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Azryanka is a thiefFollow

#1 Mar 07 2007 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce myself. My name is Kylidon (also known as Jadefox). Leader of TrueOrigins LS. I am here to tell you that one of my closest friends on Shiva and also our LS treasurer ran off with 10mil of our LS coffer. Beware of Azryanka. This person cannot be trusted. Over 3 years, we have been good friends. Our LS helped her alot. As I remembered, a last event we helped her was Yin Yang NM. We helped camped the NM and killed it for over 5 days. I was personally there in those 5 days.
I am not asking for pity but simply to tell you about this person,Azryanka.
She betrayed my trust and the trust of many people in the LS. A good friendship and trust of many people sold for only 10mil in gil. Be ware of Azryanka.
#2 Mar 07 2007 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Edited, yup, I deleted it.. Nice two sides to every story.. No sympathy. =/

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 11:00pm by Nieko
#3 Mar 07 2007 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
Kylidon; Most of all I'm sorry your friendship and trust was broken that way.

Even though this is a *game*; the lines between play and reality draw very close - especially when it involves the length of time you have known this person and played this game.

Greed does many things and can take many forms. Sometimes the things that hurt us the most make us stronger and smarter!

I can just say to you; pick yourself up, brush yourself off and keep doing what you and your linkshell have done best - and that is helping people. The core of who you all are and what you stand for will attract new people who have the same ideals and values as you. In turn you are rid of someone who showed their true colors.

It sounds to me like the most important things your linkshell possesses still remain: honesty; kindness and helpfulness.

Those things are worth far more than 10 million gil could ever buy!


#4 Mar 10 2007 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
358 posts

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 12:57pm by AshMulder
#5 Mar 11 2007 at 5:07 PM Rating: Default
I want you all to know the "Real Truth" behind this story...
For 1 it's only been like a year. Azryanka is not the bad person here. She spent alot of her time helping this ls when it was up & running. She never asked but one thing from this ls except help with YinYang nm. She was in this ls from beginning & til the end when Kylidon up and left LS w/o warning for bout 6 months leaving her with the ls fun yes. So she held onto it for a couple months while soon enough everyone that was in ls was gone except her. So what's she to do with all that gil. After carefull thought and helpfull opinions from several people that told her "It's your's do with it what you want there's noone left of that ls", she then preseded to buy the rest of her Elemental staffs with the gils. So then months went by & Kylidon comes back to game...she didn't have the heart to tell him that there's no more ls nor gil. Till this day there's only 2-3 original members there. so who will the gil go to anyways i ask you your opinion mine is himself. He is one gready person in mine. One thing he said when he did come back is one of the first things he wants to do is become filthy rich. I hope this helps everyone understand eveything but if not please do post i am willing to give more imput on this situation.
#6 Mar 12 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
Personally ive known Azry for a very long time so Kyli posting she is a thief is a really sh*tty thing to say. I still remember seeing her with TO's pearl on when there was no one left due to Kyli's sudden decision to leave. Im not about to flame anyone but Kyli this shouldn't have been brought to forums, this was something you should have left in game and maybe sorted out between yourselves.
#7 Mar 13 2007 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
but cadoine, we people of shiva need drama. the drama is what keeps us going =(
#8 Mar 13 2007 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
Hey im all for drama, personally i get my fix from K.I as its always juicier than Alla. But Azry is a friend and she doesnt need to be the reason for peoples daily drama fix.
#9 Mar 13 2007 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
In response to Caodoine: You do not have a voice in this matter. For one, you got kicked out of True Origins for causing too much drama in the LS. So you defending this matter is only natural trying to get back at me. Two, greed knows no frienship. Everyone has a breaking point. But some have higher than others to betray their friendship or in this case both. Even if you know that person from childhood. People do change. And also, when it comes to money, it's the most common cause of all betrayals.
#10 Mar 14 2007 at 1:08 AM Rating: Default
I lol'd! Kyli i screenshotted the conversation informing you i had left TO then you desacked me and then i told you just to break the pearl. I didnt cause drama in your ls, you did that by allowing certain people with a bad reputation join the ls. And no this is nothing to do with you this is me defending Azry, someone i have known and respected for a lot longer than ive known you. You're making her out to be some sort of malicious person and she really isnt. I wouldnt even say she'd had bad advice being told to keep the gil especially as she helped get the gil in the first place. You left Kyli, did you think everyone was going to be sat patiently waiting on your return?

But if you'd properly read my post you would see that i said you should have sorted it in game instead of bringing it here.

