A Horn Aplenty  

Sarissa Icechyld wants you to bring back various horns from the minotaurs of the Jagged Plains so that the pioneers can make carved objects with them.

  1. Kill:
    • 6 Frosthorn vindicators
    • 6 Frosthorn shadowgores
    • 6 Frosthorn stormcallers.
  2. Return to Sarissa Icechyld.

Patent Leather Lizards Everfrost
Quest Series
Bitterwind Pioneer's Encampment
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:A_Horn_Aplenty
Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2008-09-19 21:37:08.