The Case of the Missing Fungus  

CategoryThe Moors of Ykesha
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 22g, 11s, 70c
Max Coin: 25g, 12s, 77c

There have been reports of Brokenskull trolls snooping around the Tillage Patch for the same length of time as the fens sifters began becoming corrupted. I have been asked to investigate a potential link between the Brokenskull and the corruption of the Tillage Patch.

Find the Brokenskulls and a lot of dead sifters around -1169,-949,529 , gather one of the husks, and return it to Vroomba.

Starve them Out Moors of Ykesha
Quest Series
Tillage Patch
Give It a Rest
Vile Crystals
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This page last modified 2010-11-14 17:06:56.