+219 sta +195 wis +222 int
+10,434 vs elemental +10,434 vs noxious +10,434 vs arcane
+9 Disruption +7 Focus +9 Subjugation
8.2% Spell Weapon Auto-Attack Chance
10.8% Crit Bonus
10.5% Potency
Gore and Conquest
All Mages, All Priests
- When Equipped: [Gore and Conquest]
- onAnyHitTriggerOnce this spell has a 11% chance to cast Gore and Conquest
- Decreases Potency of target encounter by 8%.
- Increases Potency of group members (AE) by 8%.
- Inflicts 949 - 1049 health slash damage on target
- Inflicts 7118 - 7867 health slash damage on target every 2 seconds
- Restores 949 - 1049 health slash damage on caster
- Restores 7118 - 7867 health slash damage on caster every 2 seconds
- This spell can not be modified except by direct means