eq2 quest:Going Home  

EverQuest II
Game Update #66
Scars of the Awakened
April 30, 2013
[96] Going Home (Solo)
Category: Cobalt Scar
To start:

Speak to Osh at 4281, -1076, 1454 in Cobalt Scar to begin this quest. You must complete A Salty Farewell from Nika before Osh will offer this quest.

  1. Head west to the shoreline.
  2. Dismount and use the /sit command (/sitchair will not work).
  3. Speak to Osh.
  4. Return to the rock and speak with Nika.
  5. Speak to Osh again on the rock.
  6. Follow Osh to the south, and don't fly as he requested. If you get too far ahead he will go back to the rock. He is slow getting off of the rock.
  7. Go from waypoint to waypoint as Osh says things about each.
  8. Eventually you'll find the zombie othmir. Osh asks you to drag them north, but killing them is simpler.
  9. Speak to Yeppa at 4265, -1095, 2046 to complete the quest.

To continue the quest series, speak with Merrik nearby at 4265, -1096, 2061 .

The Scar
A Poison Most Precious
Merrik's Mission
Cobalt Scar
Quest Series
Forsaken Village
Village of the Dead
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Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:Going_Home
This page last modified 2013-04-08 15:07:13.