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#28 Aug 07 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
Hi all im a 60lvl Warlock and i want to ask how can i beat the Healing classes like Paladins,Shamans,Druid and Priests.They are a problem for me in every duel.They heal before i have a chanse of kiling them.Help me please.
#29 Aug 21 2006 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
the key to beating a healing class for me is to make shure u have a healthstone made for the battle and to be a lvl 300 first aid for runecloth bandages witch heal for 2000 health. Save your second fear for after they heal themselfs then bandage up. Then continue to SB and dot buy now you and them should be running low on mana. Life tap to get 1 more SB but before u cast it use your health stone to surprise them then SB them ftw thats how i do it :P

Edited, Aug 21st 2006 at 8:09pm EDT by LtCandyrapper
#30 Sep 11 2006 at 5:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,502 posts
As a new player coming over from FFXI, I found this extremely useful, thanks. One thing I would consider adding though is a little bit on Soul Shards. My Warlock is only lvl 6 at the momet so I have no real experience with them.

I know how to get them, but it would be helpful to know for example how many I should try and keep on me so as not to be caught short in a group. In FFXI we also have a class that uses consumables to cast spells, the Ninja, and if he ever ran out, the party would generally be over, and the NIN would probably get all manner of nasty /tells.

A slightly off-topic aside, do Undead get to learn the demonic language? I think my Imp just said something about my mother!
#31 Sep 11 2006 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
At level 6 you shouldn't worry too much about shards. To get a shard you must use a spell called drain soul when the mob is about to die. The mob must also be one that gives you experience, otherwise you do not get a shard. For example, a level 60 lock cannot go around draining soul on level 8 raptors and get a shard. The lowest level my 60 lock has gotten a shard from is around level 44. Try to have atleast a couple shards on you before an instance for summoning lazy party members and soul stoning your healer. if you decide to learn shadowburn from the destruction tree, then you can keep on recycling the same shard as long as the mob dies within five seconds of using shadowburn. the latest patch notes said that if you dismiss your pet then you get your shard back, but i haven't seen that work yet. to answer your question, good practice is to not fall below 3 shards at any given time. use those 3 shards for emergency like midbattle ss'ing your healer or a quick summon. if you are crazy about being high on the dps meter, then definately come to the instance loaded with shards. you dont want to be slowly draining soul to recover shards when the dumb mage is spamming away.

key to high damage:

get points in enough for demonic sacrifice and use the rest in aftermath for 10% more fire damage. so with this you can get 15% more shadow and 10% more fire damage. shadowburn FTW.
#32 Sep 13 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
I just did what I think was the Infernal quest. I had to go get a orb, then return to the lady in ractchet, then go back to desolace and then to dustwallow marsh, fight a demon that Tabetha Spawned for me, then came back to Racthet.

She told me to decide which path to follow, but the people inside did not give me a choice they just said a few word and asked me to talk to the one across from them...

So, she gave me a chioce between a staff and a orb...and I picked the Orb, but now what?

I have Shards... but I dont have a "summon infernal" button in my spell book... (I am really tired as I write this) amd I missing soething? Or is the quest broken? I am lvl 44 by the way.... Thanks.

#33 Sep 17 2006 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
Kiggulak wrote:
Canabalize helps all warlocks regardless of server, PvP and PvE.

Will of the forsaken only boosts undead in PvP, and only vs priests and warlocks who can get the Anti-fear trinkets from attaining second tier rank in the PvP honor system. This used to be an IWIN button when it was 30 seconds of immunity after the break. Now it is 5 seconds after the break. While useful hardly and IWIN button against a skilled player.

Edited, Tue Nov 22 09:16:14 2005 by Kiggulak

I disagree... Bandages have no cooldown, and heal more. Will of the Forsaken ALSO works against that pesky Intimidating Shout... which is seldom used by nothing but the best Warriors.

