Seren's Scouts  

CategoryGreater Faydark
Related Zone:
Min Coin: 5s, 81c
Max Coin: 6s, 90c

Seren is concerned by the lack of messages from her scouts. They were last seen by the old outpost site, south (uphill) from the Combine Spires.

  1. Get Flitt Morningglory's report. He's up on a ridge at -545, 155, 501 . There's a ramp up to him at -581, 133, 446 .
  2. Get Elar Roughnoot's report. He's up on a shelf fungus at -534, 142, 379 .
  3. Return to Seren.

Timesaver! This quest has steps, hunting areas, or mob targets in common with the following quest(s).

Make Like a Tree Greater Faydark
Quest Series
Spire Shadow Outpost
Snakes for Seren
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link:'s_Scouts
This page last modified 2010-09-23 15:21:07.