Snakes for Seren  

CategoryGreater Faydark
Related Zone:
Related Items:
baby river racer
Min Coin: 5s, 81c
Max Coin: 6s, 90c

Seren would like you to catch baby river racers to repel the kobold pack that have moved in from Steamfont.

  1. Catch 13 baby river racers in the Emerald River.
    • Kill the adult river racers and two to four baby river racers will appear. Double click them to collect them. Looting the adult body to make it disappear may make it easier to gather the babies.
  2. Return to Seren.

Seren's Scouts Greater Faydark
Quest Series
Shadow Spire Outpost
Killin' Some Kobolds
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2010-09-23 15:30:23.