< All Guild Hall Amenities
Most decoration amenities have no upkeep, but are usually restricted to higher tier guild halls, and sometimes, a requirement for guild level. Many decoration amenities do not consume an amenity slot.
Freeport - Courtyard Landmark Statue: Domination
Qeynos - Courtyard Landmark Statue: Resolution
- Decoration - T3 only.
- Required Guild Level: 80
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 300p, 30,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Freeport - Courtyard Statue: Conqueror, East

Courtyard Statue in a Tier 3 Qeynos Hall
Qeynos -
Courtyard Statue: Sentry, East
- Decoration - T3 only.
- Required Guild Level: 75
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 50p, 5,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Freeport - Courtyard Statue: Conqueror, North
Qeynos - Courtyard Statue: Sentry, North
- Decoration - T3 only.
- Required Guild Level: 75
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 50p, 5,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Freeport -
Courtyard Statue: Conqueror, SouthQeynos - Courtyard Statue: Sentry, South
- Decoration - T3 only.
- Required Guild Level: 75
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 50p, 5,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Freeport - Courtyard Statue: Conqueror, West
Qeynos - Courtyard Statue: Sentry, West
- Decoration - T3 only.
- Required Guild Level: 75
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 50p, 5,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Freeport & Qeynos - Grotto Sailing Ship
- Decoration - T3 only
- Required Guild Level: 75
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 200p, 20,000,000 status
- No Upkeep

Hall Guards in a Tier 3 Hall
Freeport and Qeynos -
Maj'Dulian Orrery
- Decoration - T2 and T3.
- Required Guild Level: 60
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 100p, 10,000,000 status
- No Upkeep
Any Hall - Hall Guard
- Can purchase a maximum of fifty (50) guards for the guild hall
- NPC - Placeable guards
- Amenity Purchase Cost: 1p, 100,000 status
- Weekly Amenity Upkeep: 2g, 500 status
< All Guild Hall Amenities
This page last modified 2012-12-02 08:52:15.