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Test Cloth Circlet 80Armor 
Silken Cap of the Reet Knight 80Armor 
Legionnaire War Helm 39Armor 
Incandescent Cap 65ArmorPurchased
Hood of Definitive Power 90ArmorDropped, Purchased
Spuncloth Cap 80ArmorCrafted
linen cap 38ArmorDropped
Archmagus Cowl 50ArmorQuest Reward, Quest Item
Mariner Stitched Cap 1Armor 
Ritsy's Hood of Swiftness 85Armor 
Focus: Absolution VI (Speed) 90AdornmentPurchased
rare high magus cap 1Armor 
crude tailored ruckas cap 14Armor 
Focus: Double Attack 90AdornmentPurchased
Journeyman's Hood of Devotion 1Armor 
War-Crown of Sanad 90ArmorDropped
Focus: Fusion III and Potency (PvP) 90Adornment 
Nomad's Skullcap of Devotion 11Armor 
Farmers' Hat 21ArmorQuest Reward, Quest Item
Focus: Perfect Shrill VIII 90AdornmentPurchased
Crude Forged Cobalt Vanguard Barbute 52Armor 
Forest Scion's Cap of the Citadel 90Armor 
Violent Violet Mushroom Cap 1Armor 
Haunted Helm 19ArmorQuest Reward, Quest Item
Wish-Forged Barbute 56ArmorDropped