+199 str +225 sta +232 agi
27 Damage Per Second
7.7% Multi Attack Chance
2.7% Flurry Chance
71 Ability Modifier
63.6% Crit Chance
9.8% Crit Bonus
8.1% Potency
Bolstering Roar
All Fighters, All Scouts, Beastlord
- When Equipped: [Bolstering Roar]
- onAnyHitTriggerOnce this spell has a 11% chance to cast Bolstering Roar
- Increase critbonus of caster by 10
- This spell can not be modified except by direct means
- onCastHealTriggerOnce this spell has a 11% chance to cast Bolstering Roar
- Increase critbonus of caster by 10
- This spell can not be modified except by direct means
- This effect will not stack with itself if adorned on multiple items.