Zone: Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana (remove)
Viewing 1 to 8 of 8 entries.
Name | Level | Zone | Grants AA |
Quillmane | 34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | Yes |
Centaur Charger | 33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |
A Lioness | 31-33 ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |
Aviak Rook | 31-33 ^ | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |
Aviak Harrier | 31-33 ^ | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |
Aviak Avocet | 31-33 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |
The Ishva Mal | 34 ^ ^ ^ Heroic | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | Yes |
A Ranger | 1 v v v | Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana | No |