When it is used though, you'll be happy you could break out of it.
#34 Sep 19 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Pifuaa wrote:

I disagree... Bandages have no cooldown, and heal more. Will of the Forsaken ALSO works against that pesky Intimidating Shout... which is seldom used by nothing but the best Warriors.

When it is used though, you'll be happy you could break out of it.

You disagree that Canabalize helps warlocks quite a bit. So I can use a heavy runecloth bandage which has a 1 min cooldown by the way and still eat a dead body to regain the rest of my health. Bandages are great and everyone can use them but they do have a 1 min cooldown and it requires first aid skill, and that you have the bandages to use them. Canabalize scales with you since it heals a % of your hitpoints every time bandages do not scale you have to gather the next rank of linen and skillup making bandages to get to the next rank of bandages. Don't get me wrong it's not hard to raise first aid and keeping up or catching up in skill is easy with mats on the AH, but canabalize is a free easy means of regaining health in addition to first aid.
#35 Oct 03 2006 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
171 posts
I just did what I think was the Infernal quest. I had to go get a orb, then return to the lady in ractchet, then go back to desolace and then to dustwallow marsh, fight a demon that Tabetha Spawned for me, then came back to Racthet.

She told me to decide which path to follow, but the people inside did not give me a choice they just said a few word and asked me to talk to the one across from them...

So, she gave me a chioce between a staff and a orb...and I picked the Orb, but now what?

I have Shards... but I dont have a "summon infernal" button in my spell book... (I am really tired as I write this) amd I missing soething? Or is the quest broken? I am lvl 44 by the way.... Thanks.

It's a quest for a staff or an orb. The infernal or felhunter part is just there so you decide if you want +fire or +shadow damage, respectively. You get the Infernal at level 50.
#36 Oct 31 2006 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
Great guide! I just started playing WOW about a month ago and I'm a lvl 39 gnome lock and after reading this I just realized I was playing my lock/talent points all wrong and just making things a lot harder on myself.

About the quest where you choose between the infernal/felhunter path I choose the infernal path because like the person above thougth the quest was for the infernal itself and I see now I was wrong.

I've decided I would like to take the shadow mastery/ruin path with my talent points and realize that I should of take the felhunter path instead for the +shadow damage. I've done all of the quest except for the last part where I fight the deamon in the marsh. Can I abandon the entire quest and start over and take the felhunter path so I can gain the +shadow damage or did I just ***** myself?
#37 Nov 03 2006 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
You are screwed, did same thing on my lock.
#38 Nov 03 2006 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
I had the same problem choosing between fire damage and shadow damage. I just abandoned the quest and went back to rachet and took the felhunter choice. Plus shadow is much better at your level.
#39 Nov 21 2006 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
in PVP. WoTF is incredibly useful. Lock vs Lock. it's basically an extra pvp trinket, on a shorter timer at that(if I remember correctly).
#40 Nov 21 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
zoroloco wrote:
At level 6 you shouldn't worry too much about shards. To get a shard you must use a spell called drain soul when the mob is about to die. The mob must also be one that gives you experience, otherwise you do not get a shard. For example, a level 60 lock cannot go around draining soul on level 8 raptors and get a shard. The lowest level my 60 lock has gotten a shard from is around level 44. Try to have atleast a couple shards on you before an instance for summoning lazy party members and soul stoning your healer. if you decide to learn shadowburn from the destruction tree, then you can keep on recycling the same shard as long as the mob dies within five seconds of using shadowburn. the latest patch notes said that if you dismiss your pet then you get your shard back, but i haven't seen that work yet. to answer your question, good practice is to not fall below 3 shards at any given time. use those 3 shards for emergency like midbattle ss'ing your healer or a quick summon. if you are crazy about being high on the dps meter, then definately come to the instance loaded with shards. you dont want to be slowly draining soul to recover shards when the dumb mage is spamming away.

key to high damage:

get points in enough for demonic sacrifice and use the rest in aftermath for 10% more fire damage. so with this you can get 15% more shadow and 10% more fire damage. shadowburn FTW.

