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#1 Jan 04 2016 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
So this was announced a while back:

I realize the game itself won't look anything like this until maybe a decade or two of updates, if ever. Even so, I am happy to be alive in this day and age.

For perspective, it is very reminiscent but NOT TO BE CONFUSED with Google's April Fool's joke:

In other news, I recently caught wind of this technology, which I believe will play a role in how higher expectations for Pokemon Go might eventually become a reality:

--and now I am much more hopeful for the future. From what I can tell, we won't really be able to "see" the pokemon outside of our phones in the early days, but perhaps this new "Magic Leap" stuff will make it more the way we want it to be.

Information gathered on Reddit so far:

(NEWEST) Article: How Pokémon Go will benefit from Niantic’s lessons from Ingress on location-based game design Dec 16, 2015

(NEW) "Pokemon, obviously, you’d go out into the real world and find Pokemon and battle them against other players and trade them and go to gyms. That’s how it’s going to work." - John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs
(NEW) "It wasn’t totally accidental. Google had worked with Pokémon on a Google Maps mashup for April Fool’s three years ago. We had some experience building a mini-product with them. We actually used the same company to do the launch video for Pokémon Go as worked on the April Fool’s video." - Hanke
(NEW) "This is a Pokémon experience that’s brand new, and yet it goes back to the very origin of the franchise. It’s about a kid who goes out in the world and finds Pokémon. If you strip away a lot of the complexity and stuff that’s been added on, it’s the most basic expression of that concept." - Hanke
(NEW) "We’ve learned a lot on those fronts with Ingress. Even if you’re in a small town — I grew up in a town of 1,000 people in Texas. We had that as a design goal. If we’re going to build a game that works with location, it has to be fun for people anywhere to play, in small towns as well as San Francisco. If we designed something that only worked in San Francisco, it wouldn’t be a real success. We wanted it to work globally." - Hanke
(NEW) "Our goal is to make it so you can walk out of the house and within five minutes, you can find Pokémon. It may not be the most rare Pokémon in the world, but there’ll be a population of Pokémon living near all our players. Gyms will be a bit more rare. You want to find gyms so you can level up your Pokémon and battle there, so it will take a little more effort to get there." - Hanke
(NEW) "Pokémon will live in different parts of the world depending on what type of Pokémon they are. Water Pokémon will live near the water. It may be that certain Pokémon will only exist in certain parts of the world. Very rare Pokémon may exist in very few places. But you can trade. If you live in a place with lots of water Pokémon and you come to an event — we have these Ingress events that are getting bigger and bigger." - Hanke
(NEW) "We’ll have events for Pokémon as well. Those are competitive, but they can also be places to trade stuff with other players. Pokémon trading is going to be huge. You can’t get all of them by yourself. If you want all of them you’ll have to trade with other players. Or you have to be someone who takes time off work and travels the world for a year. There may be people who do that." - Hanke
(NEW) [On the Pokemon Go Plus device] "Why not have a little device that buzzes when you’re near something important? You can interact with it in some subtle way, and then later on you can open up your app or your tablet and you see, 'Oh, I got this or did that.'" - Hanke
(NEW) [On playing with children using the Plus device] "It vibrates and flashes when you’re near Pokémon. When they press a button in a certain sequence they capture it. Then, later on, you can look at it together on your phone or tablet." - Hanke
(NEW) [On the Plus device having the same in-game functions as the phone] "It’s more limited, but it’s heads-up gameplay. I can show you the design prototype. It’s very slightly bigger, a bit heavier, but this is pretty much the size of it. It comes with a bracelet so you can wear it like a wrist device. It’s Fitbit-ish in terms of size. Battery lasts a long time. You don’t have to worry about charging all the time. This is a multicolor LED and button. You’ll notice that it’s the Google Map pen with the Pokeball shape and color fused together. You can imagine kids going to school with this on their backpack." - Hanke
(NEW) [On how many Niantic employees exist as of this article's release] "We’re 41 people." - Hanke
(NEW) [On games getting better when VR comes to market] "Yeah, you get your head out of the phone and hopefully take in more of what’s around you. You’ll get some more interesting visuals. That will be novel for people. It’ll be exciting. Ingress will be enhanced greatly when those devices come to market, as will Pokémon Go and other games we make. It’s going to elevate." - Hanke
(NEW) "Today millions of people are interacting with Ingress. Tens of millions of people will interact with Pokémon Go. You can have differentiated client experiences that interface into that same game world. If 100 people have Magic Leap devices, they can play in the game with 5 million people on smartphones. They’ll have a different experience, one that’s maybe better in ways, but you don’t have to wait until 5 million people have Magic Leap to let them have this fun, social, real world game experience." - Hanke
(NEW) "The places that you’ll interact with in the real world — historical sites, artwork, prominent or special local businesses, those will play a role in Pokémon Go just as they would for us. That same mechanic of encouraging people to take a walk in the park and see some aspect of their city they haven’t seen before, to go explore a nook or cranny in a part of the city they haven’t been to before so they can get a new Pokémon, that will be at work. Measuring how far people have walked and all of that will have specific payoffs for players in Pokémon Go." - Hanke
(NEW) [On live Pokemon Go events happening at game release] "We haven’t announced yet, but I’d say that given the success we’ve had with Ingress, it’s a pretty safe bet." - Hanke
(NEW) "There will be teams to join in Pokémon, more than two. Those teams will compete against one another." - Hanke
(NEW) [When told "The sort of thing that exists within the fiction already."] "Yeah, with different gyms and teams and trainers." - Hanke
(NEW) [When asked about directed story vs user-created story] "Hmm. Nothing to say about that presently. ... I would expect there to be a narrative along with Pokémon, but some of that stuff we’re still working out." - Hanke
Article: Augmented reality zombies, invisible Pokemon and the gaming of things Dec 7th, 2015

