il190 40 dex 34 det 25 skill speed
il200 43 dex 39 acc 28 skill speed
is the loss of 34 det really worth a mere 3 dex, especially when youre already well passed the a4s ACC cap so you dont really need the 39 acc?
an the il200 can b upgraded to get il210 :
Dexterity +47
Accuracy +44
Skill Speed +30
so thats an extra 7 more dex, +44 acc that you dont really need and 30 skill speed
Now on paper if that were the other route to il210, the obviously thats gonna be better than sticking with an il190 accessory til 3.2, but if theres an il210 accessory you think is better than the il210 i listed above would it be better to stick with the il190 accessory until you get the better il210 one you actually DO want or should you waste the time (and tokens) getting that il210 accessory you DONT want until you can swap it out for eh one you DO want?
Or is keeping that 34 det much better than +3 more dex, +3 skill speed and +39 acc that you dont need, which in two weeks can turn to +7 dex +5 more acc that you dont need and +2 skill speed.
So basically should I keep prototype gordian neck of aiming until I get gordias neck of aiming or should I bother upgrading from prototype gordian neck of aiming to ardent necklace of aiming then upgrade that to fables necklace of aiming until i finally get gordias necklace of aiming?