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Nmuk 2Follow

#77 Jul 03 2005 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
He was not mean to you in the link, you were mean to him first. You were asking for trouble there.
#78 Jul 03 2005 at 12:09 AM Rating: Good
This may sound rude but that isnt my objetive
How many time do i have to say he started it from before.....
#79 Jul 03 2005 at 12:12 AM Rating: Excellent
It doesnt matter who started it in the begining, both of you continue it. Then you try and act like you never did anything wrong. You are just a guilty as he is. You are not defending your self you provoke it.
#80 Jul 03 2005 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
Cmon do you actulay think i want to prolong it. im just not giving him the last word and not letting him brag or whatever about it. And im not the kinda person who lets asses like him insult me and act like that and not say anything.

And i have nothing agianst you or any1 else except dark and the way he acts.

#81 Jul 03 2005 at 12:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Cmon do you actulay think i want to prolong it.

im just not giving him the last word and not letting him brag or whatever about it. And im not the kinda person who lets asses like him insult me and act like that and not say anything.
I know this is a hard concept for a teenage male to understand, but your second statement says you want to prolong it. There are times when things need to be ignored, and fights not worth fighting.

Here is an example, A group of guys jump you every time you walk dpwn a street. They do this all the time, and nothing stops them. Then one day you see the lead guy by himself, so you clobber him, he's down and not going to fight back anytime soon, but neither are you since there was a cop across the street who saw the whole thing.

Now in the example you did nothing worst then what they other guys did, but you are going to be the only one punished because you chose the wrong fight.
#82 Jul 03 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
Im sorry but you just dont understand, im not going to let him walk over me thats the simple explanation.
#83 Jul 03 2005 at 12:37 AM Rating: Excellent
It is not a matter of getting walked over, it is picking fights. You will understand it when you get older.
#84 Jul 03 2005 at 12:41 AM Rating: Decent
701 posts
dah I said **** it half way through, Sef, fix yer ******* spelling its pissing me off (god I love hypacracy), and please stop saying were blind and what not because I really hate it when people think they know whats going on and they think they have the answers (just like I am doing nowz!) but in reality have no bloody clue what 2+2 is.

teenage male
bah lol Dirges he does not represent the rest of us teenage males, he hasn't made any reference to sex yet anyway :P

m sorry but you just dont understand, im not going to let him walk over me thats the simple explanation.

bah just listen to him, Dark's never been an *** to me and **** if I care either way, probably like something dirges said, if your feeding a fire and you get to close and you end up burning some of your skin, and then you hit the fire with a stick and the stick catches on fire so you hit it again and again with multiple sticks...point is fire doesn't go out if you hit it with a stick o_O
my aftershave is called Troll :)

Edited, Sun Jul 3 01:42:22 2005 by Spife
#85 Jul 03 2005 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
Realy i dont want to pick a fight, this thread has gone on to long, my point was and still is im not letting dark or any1else insult me and walk over me. i never like to argue and have never meant to start a argument, wether you beleive it or not. Im standing up for my self if he didnt insult me more after i told him to stop it would of been over but every time he did.

And how do you know im not 30 or something its the interent personal info can mean nothing.

Anyways im done here im getting tired and need to go to bed soon anyways. Ive stated my point and am sticking by it, and i realy didnt want to argue or to argue any more im jsut not letting people get the best of me.

not seing the post before this, hes been exspecialy a *** to me and idk why he hates me so much.

And ive tried to fix any spelling mistakes i made sorry if i missed any.

Edited, Sun Jul 3 01:52:43 2005 by SefanaPPO
#86 Jul 03 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
Dark do you hate every1 that has a post count under 1k?
Honestly thats what it seems like.

Im serious though he acts like a *** and is rude, mean(without going into explict terms),ect. to every1 here that isnt a "vet", which i should techinaly be coasidered since ive been here a long time.

He's being funny to you?
Ive been here as long as some of theese of theese people im just not as active of a poster as some.

Sorry but post counts dont matter to me if so i'd hate nmuk forever with his 1 post count.

I just dont like you it's that simple. Dont try to read between the lines there is nothing there i dont like you accept it and move on you will live a happier and healthier life.

And i've been rude an *** and just ******* meaner then a 80 year old man who's been wearing the same diapers for 2 weeks straight to people with 10k post counts. Posting doesnt make you better or worse then me. I am no better then anybody with a 1 post count or a 50k post count. Post counts is a trivial thing if it meant so much to me i'd be over 10k with the amount of time that i have been on alla.

HE puts down everything i say and most other people with lower post counts then him. I dont know how most here let it slide but he gets favor when he tells people to shut up(nice people i mean)

Id have no problem with him if he didnt act like this.

MY last word to you dark is Wtf is your problem with me?

Thats not true i put you down because i dont like you, i put people down that flame or post stupid topics which war did today which is what this thread is about. If dirges,sing,nash or anybody else for that matter made this post or one like it they would get the same treatment.

