Witness Transcripts from Kane Bayle's Trial  

This quest is initiated by reading the book "From the Trial of Kane Bayle". This book can be purchased from Sage Indis Surion in South Qeynos (in the Mage's Tower). It consists of 9 kill tasks in the Crypt of Betrayal. After each step you must read the book again for the next step.

  1. 1 - 7 Restless Corspes
  2. 2 - 8 Restless Corpses
  3. 3 - 8 Diseased Corpses
  4. 4 - 10 Tortured Essences
  5. 5 - 9 Tortured Essences
  6. 6 - 7 Crypt Tempests
  7. 7 - 8 Crypt Tempests
  8. 8 - 10 Agonized Essences
  9. 9 - 15 Agonized Essences

The reward for this quest is a furniture version of the book.

Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2007-10-15 08:10:20.