eq2 quest:Deceiver's Fate  

EverQuest II
Tears of Veeshan
November 12, 2013

[101] Deceiver's Fate (Solo)
Category: Vesspyr Isles
To start:

Speak to Darathar at -749, 39, -179 on Veiled Thessk within the Vesspyr Isles to begin this quest.

  1. Touch the crystal next to Darathar
  2. Who didn't see that coming? Go visit Yelinak on Daarspire.
  3. Use the whisper column at 15, 195, -2
  4. Return to where Darathar is on Veiled Thessk and listen in.
  5. Speak to Drinal to complete the quest.


  • Chest Item
  • Coin

Shadow Hunter Vesspyr Isles
Quest Series
Veiled Thessk
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Choice of Chest (NOTE: Mitigation values you see will vary based on your Mitigation bonus):

Other Resources: EQ2i Human-Readable Link: http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/EQ2_Quest:Deceiver's_Fate
This page last modified 2013-11-15 17:03:40.