalker engage the mobs while you dot them, lifetap, and drain them. In general, the cast sequence is (send in the VW), DoT, DoT, DoT, Lifetap, Drain Life - wand if necessary. If you are farming shards, finishing with Drain Soul is a good idea. Since you want to keep aggro on your Voidwalker, give the VW enough time with the mobs to taunt them twice before your first cast. This technique allows you to have your demon engage several monsters at once. DoTs + Drain bring down mobs very fast. Throw the dots with the LEAST damage first (Curse of Agony, Corruption) before tossing an immolate, so you don't draw aggro from your VW. If you encounter a runner, Curse of Recklessness thrown after Drain life will keep them on the Voidwalker. After a battle against multiple mobs, let your Voidy Consume Shadows to regain health. Also, if you are at full life but not on mana, Life Tap after a battle (this is probably good advise for all techniques, not just Drainhunting).

    If you know that you are going against nothing but casters, use a felhound for your tank, rather than the big blueberry. The felhound is not as rugged as a voidwalker, so don't send him into areas where he can aggro many mobs.

Edited, Jan 13th 2007 4:25am by ohmikeghod
#6 Jan 14 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Good
102 posts
DoT grinder
Mininum level: 50
Mandatory talents: 2/2 Improved Howl of Terror, 5/5 Improved Corruption, 1/1 Unstable Affliction
Nice talents to have: 5/5 Contagion, 2/2 Nightfall, 2/2 Improved Curse of Agony, 3/3 Empowered Corruption
Description: Haven't tried this personally but I would assume you could grind efficiently like this and take on many mobs at the same time. Having your imp out is probably best because you will need the DPS and the stamina boost.
Start by DoTing one mob with Unstable Affliction. Run away from that mob while casting CoA and Corruption. Also have your imp start attacking that mob. When you are running from the first mob, use CoA and Corruption on more mobs that you see. Eventually you should be surrounded and that is when you use your instant howl of terror. Keep reapplying DoTs (you can put UA now on the feared mobs since you aren't being attacked. Have your imp focus on the mob with the least health left. Nightfall should proc because of all the mobs you have Corruption on, which you use to help on the mob with the lowest health. Its a dangerous, but fast way of grinding. I haven't tested it out yet (it sounds fun!), but I imagine if you have some nice +dmg gear you can easily take out 4-6 mobs at a time around your level.

Just tried this out, nice trick, it works... although I only tried it with 3 mobs, but it worked like a charm (=
#7 Jan 14 2007 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good

Add to: DoT Grinder

Another possibility for world pve (as you'll want a lot of space to run across) is getting boots with minor speed increase enchanted with another minor speed increase to stack with it.
With this prequisite simply pull and kite a mob with CoA, instant Corruption and Siphon life, Dark pact to get some mana back and then cast all 3 DoT's on another mob you pass by, and another, and another, and another... then just watch a trail of dead bodies slowly form behind you.
Should be noted it is not a good idea to do this against mobs who run fast or with instant cast CC's, have to be careful with stuns and dazes too.
#8 Jan 14 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
648 posts

You need to re-think chain reaction.

Send your voidwalker into a cluster of monsters, and cast seed of corruption on all of them

Seed of Corruption is like Curse of Doom - can only be on one mob at a time. From the Seed of Corruption Tooltip :
"Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target"

Other than that - interesting post - nice to see the play-styles listed in one place. The only playstyle neglected is the raiding instance playstyles/builds - but no big deal.
#9 Jan 14 2007 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
This is a good post.

I've been thinking about writing a guide for newbie locks to answer the ever-asked and repeated question: "how do I play and what talents do I choose?"

Just letting young locks know that once they get the vw they can hunterlock and then drain hunt for decent, reasonably fast exp should settled them -- especially because neither of these are build-dependent.

A young lock can pick any build and get decent exp this way.

Or they can aim to go Drain Tanker, and if they don't want to pay to respec, they can just start going Affliction from lvl 10 up.

Just letting them know certain warlock basics like this would help them a lot.
#10 Jan 14 2007 at 3:20 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
Yep thats how I plan to grind to 70.
#11 Jan 14 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
kbd wrote:

You need to re-think chain reaction.