Edited, Mar 14th 2007 5:53am by Icegem
#11 Mar 14 2007 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
I pity you on convincing yourself that you made no error. Show us the screenshot(s). That whole fiesco took more than 3 weeks of you nagging at me. This will be my last respond to Cadoine. Not worth bothering anymore.
#12 Mar 14 2007 at 3:43 AM Rating: Decent
In response to Noneyafckwhatever:

First of all, you need to go back to elementary school and learn your spelling and grammar. 2, Don't hide behind a mask, reveal your true identity. Because without it, you have no credibility in the matter. You are a coward behind a mask. 3, you have no respect for viewers of these forums.

Now back to the back topic, ladies and gentlemen:

1, The Yin Yang wasn't the only things that we helped Azryanka with: Optical hat, RDM AFs, and many other things but at that time, I admit, she was worth the help since we were really good friends. It was more of like spending time with a friend then a burden of helping another person.
2. You stated that "she held [the fund] for a couple of months," so that was all our friendship was worth. Two months! If I was to be in a bad car accidently for 3 months and became then the LS coffer was already spent. Very surprise how friendship can be so short or event trust.
3. I claimed wanting to be "filthy rich" had nothing to do with the LS coffer. Azyranka wasn't much active in the LS. She wanted to join another sea LS and rarely seen in the LS. So the coffer needs to come back to the LS and split between the old members. I don't need 10mil to be filthy rich and sell my reputation for a price. I have bonecraft and leathercraft 100+3, alchemy 94+3, smithing 90+2, and thf lvl'ed to 75. I don't need to spoil my reputation and label myself as a thief just over a small amount of gil. The coffer isn't mine alone.
#13 Mar 14 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you for those who showed concern. I am grateful. My message was clear. Azryanka cannot be trusted. Selling a good friendship over 10mil of gil. You can't really trust anyone. Only time will tell and with abit of enticement.

Thank you all
#14 Mar 14 2007 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
I would kill you in brenner steal your VE and pee on your grave for 10 mil.
#15 Mar 14 2007 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
I showed no error? lol i did i showed plenty of error i stayed in your ls as long as i did...

"2. You stated that "she held [the fund] for a couple of months," so that was all our friendship was worth. Two months! If I was to be in a bad car accidently for 3 months and became then the LS coffer was already spent. Very surprise how friendship can be so short or event trust."

Please dont correct someone else's grammar when yours clearly needs work. Btw you were gone alot longer than 2 months. Ive shown those screenshots to a few people now and in none of them does it show me being kicked but me asking you to break the shell.

Also nagging is what i do best especially when i feel the person im nagging is in the wrong lol

Anyway i hope you get everything cleared up. I wish you luck in your adventures in this game ^^
#16 Mar 14 2007 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
Hello again,
I really did not intend on repling again, but here i am. Kylidon i don't know who the hell you are talking about but i was with Azryanka for all of her Rdm af and i don't recall you ever being there so once again you are wrong. Also if i remember right in that oh run she also help plenty others to get thier hat too and didn't just up and leave when she got hers. I've know her a whole hell of a lot longer then you and i know for a fact that she is always willing to help and just because she was doing all this helping when probably you wern't on don't mean she wasn't helping. She always helped the ls members cause she would always turn me down for help cause she was always helping them first. If 10 mil gil is of such a small amount of gil then what are you doing all the ranting for then. Get over it and move on.

And i would like to THank Cadoine for being such a great support and friend to Azryanka i'm sure she really apreciates it. I so know you have known her a great long time and been in many ls's together and she thinks very highly of you. I just wish she knew and can coment on this herself but her computer is down atm. Thank you.
#17 Mar 14 2007 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
Heya Kylidon!! Long time no see!

Unfortunately, there are some critical points I would like to bring to your attention concerning your recent posts:

Firstly, before you critisize another person's grammar you should look upon your own work and proof read what you have written. I won't take my time to point out these mistakes but if you re-read what you posted i am sure you could work it out.

Ok, onto the topic. If I remember correctly did you not declare yourself officially quit? Assuming I am right then this puts a whole new perspective on the matter at hand... 3 Months away from the game because of a sustained injury is completely different to leaving. I understand the fury you would be feeling about someone breaking your trust but to be completely honest, think about it this way... If you had never returned, that money would have been wasted just sitting there gathering dust, so the advice she was given sounds to me justified.

As for Cadoine... I have personally seen these Screenshots, and in the risk of creating more drama, they show exactly what she has mentioned. She asked to be removed from the Linkshell because of the immature behaviour that often occured in there which included yourself.

