Dead Calm V  

Class: Dirge
Dead Calm V Icon
Grants the dirge's group a chance to strike for additional disease damage on a successful attack.
Dead Calm V (Apprentice)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]
Dead Calm V (Apprentice)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]
Dead Calm V (Journeyman)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]
Dead Calm V (Adept)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]
Dead Calm V (Expert)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]
Dead Calm V (Master)onHit this spell has a 12% chance to cast Crypt's Revenge
Unparsed [MeleeAttackSpellEffectTemplate]