The Legacy of Seth McMannus  

Grants AA
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Choice Of:
Signet of Utter Chaos
Ringlet of Holy Runes
Signet of Holy Runes
Ring of Holy Runes

This quest is initiated by speaking with Seth McMannus in Everfrost 195.75, -19.77, 108.17 . When you accept the quest Dreadwake will spawn and eat Seth - and then you if you are not ready.

Dreadwake is a level 42 ^^^ Group x 2 Shark. The quest stays open until you kill him. He stays up until someone kills him. Upon killing him you will receive the McMannus Clan Pendant. He will also drop one item of loot for the party.

Quest Series
Everfrost Bay

Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2008-09-04 20:44:14.