| Enchanted Lands Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Clefts of Rujark Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Feerrott Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Halls of the Dead Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Fire and Ice Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Purchased, Quest Item |
| Zek Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Purchased, Quest Item |
| Qeynos Catacombs Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Nektulos Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Sinking Sands Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Shimmering Citadel Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| Feerrott Creature Catalog | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Purchased, Quest Item |
| The Sarnak Code of Honor | 0 | Book | |
| The Case of the Lost Lute | 0 | Book | Purchased |
| The Case of the Curious Coalition Housing Inspector | 0 | Book | |
| The Case of the Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Quest Item |
| A Seeker's Diary | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Quest Item |
| The Mariner's Lament | 0 | Book | |
| The Littlest Hill Giant | 0 | Book | Collection Reward, Shiny |
| The Ant Tale | 0 | Book | Collection Reward, Shiny |
| The Unclaimed Eye | 0 | Book | Collection Reward, Shiny |
| Orthiss and Kirkata | 0 | Book | Collection Reward, Shiny |
| The Final Days of the Leaky Drake | 0 | Book | |
| A History of the Sporconid | 0 | Book | Quest Reward, Quest Item |
| What We Know of Kunark | 0 | Book | |
| The Journal of Ubdub of the Reet | 0 | Book | |