Master Akuno Beslin, a trainer of the Ashen Order, has offered to share his knowledge with me. He is sending me to study the wildlife in the Pillars of Flame and to learn about the principle of Tranquility.
Stage 1
Master Akuno Beslin, a monk of the Ashen Order, has sent me into the Pillars of Flame to study the creatures that live there.
Start: | I must challenge 10 sandstalker sabertooths in battle and study their graceful movements. |
Complete: | I have learned to move like a sabertooth. |
Start: | I must challenge 10 searing scorpions in battle and study their deadly attacks. |
Complete: | I have learned how to attack like a scorpion. |
I have studied the native wildlife and should return to Master Akuno Beslin in T'Narev.Stage 2
I must let Master Akuno Beslin know that I have learned the ways of the desert inhabitants.
Start: | I should return to Master Akuno Beslin. |
Complete: | I have returned and spoken to Master Akuno Beslin. |
I have informed Master Akuno Beslin of my progress.Stage 3
Master Beslin has sent me into the Pillars of Flame to meditate.
Start: | I must find the meditation spot and learn the ways of Tranquility. |
Complete: | I have meditated upon the principle of Tranquility. |
I have meditated and experienced Tranquility.Stage 4
I must return to Master Akuno Beslin and speak to him of Tranquility.
Start: | I should let Master Beslin know I have learned about Tranquility. |
Complete: | I have told Master Beslin what I learned. |
I have spoken to the master about Tranquility. The Master taught me much about the Ashen Order and the ways of Tranquility.