Be Prepared  

Only evil aligned players may do this quest series. If you are good aligned, begin with the quest Introduction to the Ravens.

Speak to Commissioner Varla Z'Velran at -61,139,274 in Frostfang Sea to begin this quest.

Varla is not pleased that you came back without the Ravens' agreement. She is ready to convince them otherwise with your help.

  1. Gather 25 harvests from any of the following: severed maple, electrum cluster, rough turquoise, iron cluster or tuber strands
  2. Return to Varla


  • +250 faction with your tradeskill society
  • Choice of one T2 rare harvest

Demands to the Ravens New Halas Tradeskill Quests
Quest Series
Evil Aligned
Superior Spears
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Categories: EQ2 Quests | EverQuest II
This page last modified 2010-08-13 16:10:46.