"Words to Remember - by Mother Deasie"  

This quest is initiated by reading the book "Words to Remember - by Mother Deasie". This book is located on a bookshelf behind Lesly Riverwhisper at the Fool's Gold in Rivervale (-75.28, -17.92, -5.06).

You will be requires to complete a series of kill task steps. After completing each step you should read the book again. The tasks are:

Kill 10 Blightrats Kill 10 Blightrats Kill 10 Blightrats Kill 10 Corrupted Halfrings Kill 10 Corrupted Halfrings Kill 10 Corrupted Halfrings Kill 10 Vale Nimphs Kill 10 Vale Nimphs Kill 10 Vale Nimphs NOTE: These lower Guardians of the Vale faction, but 30 of them will be less lost than you gained by killing the previous 60 rats.

The reward is a furniture version of the book that can be placed in your house and a reasonable chunk of experience (6% at 37).

Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2007-10-15 08:10:30.