My Time with the Harpies - Page 10 My Time with the Harpies - Page 11 My Time with the Harpies - Page 14 My Time with the Harpies - Page 15 My Time with the Harpies - Page 22 My Time with the Harpies - Page 5 My Time with the Harpies - Page 8 My Time with the Harpies - Page 9
The items in this collection can all be found by collecting ground-spawn fluttering pages with a ! over them (and often as mob drops or in objects) in the zones listed unless noted differently below in the list of Items in this Collection.
When you have all the pages and the binding, talk to a Book Binder, or any Collector NPC, to restore the book and complete this quest for your reward and a very nice chunk of experience.
Items in this Collection
My Time With the Harpies Book: In a basket at the Char'Nik Village at 1234, -165, -1594
Page 5: no trade drop off of Windsister Jaggedfeathers in the Pillars of Flame
Page 8: tradeable drop off of Windsister Jaggedfeathers in Pillars of Flame or a ground spawn around 266, -103, -1297
Page 9: tradeable drop off of Scornfeathers in the Scornfeather Roost, also Windsister Jaggedfeathers
Page 10: In a fish bucket on the lower ledge area of the the Char'gin camp. 1217, -191, -1712
Page 11: From a rock at 1489, -127, -1024
Page 14: By examining a harpy nest at 700, -73, -1222 up a climbable wall in the Pillars of Flame.
Page 15: tradeable drop off of Windsisters in the Pillars of Flame
Page 22: tradeable drop off of Harpies in the Pillars of Flame