I think you mean emberstorm. aftermath adds a daze effect. In general you want to stay away from that one. I've seen people who use aftermath, and contrary to popular opinion it seems useful at time but you may wanna try it.

Edited, Nov 21st 2006 5:28pm by richardman
#41 Dec 28 2006 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
OK, ty Tezaab.

Now I get it, I will abandon and get the shadow one I think.

Other questions. I (think) I have seen warlocks with big "Scythes" across thier backs. I know theese are not for show or peope would not have them on, but I do see that most use staffs. Can someone link a few scythes that are worth getting? I tried to look them up on alla, and could not find them, even under weapons...

I think the lvl 60 pet is the doomguard, the guyy with horns and a ax I see alot of people with... to get him you cave to do that spell that kills your target right? And, you have to keep enslaving him after that right? I do not ever see locks in BG re-enslaving them... so I suppose you do not have to do this to often,or am I wrong, lol.
#42 Dec 29 2006 at 4:25 AM Rating: Decent
171 posts
What you describe is the Felguard, level 50 (that is, 41 point) talent.

The scythe is Soul Harvester. You have the quest info at the linked page.
#43 Jan 02 2007 at 7:51 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
In case you missed it I have updated some links to the official wow forums stickies for talent discussions. These have the new 2.0.1 talents and all sorts of build details within. Happy reading in the new year.
#44 Jan 09 2007 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
just to add. the key to beating healing classes is to use death coil as you see them start to heal. they will always do this near death then SB and and recast fear and laugh as you picture them calling you a fear noob as they die lol
#45 Jan 15 2007 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
For same time now, Blood Fury has changed to:
Blood Fury
"Activate to increase melee attack power and Spell Damage/Healing by an amount based on level/class, and decreases healing done to the user by 50%. The effects last 15 seconds, and the cooldown is 2 minutes"

On my level 60 lock, the spell damage increase is 100, so i think that its one more usefull abilitie for all the orc warlocks that exist :)
#47 Apr 18 2007 at 5:29 AM Rating: Default
Something that should be added to this guide is spell coefficients. I would post them here but the only ones I could find are old/wrong and I don't know how to go about finding them out.
#48 Apr 19 2007 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Wow-Wiki and such has a lot of horribly wrong spell damage coefficients. Here's what I can confirm, just from personal experience.

Siphon Life - 100%
Corruption - 92%
Drain Life - 66% (ish)
CoA - 120%
Shadow Bolt - 85.71%
Drain Soul - 142%
Dark Pact - 93% is what Blizz says it is. I dissagree, I'll elaborate below..

As far as the rest of the destruction tree, Seed of Corruption and Unstable Affliction, I have aboslutely no idea. : \

Here's my DP argument. My rank one Dark Pact drains for 488 mana. My +shadow damage is currently 141. Base rank one DP drains 305 mana. That's 183 from +shadow damage. 183/141 = 130%. I may be totally insane, but that's what it seems like to me. Unless Dark Pact benefits from Improved Life Tap and Shadow Mastery, but.. even then, 93% is still off the mark ;)
#49 Apr 23 2007 at 1:50 PM Rating: Default
this question is reguarding 2 things. the firs is im starting to not be able to get sould shards so easy got any tips? also do you have a GM? do you think i sohuld get one?
#50 Jun 25 2007 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
Kiggulak wrote:

Gnomes get:
• Escape Artist - Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect - 1.5 sec cast - 1 min cooldown.

Orcs get:
• Blood Fury - Activate to increase Strength by 25% but take 5% health loss every 3 seconds - lasts 20 sec - 2 min cooldown
• Hardiness - passive 25% resistance to stun and knockout effects

Needs to be updated.
#51 Jul 03 2007 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
920 posts
Racials updated and blood elves added.
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