Neriak Bounty: House K'Frerahel slave  

Level100 (Scales)
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Faction Changes:

Phaerdriira Z'Zea'Val in Darklight Wood sends you to kill a House K'Frerahel Slave near the Wanderlust Fair at 220,-21,-36 . The mob will auto-spawn when you near the location and is worth AA.

Once that is complete, return to Phaerdriia for your next bounty.

Neriak Bounty: House V'Kenate slave Neriak Betrayal and Citizenship
Quest Series
Neriak Bounties
Neriak Bounty: Antdrin R'Viniath
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2010-07-12 16:10:34.