The former inhabitants of Marrsfist Keep have risen from the dead and now attack all who are unlucky enough to stumble across them. I've been asked to travel inside this fallen outpost and slay a number of its forsaken inhabitants in hopes to finally putting to rest those affected by the curse of Gynok Moltor.
Stage 1
I must enter the Halls of the Forsaken and slay several of the forsaken soldiers and conscripts found inside.
Start: | I must slay several forsaken soldiers and conscripts. |
Complete: | I have slain one of the forsaken! |
I have entered the Halls of the Forsaken and slain a number of the forsaken inhabitants found inside.Stage 2
I need to return to Squire Hadley near the Ruins of Befallen and tell him I've completed my current task.
Start: | I need to speak with Squire Hadley. |
Complete: | I spoke with Squire Hadley. |
I returned to Squire Hadley and told him that I completed my current task. I have successfully slain a number of the forsaken inhabitants found in the former outpost of the Order of Marr's Fist.