Hio, I don't need to find reasons to criticize you on your negativity. You provide them in such ample amounts I can't stand to read your posts for more than a line or two.
I am, in fact, looking for something remotely redeeming when I glance at your posts, however whatever analytical insight you do have is heavily outweighed by the consistent slant you, without fail, always write into your posts.
If it was even just topical, having a singular spin in which your opinions turn upon besides the broadest brush of uniformed criticism - I'd still have a modicum of respect for you. However, there's zero concessions from you. You will spin anything said or done about the game into the negative, and have done little else but bemoan this game the entirety of your tenure here - which baffles the mind on why you remain a part of the community, let alone a paying member of the playerbase.
I've once said this out of concern for you, but now I'm going to be blunt.
If not for your own sake then for the others you bring down by your constant negativity. It's long past the point where any previous justification of your remaining in the game would have remained valid in the face of everything you've put down upon. Find other games to play with your friends, ones that meet your standards. It cannot be put any more clearly that this game is not designed around them, and, in fact, has an
outspoken design policy contrary to your own philosophy.
The only reasons I can even speculate that you remain run along the themes of addiction and peer pressure - neither of which are healthy for you. And your conduct isn't healthy for others.
So get yourself somewhere you'll be happy already. All you're accomplishing here is spreading misery.
Thayos wrote:
This is what I've noticed too. This is the first time SE has expanded the housing system without the OFs being bombarded with angry people complaining about how they got shut out (again). Complaints seem to be down to a trickle, and they don't seem to be coming Average Joe Player. Everyone in my FC seems happy to have homes.
I actually sold my house to a FC member and moved into the unofficial FC apartment building. :) Decorated and I'm pretty happy with it!
I've the FC household in Mist, from which I only really have any furniture control of the Apartments my alts have on there (my main is a cooperation between myself and my GF as its their 'shared room'). My house in Lavender Beds is meticulously designed to be a story location for roleplay events - and is currently my greatest joy in my whole fashion obsession in the game. And I just got an apartment in Goblet after the rush died down, which I might turn into some sort of custom shop, so I don't have to keep NPCs in my house.
Personally, happy as a clam. I've made out like a bandit when it comes to housing and I darn well appreciate it.
But I keep my ear out on things going on, and right now, housing complaints just aren't there. Today's biggest complaints seem to be focused on the raids being 'too easy' which, honestly, I disagree with as well. They're skill tuned, not gear tuned - like I always wanted. Once my current home crisis is resolved I'll be looking for a static.
But housing? Even if it's a stopgap measure, it was one hell of a stopgap.