Gnomish Keepsakes  

CategoryThe Moors of Ykesha
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 31g, 73s, 78c
Max Coin: 34g, 80s, 87c
Gnomish Keepsake
Choice Of:
Loop of the Gukish Lords
Crest of the Gukish Lords
Band of the Gukish Lords
Emblem of the Gukish Lords

Wayth Bitsnbobs wants you to mine gems from around U.J.L. 1.0. and have them made into a keepsake to give to Shaman Zaz'i'zaz.

  1. Mine 6 uncut gems. These look just like the ykeshan dark ore nodes, but with goldish-brassy lumps instead of purple, and are a non-targetable part of the landscape until you have the quest. You can spot them at a distance by mousing over them, as they will not have a name over them, unlike the dark ore nodes. Each node can only be harvested once, so you must find 6 different nodes. They can be found at the following locations:
    • 1167,401,763
    • 1231,405,919
    • 1245,411,927
    • 1150,399,766
    • 1268,407,812
    • 1272,409,796
    • 1280,408,815
  2. Bring them to the mender, Belfie Bentsprocket at 1795, 452, 959
  3. Take the Gnomish Keepsake to Shaman Zaz'i'zaz.
    • Shaman Zaz'i'zaz tells you to return to him if you wish to help the Thalz'Iz'Zaz.
  4. Return to Wayth.

You reward is cash and your choice of a Lizardman Ring of Alliance or a Zaz'I'zaz Friendship Band.

Rummaging for Salve Moors of Ykesha
Quest Series
Dropship Landing Zone
Taking Inventory
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This page last modified 2010-09-11 13:46:31.