I honestly dont know how your all blind to this and its kinda starting to **** me off when hes like this and you agree with him.

Nobody is agreeing with me, we all have our own oppinions of each other and we take the good with the bad. Some peoples oppinions may lean towards mine but with a slight variance. Not one person here defends me if they make a post which in your oppinion is agreeing with me that is them stating there oppinion on that subject at hand.

Your talking to the wrong one here, I have called dark an ***, and do call him on stuff. The one thing that makes him better then you is he admits it. You try to act all innocent when you arnt. You prolong it just as much as he does, and are as much of an ***.

Yup you do and that is why you are a respected member of the community. Not just on knowledge but your general attitude and persona.'

Sef you would make a good sub...your a glutten for punishment. You just keep going on and on if you just learned to drop it and move on it would be over by now. I fight with people then i help them with legitimate questions then back to fighting. You make this seem like your the center of the world and your just come off as a whiner. Just slap yourself wake up or slap your mother either or and get on with life.

I admit I AM AN ***!!!! but it's who i am im cynical sarcastic and pestimistic. I believe in murphy's law i only see the bad things. So yes i am an *** and until they pass a federal law stating i cannot be an *** in which case i'd go on a shooting spree you will just have to live with it.
#87 Jul 03 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
stuck up person who sees one thing and wont acept anything else

That sounds kinda like Sefana.
#88 Jul 03 2005 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
Moo moo! I vote for you Spife! Can I be your campaign manager?
#89 Jul 03 2005 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
bah lol Dirges he does not represent the rest of us teenage males, he hasn't made any reference to sex yet anyway :P
And how do you know im not 30 or something its the interent personal info can mean nothing.
You both are right, I have no idea if DeathDeifier is male or female or how old, but I do know he acts like a teenage male. DeathDeifier if you are 30, you need to stop sucking your mommas tit, and grow up. That macho man attitude is for children.

Edited, Sun Jul 3 10:32:04 2005 by dirges
#91 Jul 03 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
This is my favorite thread.
#93 Jul 03 2005 at 11:02 AM Rating: Default
701 posts
right on this one is pretty good, it would be better if Spife weren't so stupidly karma gimped *hint hint hint* and if I wasn't so bloody hungry
go Nmuk! I don't think I minded Sef, the thing that got me is that he's got a 60 nec... which isn't a problem oh no not at all I'm not a nec basher **** give rogues pets and quit complaining :) but he had this additude that was as if he knew all, which is ok for 60's to have it just can't be over exercised. My problem with someone who acts like this with a 60 nec (or any class that gets a really good pet at around 45-50 and has the chance to get from 45-60 in a week, or just has a chance to get from 45-60 in a week, thats just me thought) is that for all we know, you did take that 45-60 in a week (I'm betting its achievable but spife never gets perm groups) and in that case your no more knowlegeable then a lazy lvl 45. I appologize if this isn't the case. Still, the guys got a 60 nec and a couple of 20's, I don't even have a 60 and I have more then a couple of 20's, he might too but like, if they're only 20's and not higher.... Thats just me though :)
plus his spellings not too hot, I mean, I know mines crap but my average spelling is decent
sorry if I offended anyone, wait, no I'm not (ha who am I kidding yes I am)

Edited, Sun Jul 3 12:11:25 2005 by Spife
#94 Jul 03 2005 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
really good pet at around 45-50 and has the chance to get from 45-60
I was level 55 for 2 months...
#95 Jul 03 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
701 posts
ok now quote me where I accused you of doing said thing
#96 Jul 03 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
Looks like sefano has a rate lame
#97 Jul 03 2005 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
Who are we talking about, Nmuk2, Sefana, or darkandsinfull? I'm confused. Everyone seems to be getting off topic, or just changing the topic completely. (I went off topic too, so don't get mad at me for posting this).
#98 Jul 03 2005 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
I'm blind with rage because you posted that.
#99 Jul 03 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
When some idiot makes a flame thread usually gets hijacked within 5 min. So be as off topic as you want.

This started out as a stfu thread to nmuk then sefana turned into into a thread about me then it backlashed at him.

#100 Jul 03 2005 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
266 posts
Etiquette people please... You know, we are living in a society.

On a hijack note

Halo is probally the best first person shooter i've ever played

I personally found the Unreal Tournaments to be much more fun.
Smiley: twocents
#101 Jul 03 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
3,605 posts
Etiquette people please... You know, we are living in a society.

Yeah and your point?

Only etiquette i follow is not to urinate upstream when the rest of my friends are fishing downstream.

I personally found the Unreal Tournaments to be much more fun.

For multi match yes it is set up better, but halo has a good story line and game play.

Im looking forward to the next unreal game coming out for ps3 the scenes at E3 was sweet
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