Trials of Iksarhood  

CategoryKunzar Jungle
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Min Coin: 19g, 93s, 2c
Max Coin: 22g, 2s, 3c
Glowing Gem of Casting Haste
Faction Changes:

Bax wants to go kill Yellowfang, the toughest tiger in the jungle.

  1. Signal to Bax you are ready. This is a right-click on Bax. Yellowfang will spawn instantly but will not be attackable until Bax leaves the cave.
  2. He follows you.
  3. Yellowfang is just across the river to the north.
  4. Clear the way to Yellowfang and kill him.
  5. Follow Bax back to his cave and hail him there to complete this quest
A Hunter is Only as Good as His Tools Kunzar Jungle
Quest Series
Kunzar Jungle Villages
Dressed the Part
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Categories: EverQuest II | EQ2 Quests
This page last modified 2009-01-17 11:43:44.