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Pathfinder's Chain Helmet 66Armor 
Focus: Mortal Blade VI and Strikethrough 90Adornment 
a skeleton mask 1Armor 
Nomad's Skullcap of Knowledge 11Armor 
Spindlecog Hammer-studded Headband 24ArmorQuest Reward, Quest Item
Myrmidon's Iron Reinforced Helmet of Power 50Armor 
circlet of ice 1ArmorPurchased
Traveler's Hood of the Iron-heart 1Armor 
Barbute of the Water Fiend 59ArmorDropped
Peacock Feathered Coif 48ArmorQuest Reward, Quest Item
cap of flowing water 1Armor 
Nomad's Helm of Grace 11Armor 
Acid Splashed Barbute 51Armor 
Exalted Helm of Fangs 61Armor 
Skyfire Cowl of Prophets 76Armor 
Crude Tailored Tanned Leather Skull Cap 10Armor 
Arcanist's Cowl 10Armor 
shoreside padded helmet 1ArmorDropped
Vagabond's Hood of the Knight 16Armor 
Opulent Helm of Knowledge 66Armor 
Radiant Skullcap of the Guardian 61Armor 
Irontoe Brigadier Ceremonial Helm 1ArmorPurchased
Tailored Rough Linen Cap 40Armor 
Sparkling Adornment of Energy (Greater) 28AdornmentCrafted
tailored canvas cap 18ArmorCrafted