"The fun of Ingress and Pokémon Go is not totally confined to what happens on the screen. A lot of it is the experience of being out, walking and seeing things, and interacting with other people." - John Hanke, CEO of Niantic Labs
In Pokémon Go, due out for iOS and Android devices in 2016, players capture, battle, train and trade Pokémon who appear in the real world as you're out walking. [OP's Note: Noticed the word "train" was mentioned which hasn't been mentioned before in other sources. However, this is from the author of the article so it's not necessarily a quote but could be info given to them from John Hanke. I might delete this part since it technically isn't 100% verified.]
Hanke says the team decided to use a stand-alone device rather than a smartwatch because a more affordable stand-alone device has a greater potential to be used by more people.
Article: Play On; This video game inspires people to go outside, and hike, and bike ... Sept 24, 2015

"We’re not quite ready to talk in more depth about Pokémon GO than what was revealed in the announcement press release and assets. Come mid-October we’ll be able to start going into more depth about our plans for the game, and about our plans for real world gaming overall.” - Niantic representative Evan Dexter
Article: ‘Pokémon Go’ Wants to Take Monster Battles to the Street Sept 10, 2015

A spokesman for Niantic declined to say what kinds of items will be for sale but said the the game won’t include ads.
Pokémon Company didn’t give many details on how the videogame will take to the streets, other than to say it will use location-tracking technology to identify when there is a Pokémon-toting player.

Aside from all this, there is very little information to go on so far. There are rumors going around saying it's coming out as early as next month, but I just can't see that happening. Most people I talk to about it say it sounds great on the outside, but they're not getting their hopes up over something they know they'll be disappointed with.

At this point, I am actually very optimistic on the grounds that eventually it WILL someday begin to resemble the outrageously unrealistic trailer video makes it appear. My only concern is whether or not it will be executed properly. --like, the whole thing could be ruined if people could just casually capture a shiny legendary pokemon from their office chair 20 miles away, or have the ability to upload and edit their own data in any way.

My other concern is how it might put people into potentially dangerous circumstances they'd otherwise not dream of being part of in a thousand lifetimes. I can already see the headlines... "Dumb ******* Redneck Rains Bullets on Trespassers Looking for Pokemon, Again!" or "Serial Rapist Lures 27 Children to Their Deaths with Shiny Umbreon" "Brutal Knife Fight Ends in Tragedy After Altercation Over Rare Pokemon" etc. Mostly just in 'MericaFlorida, though.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#2 Jan 04 2016 at 11:28 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
Boo, I thought this was going to be about a Pokemon mod for Counter Strike.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#3 Jul 05 2016 at 10:10 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Game was released a few hours ago in Australia and New Zealand. It'll probably be released everywhere else any time now. I am both extremely excited and terrified. I mean... I can hardly wait to shot by some ******* for standing too close to his mailbox, and I know for a fact that the local hot spots just happen to be on the other side of an extremely busy 4-lane road. I checked on Ingress ahead of time.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#4 Jul 06 2016 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
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#5 Jul 06 2016 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
I want to the very best.
Just as Planned.
#6 Jul 06 2016 at 4:25 PM Rating: Good
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17,302 posts
So it's like those Denpa Men games, where you do the whole augmented reality and it just places things around for you to find. A few comments I read made it seem like it ever triggered off of wireless signals like the Denpa Men games did, as places with more people had more random things and hits all over.

