Echoes of the Ancients V  

Class: Mystic
Echoes of the Ancients V Icon
An impairment that reduces the max health, noxious resistance and elemental resistance to an entire enemy encounter. "Choose to be strong of body and not strong of soul." - General Urduuk
Echoes of the Ancients V (Apprentice)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.5
Decrease elemental of target by 902.857142857143
Decrease noxious of target by 902.857142857143
Echoes of the Ancients V (Apprentice)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.4250015
Decrease elemental of target by 857.715188571428
Decrease noxious of target by 857.715188571428
Echoes of the Ancients V (Journeyman)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.65
Decrease elemental of target by 993.142857142857
Decrease noxious of target by 993.142857142857
Echoes of the Ancients V (Adept)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 1.8
Decrease elemental of target by 1083.42857142857
Decrease noxious of target by 1083.42857142857
Echoes of the Ancients V (Expert)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 2.1
Decrease elemental of target by 1264
Decrease noxious of target by 1264
Echoes of the Ancients V (Master)Decrease maxhppercfinal of target by 2.4
Decrease elemental of target by 1444.57142857143
Decrease noxious of target by 1444.57142857143