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Viewing 926 to 950 of 48,265 entries. You may want to add some filters.

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artifact high platemail vambraces 1Armor 
uncommon medium brigandine handguards 1Armor 
woven rawhide leggings 1ArmorPurchased
rare medium platemail legplates 1Armor 
common low artisan cape 1Armor 
tailored machinist's cape 1Armor 
artifact high vanguard vambraces 1Armor 
uncommon medium magus pantaloons 1Armor 
shaped tailored threadbare slippers 1Armor 
artifact high chainmail bracers 1Armor 
uncommon medium vanguard greaves 1Armor 
tailored woven waxed cap 1Armor 
rare high magus slippers 1Armor 
uncommon high brigandine wristguards 1Armor 
threadbare hat 1Armor 
beetle hide gloves 1Armor 
rare high magus cuffs 1Armor 
Tailored Sackcloth Pantallons 1Armor 
artifact medium artisan shoes 1Armor 
rare medium leather wristguards 1Armor 
tailored woven rawhide shawl 1Armor 
artifact high leather gloves 1Armor 
common medium magus shawl 1Armor 
rare low leather tunic 1Armor 
Splitpaw Hide Cap 1Armor