Looks like it is out on the US iPhone Appstore now. I downloaded it just to see what it was.

As expected, since I live in the middle of no where, there is nothing around me to see. Beyond the first "Choose 1 of the 3 starters" there is nothing else within any viewable distance on the map of my neighborhood. Same thing happened with Denpamen. Without a community, the game doesn't find anything.

It's like Denpamen... with In Game Purchases.

I cannot see this being any different than the other RPG styled mobile games that have been popping up from Square Enix and Namco. Games that try to lure you in by being part of the "series you like" but in reality are just the standard mobile phone game designed to make you want to spend money on the in-app purchases. Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy (twice now, I think) and Tales Of all did it.

It's probably best to walk away now to avoid the temptation to buy 14,000 coins for 100 dollars. Hopefully if you have kids you don't have a credit card tied to your accounts.

Edited, Jul 6th 2016 9:32pm by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#7 Jul 07 2016 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Caught quite a few pokemon without even leaving my desk. It seemed to have only been an initial burst, because there haven't been any since then. Going to go on a trek through town with my kids sometime this morning to see what we can find.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#8 Jul 07 2016 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
Caught quite a few pokemon without even leaving my desk. It seemed to have only been an initial burst, because there haven't been any since then.

If it's anything like the Denpamen algorithms that determine what is found, the spots it uses to trigger events will be one time use, or at the very least, timed respawns. But I doubt that last, they won't want you to play the whole thing by just sitting in one spot and getting everything you need. They'll want you to have to walk around, get annoyed about not finding what you want, and use their store to get more of what you need instead.

So far it looks like this game doesn't trigger off of just any random wireless signals like Denpamen did. But I'm sure it uses a similar calculations. I spotted what I think is the marking of one of the pokemon in my "nearby" list. It's a house probably about 1500 feet down the road. I believe a family with some younger children live there, so I'm guessing the more people around you that use the app the more things you'll see, possibly even triggered by wireless signals from devices that use the app. And various "hot spots" like previous events.

Walking around my neighborhood and approaching these random, spread out, houses isn't really an option. It's not something you do in a sparsely populated area.

I haven't been able to actually do anything with the game other than look at a lvl 1 Squirtle in my Inventory and the various things they have for sale. So I'm not sure if the game is going to be limiting you based on some "Energy" value. Either on your character, or on your pokemon themselves. The cynical part of me assumes that you'll only be able to use your Pokemon a certain number of times before having to recharge them. I may turn it on at work today and see what shows up down town.

Edited, Jul 7th 2016 7:11am by TirithRR
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#9 Jul 07 2016 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
I took my kids to the local park about a half hour walk from home. Me and my stepdaughter caught several pokemon on the way there. Upon arrival at the park we found it was tagged as a PokeStop and were able to load up on tons of free pokeballs and pokemon eggs while my four year old played on the equipment and had the whole park to himself. We all had a really great time. We would have stayed longer if we had thought to bring water/snacks and battery charger packs with us. We're both finally level 5-- at this stage we are now able to join a team. We just need to find a gym around here first.

We're definitely joining Team Valor (red).

Edited, Jul 7th 2016 2:30pm by Kuwoobie
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#10 Jul 07 2016 at 2:10 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
TirithRR wrote:
I spotted what I think is the marking of one of the pokemon in my "nearby" list. It's a house probably about 1500 feet down the road. I believe a family with some younger children live there, so I'm guessing the more people around you that use the app the more things you'll see, possibly even triggered by wireless signals from devices that use the app. And various "hot spots" like previous events.

Walking around my neighborhood and approaching these random, spread out, houses isn't really an option.

Come on, be a sport. I want to find out what the police say when you tell them you were lurking in the neighbor's bushes looking for a Squirtle.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Jul 07 2016 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
I ended up turning on the app at work to see what it found. There were about a dozen spots around the area. Three large Yellow/Orange umbrella looking things. A handful of these blue cubes. And what looked like either small explosions of leaves or black footprints randomly (I assume those are wild pokemon).

I caught one pokemon that just happened to be somewhere in the parking lot that I could reach from the office. Some small rhino looking thing.

I didn't see what the umbrella or cubes were. I assume the umbrellas are like either those spots or gyms? Cubes are what... other "trainers" or npcs or something. I dunno, seems like it could offer a quick legend on the screen to tell you what the symbols mean.