Seed of Corruption is like Curse of Doom - can only be on one mob at a time. From the Seed of Corruption Tooltip :
"Only one Corruption spell per Warlock can be active on any one target"

Kbd, I may miss that completely but that's the exact wording we have on every curse. That means, to me (not having been in the beta) that it's either corruption or seed of corruption on each mob, not both, but not that you can't corrupt several mobs at the same time - just like you can curse more than one mob at the same time.

To everyone else, thanks for the input. I'll feed it all back into the initial post tomorrow while making it all more legible.

Edited, Jan 15th 2007 12:19am by Alastaironsiren
#12 Jan 14 2007 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,754 posts
google seed of corruption. it can be put on multiple mobs and you're reading the tooltip wrong. it's 1 corruption effect per mob, i.e. either SoC or Corruption. never both.
#13 Jan 14 2007 at 3:30 PM Rating: Good
59 posts
Just tried this out, nice trick, it works... although I only tried it with 3 mobs, but it worked like a charm (=

Yeah that's how I plan to grind to 70. Azetodeth was on the right track when he mentioned the speed to boots increase also.
#14 Jan 16 2007 at 10:30 AM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Your feedback has been consolidated back into the first post. Thanks, and keep it coming.
#15 Jan 16 2007 at 11:13 AM Rating: Decent
102 posts
and that there will be no mistakes to DoT grinding... if anyone is a Dumba** IT WILL NOT WORK AGAINST UNDEAD!!

now with that said... I will try to enchant a minor speedboost, thanks for the tip (=
#16 Jan 16 2007 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not entirely sure about this, but most speed increases do not stack. The only example i know of where it does, is with the druid pvpset. So minor speed increase + minorspeed increase = minor speed increase. I believe it will still be 8%, not 16,6%.

Önly reason to mention this is to save people some money.
#17 Jan 16 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
teh best dot grining is to dot them and fear them and wait for ur dots 2 kill them and pull another its pretty good i can get like 3 lvls per day but now its like 1 and a half lvl per day
#18 Jan 16 2007 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
and i have a lock on blackhand 47 atm
#19 Jan 17 2007 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
you dont have instant howl of terror yet at lvl 47.

DOT grinding is a lot easier when u have a lot of spell dmg, which ur DOTs benefit a lot from.
#20 Jan 20 2007 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
You can have instant howl as low as 46 because that's when I was able to get it. Is there any way to sticky this? This is a ton of information considering a majority of threads are about builds and playstyles.

Edited, Jan 20th 2007 11:50pm by SpecialKseZ
#21 Jan 22 2007 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
SpecialKseZ wrote:
Is there any way to sticky this?

/sign this request
#22 Jan 22 2007 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
SpecialKseZ wrote:
Is there any way to sticky this?

/sign this request

#23 Jan 22 2007 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
1,441 posts
Wow, thanks for the kudos. We're stickied. Now we need more playstyles if there are any we didn't cover :-)

Anyone hitting 70 soon care to share the first "new" recipes for effective raiding ?

Cheers everyone, keep this thread alive.
#24 Feb 10 2007 at 10:45 PM Rating: Default
1. The manual is amazing
2. I have many classes at high level - and warlock is the BEST!!
3. after checking many builds --> "DoT grinder" is amazing
what u have?
a. 3 insta DOTS that any mob/player should suffer from u
b. insta aoe fear for 8 sec / 5 players / short cooldown
c. two more dots
d. with some spell cloth - u have 200 life regain per sec from drain life
e. mana drain from pet
f. health regain from sipon thing

the tactics:
PVP: DOT all players - and drain life, drain mana from pet --> it means alot of damage and no need to food or water at all! if anyine on u - insta fear / death coil. and u can kill any elite in av alone with COE (70% speed)- prefered pet FH

PVE: VW out - send to mob --> 3 insta dots , run to next mob, and vw to him and same. until u have 3 or 4 mobs on u (depends on practice and gear) now insta aoe fear and thats it - u can drain life from one of the mobs and u finish with 4 mobs dead in <1min with alomst 100% mana and health - and im talking about mobs even 1-2 level greater then yours