Thanks for listening,


Edited, Mar 14th 2007 11:28am by FFMidgie
#18 Mar 15 2007 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
358 posts
meh azry could have still shared the 10mil with ls members instead off running off with it...say that kill was leaving, say that she was told told to keep it, it still seems like greed and thievery to me.
#19 Mar 15 2007 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
i think that the best way to resolve this matter is to give the 10mil to a third party, so neither Kylidon/Jadefox or Azryanka would have it... i volunteer myself to be that third party ^^;
#20 Mar 15 2007 at 5:28 PM Rating: Default
Hello my children. In case you didn't notice, I am an outsider to all of this, brought in to share the amusement of an anonymous friend of mine. Having read everything that has been said in this topic, I have a number of comments:

1. "Even though this is a *game*; the lines between play and reality draw very close - especially when it involves the length of time you have known this person and played this game." - This quote worries me somewhat, because to my mind your stars suggest you question whether or not FFXI is in fact a game. It is. Trust me. Real life doesnt have a good enough graphics card.

2. Kylidon - you sir need to calm the frog down. Your absense was long, whether or not it was intentional, and it really isn't fair of you to expect someone to hang around holding 10million of any currency for very long. If you buggered off for x amount of months and left me with a suitcase full of 10million quid, you'd have a caseful of IOUs by the time you came back. Also, with regard to your put downs: bad form. Don't do the superior "I pity you" bit. You can't pull that off unless you have an actual brain with which to be superior.

3. Azryanka - first of all, cool name. Second - good on you. Anyone that waits as long as they can deem sensible before blowing the cash on cool ivory back scratchers and other such gear is a moral individual indeed. I presume Kylidon (whose name isnt too bad, but sounds a bit like a dinosaur) would have preferred you to throw it away unused. Saying you should have waited appears to be a moot point, since the gist of things seems to say that Kylidon was not expected to return.

4. "Flaming" - as you may have noticed by now, I am not an online gamer (so anyone that has been thinking I'm a WoW troublemaker is wrong; I have bills to pay before I pay for MMO games). As such, I'm not actually sure what flaming means. However I do get the sense that is not something one does, so if this post counts as flaming, I apologise.

Peace be with you

(PS: It's only a game, so put up a real big fight....Any Big Break fans in the house :P)
#21 Mar 16 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
106 posts
Quote: (PS: It's only a game, so put up a real big fight....Any Big Break fans in the house :P)

LOL even Mr Virgo couldnt find a trick shot to end this thread

#22 Mar 16 2007 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
I don't care about the rest of the argument(s). The buttom line is, there is no justifiable reason for stealing someone's hard earn money. Azryanka wasn't the only one that helped contribute to the coffer. 2 months I was absent from the the game and she already spent the LS coffer. For anyone that support her side, is just as immoral as she is. My message was simple and to let people know that Azryanka is not to be trusted. I consider this matter closed, but this event made me realized who are on my side and who aren't. This already take some of my time and for a person that betrayed my trust, it doesn't worth anymore of my time.

Thank you for those showed concern. Wish you the best of luck!
#23 Mar 16 2007 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
So lets say that when you came back to the game, and Azryanka gave you back that 10 mil he/she was holding on to. Would you then pass the gil back out to the rest of your shell? or the people that was in your shell but helped you build up that coffer? Since it looks like your shell was dead.

Also I find it funny that mostly everyone that posted in defense of Azryanka had to hide there online name with another online name. That would be funny if its the same person over and over again.
#24 Mar 16 2007 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
probaly is the same person just look at the ip records admin's are you there?
#25 Mar 16 2007 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
"Also I find it funny that mostly everyone that posted in defense of Azryanka had to hide there online name with another online name. That would be funny if its the same person over and over again."

While I am admittedly all seeing and all knowing, I am not all-people. I can understand your error, but I can assure you that the people defending are not all the same person. Spoken like a true superiority-complex sufferer; how it can be called suffering, however, is up for debate.

Peace be with you,

(PS: "I can see clearly now the game is gone" - my own adaptation of a popular classic. Opinions and constructive criticism welcome :D)
#26 Mar 16 2007 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
"Also I find it funny that mostly everyone that posted in defense of Azryanka had to hide there online name with another online name. That would be funny if its the same person over and over again."

Im not hiding my name, you can clearly see it in my sig and also in a few of the posts that other people have made. In fact i think theres only 2 anons in this thread.
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