And even with Battery Saver on, it still drains about 1% every couple minutes from my iPhone 5. So I don't keep it running very long. It also forces me to log back in every time I close/open the app, and I didn't see any option to make it remember me. So that's annoying. Definitely can't keep the app running in the background with that much battery drain.

Still no actual fights. Level 2 just cause I caught the two pokemon.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#12 Jul 08 2016 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Jophiel wrote:
TirithRR wrote:
I spotted what I think is the marking of one of the pokemon in my "nearby" list. It's a house probably about 1500 feet down the road. I believe a family with some younger children live there, so I'm guessing the more people around you that use the app the more things you'll see, possibly even triggered by wireless signals from devices that use the app. And various "hot spots" like previous events.

Walking around my neighborhood and approaching these random, spread out, houses isn't really an option.

Come on, be a sport. I want to find out what the police say when you tell them you were lurking in the neighbor's bushes looking for a Squirtle.

So yeah. About that. I've learned that fear was mostly unfounded after all. It turns out you can be anywhere within 100 feet of a pokemon's location and it will appear right in front of you, no matter where you are actually standing. So you won't actually have to engage in any sort of breaking or entering unless the pokemon you're looking for just happens to be inside the center of some huge compound or mansion.

Basically for those who haven't figured the game out: It's really a lot more like Ingress than it is like Pokemon-- which is both kind of disappointing but also makes a lot of sense. The object of the game is to join one of three teams (think Team Rocket or Team Flare for those who have played the pokemon games) and take control over gyms in your area and ultimately the world. I have already started recruiting people from the local campus to join Team Valor using an external app called "Go Chat" since there is no chat feature built into the game at all for some reason. I am in the process of putting together a website and forum and Skype groups for Team Valor in my area as well.

Edited, Jul 8th 2016 7:18am by Kuwoobie
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#13 Jul 08 2016 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Kuwoobie wrote:
Jophiel wrote:
TirithRR wrote:
I spotted what I think is the marking of one of the pokemon in my "nearby" list. It's a house probably about 1500 feet down the road. I believe a family with some younger children live there, so I'm guessing the more people around you that use the app the more things you'll see, possibly even triggered by wireless signals from devices that use the app. And various "hot spots" like previous events.

Walking around my neighborhood and approaching these random, spread out, houses isn't really an option.

Come on, be a sport. I want to find out what the police say when you tell them you were lurking in the neighbor's bushes looking for a Squirtle.

So yeah. About that. I've learned that fear was mostly unfounded after all. It turns out you can be anywhere within 100 feet of a pokemon's location and it will appear right in front of you, no matter where you are actually standing. So you won't actually have to engage in any sort of breaking or entering unless the pokemon you're looking for just happens to be inside the center of some huge compound or mansion.

I'm assuming you live in some tightly packed, or relatively tightly packed, city. If I were to walk within 100 feet of someone's house here, it would be awkward. 100 feet is actually not that long of a distance. My garage is about 110 feet off the side of my house, if I saw someone walking around in the driveway in front of my garage (driveway is about 240 feet long, and the main portion about 150 feet from my house) I would kindly ask them to go away. If I had a family with young children playing in my yard, I would expect people to not come near them.

While I may not have to enter their actual house, I would definitely likely have to enter their property.

These types of games need to work on their algorithms to allow people in sparsely populated areas to still be able to play.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#14 Jul 08 2016 at 9:40 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Yeah, I can definitely see that. I used to visit an area like that pretty often when I lived in Georgia-- really big yards and such. I always wished I could live someplace like that. Now at least I have some benefit to living in this dystopian vision of the future what waits for the rest of the world. Wretched... nightmarish... shit hole. --but there are pokemon!
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#15 Jul 08 2016 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Kuwoobie wrote:
Basically for those who haven't figured the game out: It's really a lot more like Ingress than it is like Pokemon

From what I read yesterday, it's actually just using the Ingress data for placing stuff which sounds like half-assing it if true.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Jul 08 2016 at 10:10 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Kuwoobie wrote:
Basically for those who haven't figured the game out: It's really a lot more like Ingress than it is like Pokemon

From what I read yesterday, it's actually just using the Ingress data for placing stuff which sounds like half-assing it if true.

That is exactly what they've done. I downloaded Ingress about a week before Pokemon Go came out just to get a feel for what to expect from a GPS based game like that. They even reused the photographs of hotspot locations people have taken with their phones playing Ingress. Currently it's not even possible to take photos of PokeStops or gyms. Pokemon Go is essentially Ingress with Pokemon skin and no in-game chat interface.