I totaly love my loc - it pwnd an i dont even wona show off how many comobos of player u can pwnd (like warrior/priest)

Conclude - be good - and make as warloks good rep as the PWND class (like we do)!!
#25 Feb 12 2007 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent

DoT grinder
Mininum Level: 50
Mandatory Talents: 2/2 Improved Howl of Terror, 5/5 Improved Corruption, 1/1 Unstable Affliction
Boosting Talents: 5/5 Contagion, 2/2 Nightfall, 2/2 Improved Curse of Agony, 3/3 Empowered Corruption
Haven't tried this personally but I would assume you could grind efficiently like this and take on many mobs at the same time. Having your imp out is probably best because you will need the DPS and the stamina boost.
Start by DoTing one mob with Unstable Affliction. Run away from that mob while casting CoA and Corruption. Also have your imp start attacking that mob. When you are running from the first mob, use CoA and Corruption on more mobs that you see. Eventually you should be surrounded and that is when you use your instant howl of terror. Keep reapplying DoTs (you can put UA now on the feared mobs since you aren't being attacked. Have your imp focus on the mob with the least health left. Nightfall should proc because of all the mobs you have Corruption on, which you use to help on the mob with the lowest health. Its a dangerous, but fast way of grinding. I haven't tested it out yet (it sounds fun!), but I imagine if you have some nice +dmg gear you can easily take out 4-6 mobs at a time around your level.
Contributed by CanadianPimp
Addition by Azatodeth:
Another possibility for world pve (as you'll want a lot of space to run across) is getting boots with minor speed increase enchanted with another minor speed increase to stack with it.
With this prequisite simply pull and kite a mob with CoA, instant Corruption and Siphon life, Dark pact to get some mana back and then cast all 3 DoT's on another mob you pass by, and another, and another, and another... then just watch a trail of dead bodies slowly form behind you.
Should be noted it is not a good idea to do this against mobs who run fast or with instant cast CC's, have to be careful with stuns and dazes too.

This is how I grind, I find taking 3 at a time is the most efecient, because then you NEVER have to drink. you can take 5 at a time but then if you get 2 adds from the aoe fear you die/or wait valuable grindintime fleeing.

an alternative build to a full afliktion is just 40 in aflicktion and then get ruin, you can then pull with imolate.

for a full aflicktion you should use succubus vs green mobs and imp vs yellow mobs, the reason for this is that vs green mobs you can cast: UA, SL, coruption and CoA on the first and pet attack, swich to second target, pet attack that one, cat SL, Coruption and CoA on that one and the same on the last. AOE fear, lifetap/dark packt while running arfter nr 3, drain life it and finish with shadwo burn.

For yellow mobs I find imp most eficient and I usaly pull 1 mob, UA, fear and the 3 instant dots while finding 2 other mobbs, pulling 1 with US and dotting them all with instant dots then fear and UA the other. repeat this, note that the first mob will die a little arfter you pull nr 4. you can do it with 3 at a time but you take a lot of damage.

with a shadow priest you can pull inifinity many cos you get "heal from dps" and because the first you pull will be kitet with their blue channeled spell, and because it also having aoe fear allowing you two to fear every 20-30 sek if you time it coreckt. Note that dots have ben nerfed by 30% and that aflicktion tree only offers 15% dot and 10% shadow damage rendering you a bad dpser in short bossfights but imba in "escort" quest cos of darkpackt

NB shadowburn should also be a "requred/boosting" cos it is needed vs ehaling mobs, deathcoil is good to interupt healing, and drain life + dots are usaly fast enugh, unless the mob heals another mob.

Edited, Feb 12th 2007 8:02am by Azorius
#26 Feb 17 2007 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
It seems to me that you covered it all there (but then again I'm kind of tired right now so I may be overlooking sometihng).

However I do think that the Gattling imp category belongs inside the Shadow Mage/Firemancer category. Seduce and nuke kind of does too for the sole reason that it only works on humanoids.... the difference is just which pet you prefer. But when I think of the Firemancer, I think of the imp

I am typically your firemancer/gattling imp warlock, but against humanoids, seduce/nuke is very useful and I will also DOT->Fear often as well, especially with all the fearable elites in Outland that are really easy that way.
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