The Mystery of the Secret Cabal  

CategoryWorld Event
Level100 (Scales)
Related Zone:
Required Mobs:
Related Items:
Stone of Obscuration
passage rune stone
Min Coin: 57s, 32c
Max Coin: 1g, 64s, 35c
The Resplendent Scepter of Fyr
The Glowing Scepter of Fyr
The Intense Scepter of Fyr
The Scepter of Fyr
Click here to see more below!

Game Update #48
Breaking Ground
Live: Sept. 3, 2008

  1. Head to The Down Below. At -130, 0, -197 you'll find a prison looking place with a clicky on the door. Head into the crypt and once you are inside A Secret Lodge of the Cabal Fyr'un, click on the rune inside your bag that turns you invis (you should have two items it's the bigger rock looking one).
  2. Once invis (you'll look red) head over to the npcs down a ways in the crypt once you get to them you'll see a chat bubble to continue them talking get a safe distance away and clicky away
  3. Half way through this you'll be seen and be attacked, if you stick far enough away you won't get them all at once only about half or so, they aren't too tough. Kill them.
  4. After all the mobs are dead there will be an amulet on the floor, click it and enjoy...or not
  5. you'll have an "out of body experience" - a cut scene showing a bunch of Shadowed Brutes, like 50, around a pillar with a female in orange robes at the top, it showed my character standing next to her.
  6. head back to North Qeynos again to the temple and speak with the Shepherd
  7. get pretties!!

An "out of body" experience!

The Adventure of the Undercover Disciple Void Storms Part 4
Quest Series
Re-gifting the Amulet of Benediction
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This article refers to events, personae, items and activities that were involved in the Void Storms World Event, which started with GU46 and ran until The Shadow Odyssey went live. The event has now concluded, but this information is retained for historical purposes.

This page last modified 2009-03-23 22:38:14.