The lack of any sort of in-game communication is becoming a real problem given how unreliable the third-party app is. I'm reading online that there is no chat because it's Nintendo, or possibly because there are micro transactions but I'm not sure why that would matter.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#17 Jul 08 2016 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
348 posts
I've never played any kind of Pokémon game before whatsoever, but I'm interested in AR and have been intending to try Ingress for ages. Since my wife is interested in P:Go, I thought I'd give it a try.

Fun so far. I caught a zubat this morning and a meowth right outside my office on the way in. Servers don't seem as stable as I'd like, and I've encountered some buggy GPS / PokéStops, but I expect things to smooth out over time.
#18 Jul 08 2016 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Really? No Digimon? No Monster Rancher?
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#19 Jul 08 2016 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
Gave Up The D
12,281 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Really? No Digimon? No Monster Rancher?

There's an official Digimon battle card game on the Play store, no Monster Rancher though.
Shaowstrike (Retired - FFXI)
Cooking/Fishing 100

"We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary."
— James D. Nicoll
#20 Jul 08 2016 at 3:06 PM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
#21 Jul 08 2016 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Ok, someone has filled the nearest gym with lvl 300 bees. So many bees..
Just as Planned.
#22 Jul 08 2016 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
There are a handful of Gyms around where I work. Probably 4 in a 5 block radius. And some Pokestops at all the local Halls, Churches, and Parks. I hit up 4 Pokestops on my way home (took the scenic route. Ended up with a few eggs and a handful of pokeballs. Caught 4 pokemon (1 repeat). Still level 2. I looked at the Gyms but can't do anything with them.

Still haven't actually fought anything. Just threw pokeballs at some wild pokemon. I put one of my eggs in the default incubator. Says 0.0 / 2.0 km. I assume that means I need to travel 2.0 km before the egg hatches.

The game doesn't seem nearly as "Buy my stuff" as I initially suspected it would. But it definitely requires you to live or be present in a town to successfully play. Not familiar with Ingress, but when I went to the local park after work and was sitting down on the bench by the Lake, the Pokestop point for the park was really off location. It was way up outside the entrance to the park, and if you were actually at the park you couldn't use the point.

I did see what I assumed were two guys driving around hitting up Pokestops. I pulled into an old, seemingly abandoned, Church shrine that was a stop, and was checking out my App, when I noticed a care with two 20-somethings pull up, stop, then drive off shortly after I did. I got a small laugh when I thought they were driving around town hitting up the spots. I think I may have seen one other drive through the park, but can't say for certain.

Seems like they could run a test for spots around you and if there were none in "x" distance, just create them at random intersections or intervals, in order to give people who live outside of towns the ability to use these spots.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#23 Jul 08 2016 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
The game doesn't seem nearly as "Buy my stuff" as I initially suspected it would.

I have yet to feel the need to spend any real life money on this game. I think worst case scenario is I might run out of pokeballs and need to walk to the park at 3am to refill them. I am worried however once I start battling gyms more I might run out of healing items and currently there doesn't seem to be any other way to heal my pokemon.

I have a really boss flareon (nearly 450CP) now I am using the guard the nearest church. Supposedly the more he defends it, the more coins I'll get I can use to buy stuff without paying any real money at all. I'll get him back, and the coins, if and after someone defeats him and overthrows the gym.

I did see what I assumed were two guys driving around hitting up Pokestops. I pulled into an old, seemingly abandoned, Church shrine that was a stop, and was checking out my App, when I noticed a care with two 20-somethings pull up, stop, then drive off shortly after I did. I got a small laugh when I thought they were driving around town hitting up the spots. I think I may have seen one other drive through the park, but can't say for certain.

My city is crawling with people playing this game. We went out war driving for PokeStops and gyms today and encountered numerous other people creeping through all the same empty church parking lots and grocery stores as us all staring at their phones.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#24 Jul 08 2016 at 10:59 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Okay, I promise. Last one. Unless I'm lying. Edit: Yeah, I was lying.

Edited, Jul 8th 2016 11:22pm by Poldaran
#25 Jul 09 2016 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Welp. Spent my first $1 on this game just now. I ran completely out of pokeballs and we're not ready to go out yet. $1 got me 20 balls.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

#26 Jul 09 2016 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
6,543 posts
Spent all day again with my family driving around collecting PokeStop items and battling gyms. Sadly whatever servers are handling gym battles are overloaded or something-- so we were only able to capture one gym in the name of Team Valor out of a possible 6 or 7 we could have gotten. We found a really cool nature walk place that had about a dozen PokeStops and two gyms inside of it.

Also this.
Galkaman wrote:
Kuwoobie will die crushed under the burden of his mediocrity.

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